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Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I have seen the waving too Olly, so I don't think you are going bonkers.

thanks gawd for that I really thought I'd dreamt it or something as no one seemed to think it had ever happened.. 


Still not caught up on last nights stuff yet. .am waiting for a sit down with lunch and a couple of hours this afternoon

Mount Olympus *Olly*

It's all in the delivery really and where you stand in support of your fave.


The other night Dexter (when comparing who was the better candidate) said something like 'I could carve your face off'.


on here ...........not a word was said ........all perfectly acceptable because that's 'just how Dexter is/talks'


can you imagine if psycho Callum had said that 


People hear/see/accept what they want to when viewing their own personal favourite.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Callum was well aware that Dexter was telling him, 'You may be academically smarter than me, but I am more street wise and if you mess with me, I will wipe the floor with you'. There was no sexual inference at all, but Callum, when describing what the phrase meant to Gina, said (if I remember correctly) 'at best Dexter was saying he was mentally superior and at worst homosexual rape' (paraphrasing).

However, the reason I am so annoyed about it, was that Callum repeated the phrase (at least 8-10 times, and with an inflection and emphasis that simply wasn't there when Dexter said the phrase/something like the phrase), solely to discredit Dexter with the HMs and viewers. 




Not picking up on anything other than that sentence to make a point, which to me describes exactly what happens on forums..


for example I've skimmed thru this thread the past few days to see if tis worth watching LF. .the things I have read have made me think crikey that's dreadful . . how awful etc..  because of the way they have been written so  then I go and watch it and I am like,. eh? this is nothing as bad as they were making out or my interpretation is nowhere near the same as theirs..   it's clear to me what is going on and it isn't as bad as the thread painted. .  but at the time that was the way most of you viewed it or felt at the time..


so the point I am making it is how each person sees/experiences things is personal to them.. and also possibly  affected by whether they actually like the person involved as well or not..   


I like neither of these guys but I see one, Dexter, who is cunning and street savvy and was and still is constantly changing his game plan.. when he realised they were fed up of his Media Savvy chat in the house he tried a move on Hazel! So while in the SH he sees Callum is a twonk and socially inept and not really that confident and not got a chance with Charlie so thinks kill two birds with one stone. . Decides he suddenly is in love with Charlie but can also take a HM down by twisting their head in so many ways. .the obvious is the move on Charlie the not so obvious is the subtle attacks on Callum as a person couched in smiley talk a lot of the time. .


Callum, who before all this had not really had that much against Dexter other than not liking him that much same as the rest in there, then finds the guy is after 'his girl' and also the same guy is now attacking his personality too and making him feel less of a man. . He then starts attacking back and as he isn't as sneaky and cunning as Dexter his return punches are awkward and creepy and as is his personality all terribly long winded too..  Dexter has won atm as he's actually broken the bloke mentally which I feel was his aim all along....   Callum has tried to expand his feathers and do his I am the alhpa here dance around everything but it's been a massive fail..


that's the way I see it . .still not watched last nights yet but the above is how I've read the interaction between those two so far and the fallout of their tit fer tat rutting  bulls butting horns fights..


I may be wrong tho


and I bet I've waffled a lot as usual

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

It's all in the delivery really and where you stand in support of your fave.


The other night Dexter (when comparing who was the better candidate) said something like 'I could carve your face off'.


on here ...........not a word was said ........all perfectly acceptable because that's 'just how Dexter is/talks'


can you imagine if psycho Callum had said that 


People hear/see/accept what they want to when viewing their own personal favourite.

oooooh  I just waaffled for ever on the very same point. .not that you'd notice it as I went off track a bit


i love that I don't like any HM. .makes viewing and people watching more interesting as I don't feel any need to defend or overlook or explain away anything bad that my favourite does cos I don't have one. .I do like having a good ol psychological examination of events and discussion about it.. or waffle in my case 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I have seen the waving too Olly, so I don't think you are going bonkers.

thanks gawd for that I really thought I'd dreamt it or something as no one seemed to think it had ever happened.. 


Still not caught up on last nights stuff yet. .am waiting for a sit down with lunch and a couple of hours this afternoon

Now I  have thought about it, there was also winking from Dexter to Callum , that was done at a distance too, I thought it odd at the time, but them forgot about it.


Can't say I remember  kisses being blown though.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I have seen the waving too Olly, so I don't think you are going bonkers.

thanks gawd for that I really thought I'd dreamt it or something as no one seemed to think it had ever happened.. 


Still not caught up on last nights stuff yet. .am waiting for a sit down with lunch and a couple of hours this afternoon

Now I  have thought about it, there was also winking from Dexter to Callum , that was done at a distance too, I thought it odd at the time, but them forgot about it.


Can't say I remember  kisses being blown though.

again not sure I dreamt this or not but thought there was a smarmy blowing of kisses back and forth at one point, around the sofa areas where other convo was going on which was the focus of the shot but as Dexter walked past in the background he was waving and blowing kisses which Callum returned.. both done sarcastically


pretty sure there was some pretend kissing up going on for a while some weeks back .  or maybe I have too vivid dreams


I'm off to watch last nights stuff. . and incorporate that into my dreams as well

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Callum realised in the Rate the HMs task that his two part gameplan had bombed and he blamed Dexter. More upsetting for him was the fact that Dexter was in third place, which meant Dexter's gameplan was working. Remember, Callum sets great store by his "deceptive intelligence" and was fuming that the academically inferior Dex had seemingly outplayed him.

Callum's Plan, Part one - be uber nice and avoid nominations:

Callum and Dexter were reasonably friendly in the early days, until Dex tried to warn Callum that he could be perceived as being fake with his OTT niceness. Dex didn't mention that it was Dan and other HMs who were discussing Callum, and Callum wrongly assumed that Dex was calling him fake.

Callum then upset Dex by nomming him in the F to F noms, when Dex had thought they were friendly up until then.

So, in fact, Dan scuppered part one of Callum's gameplan but Callum blamed Dex.

Part Two - the fauxmance:

Callum goes in for the fauxmance with Charlie. Jackie sees Callum's VT and warns Charlie off. Dexter decides to try his luck with Charlie and Callum sees him as a 'love rival'.

Callum fails to get the girl and blames Dexter for it, believing that Dex is filling her head with negatives about Callum (actually it was the other way round with Callum slagging off Dexter to Charlie at every opportunity!). Callum then began a sustained attack on Dexter's character to anyone who would listen, with lots of rambling, repetative diatribes to Sam, Charlie and the cameras.

Callum needs to accept that he didn't play the game well enough and his plan failed - end of!

Dexter tends to take things on the chin and roll with the punches. He has taken some amount of abuse in there and never snapped. He thinks on his feet and therefore deals better than Callum when things don't go according to plan.

Callum did everything he could to discredit Dexter with the viewers last night and was hoping that Dexter would kick off. In fact, Callum came far closer to losing it than Dexter did, and BB need to be careful about the situations they manipulate for those two in future.


All just my opinion, of course.






Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Callum realised in the Rate the HMs task that his two part gameplan had bombed and he blamed Dexter. More upsetting for him was the fact that Dexter was in third place, which meant Dexter's gameplan was working. Remember, Callum sets great store by his "deceptive intelligence" and was fuming that the academically inferior Dex had seemingly outplayed him.

Callum's Plan, Part one - be uber nice and avoid nominations:

Callum and Dexter were reasonably friendly in the early days, until Dex tried to warn Callum that he could be perceived as being fake with his OTT niceness. Dex didn't mention that it was Dan and other HMs who were discussing Callum, and Callum wrongly assumed that Dex was calling him fake.

Callum then upset Dex by nomming him in the F to F noms, when Dex had thought they were friendly up until then.

So, in fact, Dan scuppered part one of Callum's gameplan but Callum blamed Dex.

Part Two - the fauxmance:

Callum goes in for the fauxmance with Charlie. Jackie sees Callum's VT and warns Charlie off. Dexter decides to try his luck with Charlie and Callum sees him as a 'love rival'.

Callum fails to get the girl and blames Dexter for it, believing that Dex is filling her head with negatives about Callum (actually it was the other way round with Callum slagging off Dexter to Charlie at every opportunity!). Callum then began a sustained attack on Dexter's character to anyone who would listen, with lots of rambling, repetative diatribes to Sam, Charlie and the cameras.

Callum needs to accept that he didn't play the game well enough and his plan failed - end of!

Dexter tends to take things on the chin and roll with the punches. He has taken some amount of abuse in there and never snapped. He thinks on his feet and therefore deals better than Callum when things don't go according to plan.

Callum did everything he could to discredit Dexter with the viewers last night and was hoping that Dexter would kick off. In fact, Callum came far closer to losing it than Dexter did, and BB need to be careful about the situations they manipulate for those two in future.


All just my opinion, of course.






Yogi aint over till the fat lady sings. Memba I told ya

Soozy Woo

Yogi I think you could put mine and your posts together and that would be more or less the whole of it .. in total.. you expanded more on my sentence about Callum countering in a more awkward manner.. and both of us forgot to mention Dexter planned to try and find bad stuff on Callum when he was in the SH. .and the fact Dexter may not be the one responsible directly but he drops off little bombs here and there and sits back with his smile and watches it all explode 


but you lost me with your use of the word 'end of' that's a debate loser for me always will be


and Soozy. .thanks but no thanks.. nothing would make me join any fan club for any HM, I just don't care enough to be anyone's fan I prefer to just people watch without any emotional investment 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Callum realised in the Rate the HMs task that his two part gameplan had bombed and he blamed Dexter. More upsetting for him was the fact that Dexter was in third place, which meant Dexter's gameplan was working. Remember, Callum sets great store by his "deceptive intelligence" and was fuming that the academically inferior Dex had seemingly outplayed him.

Callum's Plan, Part one - be uber nice and avoid nominations:

Callum and Dexter were reasonably friendly in the early days, until Dex tried to warn Callum that he could be perceived as being fake with his OTT niceness. Dex didn't mention that it was Dan and other HMs who were discussing Callum, and Callum wrongly assumed that Dex was calling him fake.

Callum then upset Dex by nomming him in the F to F noms, when Dex had thought they were friendly up until then.

So, in fact, Dan scuppered part one of Callum's gameplan but Callum blamed Dex.

Part Two - the fauxmance:

Callum goes in for the fauxmance with Charlie. Jackie sees Callum's VT and warns Charlie off. Dexter decides to try his luck with Charlie and Callum sees him as a 'love rival'.

Callum fails to get the girl and blames Dexter for it, believing that Dex is filling her head with negatives about Callum (actually it was the other way round with Callum slagging off Dexter to Charlie at every opportunity!). Callum then began a sustained attack on Dexter's character to anyone who would listen, with lots of rambling, repetative diatribes to Sam, Charlie and the cameras.

Callum needs to accept that he didn't play the game well enough and his plan failed - end of!

Dexter tends to take things on the chin and roll with the punches. He has taken some amount of abuse in there and never snapped. He thinks on his feet and therefore deals better than Callum when things don't go according to plan.

Callum did everything he could to discredit Dexter with the viewers last night and was hoping that Dexter would kick off. In fact, Callum came far closer to losing it than Dexter did, and BB need to be careful about the situations they manipulate for those two in future.


All just my opinion, of course.






Yogi aint over till the fat lady sings. Memba I told ya

*sings loudly*

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Yogi I think you could put mine and your posts together and that would be more or less the whole of it .. in total.. you expanded more on my sentence about Callum countering in a more awkward manner.. and both of us forgot to mention Dexter planned to try and find bad stuff on Callum when he was in the SH. .and the fact Dexter may not be the one responsible directly but he drops off little bombs here and there and sits back with his smile and watches it all explode 


but you lost me with your use of the word 'end of' that's a debate loser for me always will be


and Soozy. .thanks but no thanks.. nothing would make me join any fan club for any HM, I just don't care enough to be anyone's fan I prefer to just people watch without any emotional investment 

lol ^^^I was just trying to be hip and happening with my language.

Anyway, as I stated in my post, I was only proffering my opinion, not joining the debating society.


Quote from Yogi "However, the reason I am so annoyed about it, was that Callum repeated the phrase (at least 8-10 times, and with an inflection and emphasis that simply wasn't there when Dexter said the phrase/something like the phrase), solely to discredit Dexter with the HMs and viewers."


That's what really annoyed me too, I found it very disturbing as he kept repeating it with his voice getting louder as he kept emphasising the words for greater impact. I really think the hm's and viewers should be told exactly what Dexter said that night.




Yellow Rose

I've watched a 58 min chunk of last nights stuff but looks like they've changed the upload as it started just before Dexter storms off to the DR at the part where Hazel is making pancakes and saying she told Dexter to wind it in or he could get in trouble. . it was called part 1 of 3 when I first played it  now it's part called part 2 of 3 but the part part 1 I've found is a lot shorter and is called part 1 of 3 [argument] .. I'm bleedin confused but am assuming what is now part 1 [argument] comes before Dexter going to the DR for his rant and telling off too?  Or has there been some editing? 


I have found myself giggling at the daftness of it all and a little shocked in places. . but that shock was cos I found out a 24 yr old girl has botox . .  blimey

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Yogi I think you could put mine and your posts together and that would be more or less the whole of it .. in total.. you expanded more on my sentence about Callum countering in a more awkward manner.. and both of us forgot to mention Dexter planned to try and find bad stuff on Callum when he was in the SH. .and the fact Dexter may not be the one responsible directly but he drops off little bombs here and there and sits back with his smile and watches it all explode 


but you lost me with your use of the word 'end of' that's a debate loser for me always will be


and Soozy. .thanks but no thanks.. nothing would make me join any fan club for any HM, I just don't care enough to be anyone's fan I prefer to just people watch without any emotional investment 

lol ^^^I was just trying to be hip and happening with my language.

Anyway, as I stated in my post, I was only proffering my opinion, not joining the debating society.

right back atcha. Mrs Hip

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Yogi I think you could put mine and your posts together and that would be more or less the whole of it .. in total.. you expanded more on my sentence about Callum countering in a more awkward manner.. and both of us forgot to mention Dexter planned to try and find bad stuff on Callum when he was in the SH. .and the fact Dexter may not be the one responsible directly but he drops off little bombs here and there and sits back with his smile and watches it all explode 


but you lost me with your use of the word 'end of' that's a debate loser for me always will be


and Soozy. .thanks but no thanks.. nothing would make me join any fan club for any HM, I just don't care enough to be anyone's fan I prefer to just people watch without any emotional investment 

lol ^^^I was just trying to be hip and happening with my language.

Anyway, as I stated in my post, I was only proffering my opinion, not joining the debating society.

right back atcha. Mrs Hip


Just watched part one after watching part 2 first by accident [cheers Mrs H for new links I'd found them   in the end ]


Gina is not as stupid as she made out in that argument part at all ..she pushed and pushed the 'what does that statement mean' thing 'is it sexual' cue little baby girl voice. . it's a bleedin 'hard' boy  thing.. as in I am going to win over you every time and beat you down, not physically, but metaphorically  shaft you so ner ner nah nah nah..


She made it into something it wasn't and even worse by getting up saying she is uncomfortable with the convo..  same as she did with Jemima and her statement about the guys she tends to  fancy being dark skinned but not putting it very clearly about what she is and is not attracted to. . Gina made that into a racist thing as she didn't listen properly. .she needs to knock off her 2 bottles of wine that she drinks every night.. bit of a lush that one and a shit stirrer too


Upshot is little skinny dweeb threatens big cringy boy with being able to shaft him every time in a match of who's the best on the streets.. presume street business wise/Hustle type stuff . . big cringey one gets offended that little dweeb thinks he can pull one over on him. . and shaft him so tells him how it is and what a dweeb he is in fake wrestling match pre fight 'staged'  barney.. then carries it on much later, after some probing questions from Gina to start him off in flow, later into the evening.. 



Bleedin hilarious





Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I'm watching the BigBrotherExtra vids and there's definitely been some editing from last night's lf

anything of consequence or just filler?

It's hard to remember some of the wording of the convo but it just doesn't flow like it did last night. And unless I missed it did you Callum on the bed talking out loud to himself and getting angry at Dexter

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I'm watching the BigBrotherExtra vids and there's definitely been some editing from last night's lf

anything of consequence or just filler?

It's hard to remember some of the wording of the convo but it just doesn't flow like it did last night. And unless I missed it did you Callum on the bed talking out loud to himself and getting angry at Dexter

Yes, Callum was lying face down on the bed, ranting about Dexter and how he better not be out in the kitchen talking to the others about what had happened. He also said something about getting really angry.

At that time, Dexter was actually in the DR.


Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I'm watching the BigBrotherExtra vids and there's definitely been some editing from last night's lf

anything of consequence or just filler?

It's hard to remember some of the wording of the convo but it just doesn't flow like it did last night. And unless I missed it did you Callum on the bed talking out loud to himself and getting angry at Dexter

yep that was near the beginning of the first bit I watched which I thought was part one but they'd lobbed the argument part of and called that part one instead while I was watching the first part one that was now part two unbeknownst to me. . if that makes sense


I do wanna know why Gina had to get up at 6am today tho ..they cut off as she said she can't wait to see <cut>  tomorrow morning... <cut again>


also have we ever seen Gina ahve a shower.?


Just a few random things that have popped in my head as the show has gone by

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I'm watching the BigBrotherExtra vids and there's definitely been some editing from last night's lf


 I am wondering if he has had to edit bits on instruction   remember all the Hazel and Daily ones had to be removed and he reuploaded onto a different site in the end


something strange about today all round - live feed link still showing on CH5 website - hardly any news - its as if something is going on behind the scenes- reminds me of the Daley removal day TBH 


highlights will be interesting to see what they show 


9.00 tonight 


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