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Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Well Hazel doing what she does best, get everybody in a pack and attack her offender! No one should be surprised, she did that back in the early days against Dexter, Callum and to a lesser extent to Gina. Cahrlie's mate obviously thought  she was doing Charlie a favour but in fact has stitched her up like a kipper! I might sound harsh here, but it serves Charlie right, she manipulated Callum, played him like a cheap violin,blew hot and cold with both him and Dexter, she didn't give a shit, when her mother and Dan gunned for him every week, because she had her horsefaced mother doing her bidding. I hope Callum is somewhere having a drink, chilling out, and laughing his socks off. Charlie thought she was too clever, and finally her sly ways have been exposed, I can't stand her.

I agree with that. Apart from her friend stitching her up by talking about something not related to Charlie at all I think Charlie's been her own worst enemy. Her constant lengthy chats with different hm's seeking out their opinion, that in the end she takes no notice of, and blunders her way into situations that later she has to address and apologise for has made me realise for a while she has a lot of unresolved issues that she's taken into the house hoping someone, anyone, will sort them out for her...just my opinion.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

When the dust settles in the morning - don't you think that they may all put two and two together .......will they understand the 'homewrecker  Hazel chants' and the resounding boos - the get Hazel out chants. Will Charlies friends nomination make a bit more sense.


I wonder what Hazel will be thinking as she lies in bed tonight. Do gou think the penny might finally dfop?

As I've understood it there are 2 different versions of the Daley/Hazel night. One put out by BB and one put out by another channel that has extra footage not shown by BB. If BB thought Hazel's actions were as bad as Daley's surely they would have evicted her as well. I'm not prepared to slate Hazel unless or until the real truth is revealed.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

When the dust settles in the morning - don't you think that they may all put two and two together .......will they understand the 'homewrecker  Hazel chants' and the resounding boos - the get Hazel out chants. Will Charlies friends nomination make a bit more sense.


I wonder what Hazel will be thinking as she lies in bed tonight. Do gou think the penny might finally dfop?

As I've understood it there are 2 different versions of the Daley/Hazel night. One put out by BB and one put out by another channel that has extra footage not shown by BB. If BB thought Hazel's actions were as bad as Daley's surely they would have evicted her as well. I'm not prepared to slate Hazel unless or until the real truth is revealed.

It's not that infamous night that I'm alluding  to. The boos and homewreecker chants started before that. Like a lot of people Charlies friend had made her mind up before thzt encounter. Whilst some people felt a lot of sympaathy for Hazel after that night (whatever media outldt they watched) moxt of the dislike was established long before 'the nivht'.


I believe that was what  hRlies friend was alluding to. I think Hazel had assumed the public hadn't noticed her behaviour or had conveniently forgotten.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

When the dust settles in the morning - don't you think that they may all put two and two together .......will they understand the 'homewrecker  Hazel chants' and the resounding boos - the get Hazel out chants. Will Charlies friends nomination make a bit more sense.


I wonder what Hazel will be thinking as she lies in bed tonight. Do gou think the penny might finally dfop?

oh Hazel knew straight away exactly what her boos meant when she heard that reason for her nom. .


don't think Charlies friend was doing it to do Charlie any favours she was letting Hazel know exactly why she was still being booed regardless of it being so last week in Hazels books.. it was her personal votes not what she thought Charlie would do..  good for her... if outsiders are going to nom it should be their own votes not what they think their family member would have done else why have outsiders nom at all


I do thinks those that nom'd Charlie miss worded their noms a bit. .am sure they meant she is emotionally manipulating but draining the life out of people with her constant self analysis of everything she does 


That's why she kicked Callum on the one hand but didn't want to let him go on the other she recognised he wanted to 'save' people so would always help/listen cos it makes him feel good even if they don't want to be saved. The psych person told Callum that about himself that cos he got a greta feeling saving people as a lifeguard his life saving goes into personal life too and said that is why people find him cringe and controlling if they are not asking to be saved and he keeps trying to save them. . he disagreed with her but for once I actually agree. .he just doesn't know he does it.. I think he needs constant reaffirmation that he is a good guy and saving people is how he gets it. .must have been knocked down a lot as a kid. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

When the dust settles in the morning - don't you think that they may all put two and two together .......will they understand the 'homewrecker  Hazel chants' and the resounding boos - the get Hazel out chants. Will Charlies friends nomination make a bit more sense.


I wonder what Hazel will be thinking as she lies in bed tonight. Do gou think the penny might finally dfop?

As I've understood it there are 2 different versions of the Daley/Hazel night. One put out by BB and one put out by another channel that has extra footage not shown by BB. If BB thought Hazel's actions were as bad as Daley's surely they would have evicted her as well. I'm not prepared to slate Hazel unless or until the real truth is revealed.

it's not all about that night tho Yellow if at all it's about her making a play for Daley in the first place and him going with it too..  if he'd come out the normal way he'd have got booed for being a cheating BF same as Hazel is getting booed for trying to steal another girls bloke.. no later weeks of being good can make up for what they did  


As for Hazel not getting thrown out I am surprised, if what she said to Dan about her grabbing Daley around the neck was true, that she wasn't thrown out as well. .and that is from the horses mouth that she did that.

Mount Olympus *Olly*




  the morning after the night before ...



8.22am: Despite all the aggravation of last night's nominations, HMs are snoozing on. What nightmares must they be having?


8.42am: Housemates are still snoozing and we have a sneaking suspicion Hazel's dreaming of Charlie's mate's nom-words.



9.00am: Charlie's in bed on her own, blinking and turning over thoughts in her head. You need to get your sleep, Travers...



9.12am: Charlie is restless. We sense a DC/PC when the housemates wake up.



9.30am: The lights are on revealing some bleary-eyed housemates.



9.46am: HMs are sitting up in bed and looking very pensive. Dexter and Hazel are discussing those controversial nominations.



9.55am: Dexter's rolling a snout in bed before breakfast. Arguably the height of slobbishness.



10.03am: Charlie has vowed to never speak to Hazel again. That's going to be hard in that House



10.12am: Charlie tells Dexter she should've listened to him after his stint. On Hazel: "The friendship's over"



 10.24am: Charlie's analysing with Dexter her history with Hazel. Currently going over the

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I bet Dexter is wishing Callum had never got the boot cos he'd be the one listening to Charlie bang on and on and rehashing every little thing not him. .

will be interesting how this unfolds in the light of the day - Dexter is with Charlie again this morning for more therapy - wonder who Gina is still attached to when the wine and excitement of seeing her boyfriend wears off 


will we see a Dexter/Gina divide ?


and the highlights edit will be VERY interesting 


ooooooh  is that last nights LF?  if so I'll get to watch the first part which I failed to record and only caught bits of cos I was concentrating on finding a freebie way to record streaming and save it and missing the action as brain was elsewhere... So  yay


still not got around to checking whether the second bit I watched live did record as well. . didn't realise the online LF was ad free, that's a bonus.. too tiring to concentrate on that late tho when I'm in snuggle down mode to watch my own TV programmes not blood pressing inducing LF which then needs a few hours after to unwind 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

na night all least I can record any other nights that have potential and watch it next day now.. yay

glad you got sorted in the end 

still need to check it has recorded. .had to leave it on all night to finish recording the download  stream. .if it works and there are more nights like that I may be able to upload it or link to it somewhere too if others haven't done it. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I have watched both parts of last night's LF and can't help feeling a bit sorry for Charlie (and I don't even like Charlie!).

The majority of them were like a pack of wolves, circling their prey.

Hazel would ask Charlie a question, then talk over the top of her when she tried to reply.

Gina was stirring things with a big stick and seemed to forget that her boyfriend had nommed Hazel as well as Charlie.

The twins parroting that their mum doesn't tell lies got right on my wick, and I can't remember seeing Charlie badmouth the twins.

Dexter ought to be savvy enough to realise that his mum nommed Hazel, and not Charlie, for a reason. Think Dexter, think!!

Hazel did a very good job of deflecting attention from the fact the she received four votes from HM's family members, which is double the amount that anyone else received.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I have watched both parts of last night's LF and can't help feeling a bit sorry for Charlie (and I don't even like Charlie!).

The majority of them were like a pack of wolves, circling their prey.

Hazel would ask Charlie a question, then talk over the top of her when she tried to reply.

Gina was stirring things with a big stick and seemed to forget that her boyfriend had nommed Hazel as well as Charlie.

The twins parroting that their mum doesn't tell lies got right on my wick, and I can't remember seeing Charlie badmouth the twins.

Dexter ought to be savvy enough to realise that his mum nommed Hazel, and not Charlie, for a reason. Think Dexter, think!!

Hazel did a very good job of deflecting attention from the fact the she received four votes from HM's family members, which is double the amount that anyone else received.

me too. . plus at one point they said they hadn't seen their mum for 10 weeks.. errrrrm she was stood right in front of them a  few weeks back and gave them both a hug



Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I have watched both parts of last night's LF and can't help feeling a bit sorry for Charlie (and I don't even like Charlie!).

The majority of them were like a pack of wolves, circling their prey.

Hazel would ask Charlie a question, then talk over the top of her when she tried to reply.

Gina was stirring things with a big stick and seemed to forget that her boyfriend had nommed Hazel as well as Charlie.

The twins parroting that their mum doesn't tell lies got right on my wick, and I can't remember seeing Charlie badmouth the twins.

Dexter ought to be savvy enough to realise that his mum nommed Hazel, and not Charlie, for a reason. Think Dexter, think!!

Hazel did a very good job of deflecting attention from the fact the she received four votes from HM's family members, which is double the amount that anyone else received.

Yes, I know how you feel I felt much the same way about Callum, when they all went  for him.


I doubt we can say we actually 'know' in so far as we always think we do  'know' them that's how we pick our favs I suppose, any of them this year because  C5 have messed, manipulated and directed events and HM's this time, I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover that Hazel is training to be a nun and  Sophie recently won mastermind.


Poor Gareth. .bet his psychiatrists couch is full today. .just heard the twins say they need to speak to him on my LF catch up .. Charlie will be in for a days session once she's had her 12 hrs sessions with each and everyone in the house. . Gareth deserves a medal 


he also needs tome TV face time on BOTs or summat too seeings as he has had an awful lot of name checks recently

Mount Olympus *Olly*


Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I have watched both parts of last night's LF and can't help feeling a bit sorry for Charlie (and I don't even like Charlie!).

The majority of them were like a pack of wolves, circling their prey.

Hazel would ask Charlie a question, then talk over the top of her when she tried to reply.

Gina was stirring things with a big stick and seemed to forget that her boyfriend had nommed Hazel as well as Charlie.

The twins parroting that their mum doesn't tell lies got right on my wick, and I can't remember seeing Charlie badmouth the twins.

Dexter ought to be savvy enough to realise that his mum nommed Hazel, and not Charlie, for a reason. Think Dexter, think!!

Hazel did a very good job of deflecting attention from the fact the she received four votes from HM's family members, which is double the amount that anyone else received.

Yes, I know how you feel I felt much the same way about Callum, when they all went  for him.


I doubt we can say we actually 'know' in so far as we always think we do  'know' them that's how we pick our favs I suppose, any of them this year because  C5 have messed, manipulated and directed events and HM's this time, I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover that Hazel is training to be a nun and  Sophie recently won mastermind.

I know what you mean about Ch5's manipulation but ^^^^ I'd never believe that one.


ooooooh I just watched the bit before Dexter was called to the DR and he was telling Charlie in the bedroom why she may ahve been called some of the things she was called like sly and manipulative. .he was so right in everything he said  have a row with someone, make up straight away and tell them they are friends still then come to Dexter and bitch about them = sly?..  tell someone they are your friend and you adore them and put them up for eviction.. = manipulative?


Dexter was pretty astute there.. 


Charlie was in overload with the yeah yeah yeahs tho.. nearly put my foot thru the screen.. she also kept looking outside to see if they were talking about her and trying to listen in and ignoring Dexter in the process. .talk about all about me me me with that girl.. 


Judge Judy hates even one Yeah she makes them say Yesss. .Charlie would get time if she was up in front of JJ

Mount Olympus *Olly*

that Charlie Hazel row would have been a eck of a lot shorter if right at the beginning Hazel had said I am angry about this and I just want you to acknowledge that you were wrong in not coming to me your supposed best friend with your doubts straight away  rather than going to someone I don't get on with first [Gina] to talk about it. . instead she waited until the  'enforced by BB call to DR'  end to say that part clearly and for Charlie  hear it and to say yes I am sorry I did it that way around.. which was what the whole bleeding row was about.. well aswell as the fact Hazel found out Charlie only came to her when Gina and Sophie told her she should be talking to Hazel about her doubts not them  ..


am also pretty sure Hazel bitched about everyone in there including Charlie to Dan. . as he did to her cos they were both a  pair of bitches. . something she seems to have forgotten along with all the latching on to Daley stuff too..


am all caught up now. .time to catch up on C5 page now . .am exhausted with it all

Mount Olympus *Olly*
I just thought it was funny to finally see them all start turning on each other...the time had to come and F & F was the catalyst ...leaving Gina to do what she does best and slowly stir the pot , which she did beautifully ....and Sam to metaphorically shrug his shoulders and let them get in with it Mind you , I still don't know what Charlie's position actually was ( apart from the fact that she loved everyone ) cos she never finishes a darn sentence !!! The way she speaks is like the verbal equivalent of going upstairs and then forgetting what you went up for !!

oh I meant to say about them all saying I believe my mum or my BF or my family member. .they forget that mums and BF and family are always going to see stuff from their side and stick up for them even if they are in the wrong ..I'd never want my mother doing stuff like that. . if she was alive.. .she'd always paint me as in the right in public regardless of if I was or not as I reckon other mums and family would do.. and I always hated that...  in Fact Charlies friends nom was the most honest about Hazel it was what she felt about her past actions ... which are relevant no matter how many weeks have past so shut yer gob Hazel..  not what she had done to Charlie and if they are voting it should eb their personal opinions of the people not about  how that person may have upset their little preciouses who can do no wrong in their eyes  ..I hated my mum doing that when I was younger and told her so if I felt she was wrong to stand up for me when I'd been wrong.. 


Twins mum needs to get twins an education so they can partake in occasional  D&P's which may actually enlighten them to ways of the world and the people in it.. they aren't toddlers anymore they are grown young adults 


but on the whole most of the noms were pretty spot on anyway so why have just waffled away about nothing really 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Baz:
I just thought it was funny to finally see them all start turning on each other...the time had to come and F & F was the catalyst ...leaving Gina to do what she does best and slowly stir the pot , which she did beautifully ....and Sam to metaphorically shrug his shoulders and let them get in with it Mind you , I still don't know what Charlie's position actually was ( apart from the fact that she loved everyone ) cos she never finishes a darn sentence !!! The way she speaks is like the verbal equivalent of going upstairs and then forgetting what you went up for !!

I'm on the same page as you lol. Love the analogy of going upstairs etc - that's happened to me When she gets "upstairs" (into her mind) she's so confused  as she keeps saying that she can't remember what she's said, what she's trying to say or what feels, it's chaos up there lol.

Yellow Rose



BB Final Monday 19th August


BB Final Night Timings 


Live Final part 1:

Monday, August 19th, 2013 on Channel 5  9:00pm to 10:00pm

Under the Dome(Documentary) Monday, August 19th, 2013 on
Channel 5  10:00pm to 10:55pm

Live final part 2:

Monday, August 19th, 2013 on
Channel 5  10:55pm to 11:30pm


Monday, August 19th, 2013 on
Channel 5  11:30pm to 12:30am

Originally Posted by Baz:
I just thought it was funny to finally see them all start turning on each other...the time had to come and F & F was the catalyst ...leaving Gina to do what she does best and slowly stir the pot , which she did beautifully ....and Sam to metaphorically shrug his shoulders and let them get in with it Mind you , I still don't know what Charlie's position actually was ( apart from the fact that she loved everyone ) cos she never finishes a darn sentence !!! The way she speaks is like the verbal equivalent of going upstairs and then forgetting what you went up for !!

Gina is a Leo Baz....of course she's good

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I just thought it was funny to finally see them all start turning on each other...the time had to come and F & F was the catalyst ...leaving Gina to do what she does best and slowly stir the pot , which she did beautifully ....and Sam to metaphorically shrug his shoulders and let them get in with it Mind you , I still don't know what Charlie's position actually was ( apart from the fact that she loved everyone ) cos she never finishes a darn sentence !!! The way she speaks is like the verbal equivalent of going upstairs and then forgetting what you went up for !!

Gina is a Leo Baz....of course she's good

I'm a Leo. So I went to google Leo traits and found this. It amused me anyway.




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