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i really am not keen on this place-i just dont like it-i dont
and whilst im grateful to the gaga people for giving us a home..
this place feels empty, like a tomb, echo like and full of dead bored people
its not the same
it feels odd and lonely
i like (most of) you lot-you make me laugh, we have discussions etc..and we get on
but this place seems-i dunno-its not the same-its like were not together anymore
its only a semi-flounce
but the main thing is i used to look forward to logging in first thing and now i cant be arsed-if i do, i do and if i dont, i dont care and i doubt anyone else does

what happened?

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Er...I don't think so!
You're genuinely not allowed to go anywhere I'm afraid

Seriously though, I do think it'll get better in a few weeks, when everyone's settled down more and gotten used to it properly. I'm fine with it and I know a lot of others are, but for the others who don't like it/don't feel at home etc. I'm really sure that it'll just feel like home again soon (I am keeping my fingers crossed about this).
They same thing happened when we all moved from Channel 4 to gaga.  Plus, there is always a bit of a let down after BB finishes.  People who are only interested in BB leave the forum to go off to other places to discuss other things.

I'm really beginning to like it here.  There are the blogs that are sometimes interesting to read.  I will do a blog when I have something to say that I feel just can't be said in a short post, but not everyone likes to do a blog and that's fine too.

The forum format is a bit different, but only needs a bit of time to get used to.
I know what you mean about the `feel` of the place charmer.
I feel it a little (so-to-speak) but it is slowly getting better.
One of the main reasons, I believe, is the let-down period after a Big Brother series ends.
I don`t like the look as much as our previous place - a bit sprawling and untidy for me; not as compact.
But I'm not leaving, and I expect to feel better about it day by day.
Reference: Suzi-Q
They same thing happened when we all moved from Channel 4 to gaga
I have to disagree there.  I remember it so clearly it was wonderful it felt just like home that was what was so wonderful, instantly feeling at home and seeing others come on board.  We weren't happy with the smilies but very quickly found we could import our own and we had such fun doing that and starting smiley threads.  Totally totally different to how this feels.
Reference:Jackson B
i just don't get the 'feeling' thing. like it feels 'huge and echoey'... just don't get it.
Just have a think how many names you are not seeing on here, ones that usually are here in between series of BB.  So many names missing in action.  They have not stayed to discuss how different it feels they have just voted with their feet.
i just don't get the 'feeling' thing. like it feels 'huge and echoey'... just don't get it

. Just have a think how many names you are not seeing on here, ones that usually are here in between series of BB.  So many names missing in action.  They have not stayed to discuss how different it feels they have just voted with their feet.
quite a few are in the sinking ship, some are in the forum group, they pop out now and then for a sniff of the air...
i mosey around people's blogs and  say 'ello on there, or throw stuff at their walls.

have to say i was put off posting here as it's been full of doom and gloom, recently.

but onward and upward eh?

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