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Yeah---  its me again.. back with a sickly apology again as some would say but I realise i did wrong posting a link to a new Forum on here and am thankfull i didn't get banned.. I closed the place down coz i felt that bad after some of the FMs comments in a Mass PM on here... Then got the backlash from those who who enjoyed the place. Special  Hugs and regrets go out to Tates,Xoch,Scotty and Ditty    The place is now open again---and NO--- this is not a recruitment addy-- You choose wether to come back or not--- This is just to say sorry to those who i feel i let down.... Slate me if you want--- i deserve it--but i need to be part of this place as well, coz a lot of good friends are still here.

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I didn't realise you'd had so much flack from setting up your site. I joined because I've had problems getting in here etc and still wanted to talk about some stuff that's talked about here. I wasn't around when your site went down, only knew something had happened when I realised I had to re-register, which I have. I felt the intention of your site was a backup for when/if people needed it, not as an opposition. I'll still visit your Forum when I can and this one when I can 
Yellow Rose
Reference: Barney
real - don't fret - on the grand scale of things it aint really a problem
I agree barney I reregisterd as you know Real and It has been a good back up for me,I come on here and post and when there is nothing else to post, I go over to shady pines and post I am back and forward seeing familiar faces over there who are still posting on here as I am,hope to see you posting here soon
If I were you I'd reply to all the pm's with a big F OFF!
It was a mass PM that Real sent...obviously you didn't get it...everything else that everyone else commented upon was said very publicly. I have no opinion on whether Real was right or wrong, but some did and voiced their opinion and Real reacted very badly to that.
Geez why doesn't everyone lighten up? (you included Real) It's not the end of the world, and you are free to do what you want here within the rules, if the mods feel you break those rules they will deal with you how they see fit.

It's that old saying again you can please some of the people all the time, you can please all the people some of the time, but you cant please all the people all the time.... which i think you try to do.

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