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Originally Posted by Syd:

Why do I do this to myself? I know it's because of my support for LIVE FEED.......


'But' Jeeeeeeezzzzz, we deserve a bliddy medal..............



you sure do and in the editing room  ....  2 hours condensed to 2 mins 


Originally Posted by MrsH:



9.55am: Dexter is telling Charlie how cute she was last night.



He's got to maintain the pretence till Monday.


He's in too deep now. With us, the viewers.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Why do I do this to myself? I know it's because of my support for LIVE FEED.......


'But' Jeeeeeeezzzzz, we deserve a bliddy medal..............



you sure do and in the editing room  ....  2 hours condensed to 2 mins 


But you don't understand. You don't understand. Trying to downplay her insight.


Well last night she proved she has plenty.


Nailed him with no wriggle room  


No rose tinted specs here.



Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I was just going to say that MrsH ^ after reading last night's LF Dexter says that  he's either playing her like a fiddle or he really does like her 

And if you believe that you'll believe anything.


I wouldn't like to buy a used car off him, that's for sure.


I don't actually believe Dexter's 'in love' with her tbh.    I also believe that Charlie KNOWS he's not in love with her, but rather than do what a normal person would do and just tell him he's full of shit and walk away, she's loving the attention and trying to make him declare himself every which way and she's boring the pants off me.   Self centred, whingebag that she is.


I do however think Dexter's a great game player that's had a bloomin' hard time in there and he's played a blinder - he's my winner.   

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Too lazy to move - bizarrely watching super casino for the first time.


Is LF looking any good?

Dexter being questioned by Charlie in the pool over his supposed womanising!

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Too lazy to move - bizarrely watching super casino for the first time.


Is LF looking any good?

Dexter being questioned by Charlie in the pool over his supposed womanising!

Thanks for the update!

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Oh no vodka and coke.


Hide it from Charlie!


And FOOD..!  Hide the food 'cos I can't face the chomping

Let's just gag her and be done with it.

   ... that's enough to send me to bed!    That's me done with this BB then.. away until Tues/Wed... no chance of avoiding seeing who wins I don't suppose.  Enjoy the final everyone - Dex to win!      Bring on the celebs!


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