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Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

According to Oddschecker, these are the odds.

Hazel (favourite to go) 4/9

Twins 4/1


Dexter 33/1


Oddschecker thinks Dexter is least likely to go atm.

tomorrows HL show will be interesting .

It's my mates birthday and I'll probably miss the HL's show

Unless I sit in the loo with my tablet

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

According to Oddschecker, these are the odds.

Hazel (favourite to go) 4/9

Twins 4/1


Dexter 33/1


Oddschecker thinks Dexter is least likely to go atm.

tomorrows HL show will be interesting .

It's my mates birthday and I'll probably miss the HL's show

Unless I sit in the loo with my tablet

sit in the loo

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

According to Oddschecker, these are the odds.

Hazel (favourite to go) 4/9

Twins 4/1


Dexter 33/1


Oddschecker thinks Dexter is least likely to go atm.

tomorrows HL show will be interesting .

It's my mates birthday and I'll probably miss the HL's show

Unless I sit in the loo with my tablet

Sounds like a plan.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

According to Oddschecker, these are the odds.

Hazel (favourite to go) 4/9

Twins 4/1


Dexter 33/1


Oddschecker thinks Dexter is least likely to go atm.

tomorrows HL show will be interesting .

It's my mates birthday and I'll probably miss the HL's show

Unless I sit in the loo with my tablet

sit in the loo


Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

quick resume anyone ? what happened?

Callum effectively accused Dexter of threats of homosexual assault. Based on very little evidence and the fact that now he made that accusation in front of other HMs (can't remember exactly who) many HMs are quite surprised. 

Charlie, Sam and Gina were there.

Odd that they didn't think that's what Dexter meant .

Thanks erin! 

what for?

For reminding me who were there at the time. 

That was me.

Then thanks Yogi, thanks erin, thanks Gaga for all the opportunities we've been given in this wonderful forum... *grabs goody bag*

who?what? eh!!

I am jumping around forums and I cam back here ,hit something and the text is so big you could read it from 2 miles away .Trouble is I have no clue how to rectify it.

Press control and minus

love you

Missed this erin, but yes I've had the same probs and I'm now quite quick fingered when I need that short cut! 

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

My lf just stopped and it was behind what others were seeing. Last scene for me was of Gina Sam and Charlie and I got the impression they felt sorry for Callum, if so Callum's work is done.

Yes I got the same impression tonight... Cllum has put a wedge between Gina and Dexter... job done. That's why I believe BB SHOULD make Callum apologise to Dexter in front of them all. It's only fair.

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

My lf just stopped and it was behind what others were seeing. Last scene for me was of Gina Sam and Charlie and I got the impression they felt sorry for Callum, if so Callum's work is done.

Yes I got the same impression tonight... Cllum has put a wedge between Gina and Dexter... job done. That's why I believe BB SHOULD make Callum apologise to Dexter in front of them all. It's only fair.

Totally agree, if he's not told by BB to apologise in front of the hm's I hope BB get a rollicking from the fans, I can't stand injustice

Yellow Rose


  • Full Name: Callum Knell
  • Age: 28
  • Starsign: Scorpio
  • Status: Single
  • Home: Maidstone
  • Job: Primary school sports coach

About Callum

An engaging and confident ladies’ man, Callum claims that others in the house  would get annoyed by his “very good looks” as all the attention will be on him.  He likes an argument but doesn’t like very religious or overly camp gay people.  He’s cheeky and admits to never saying sorry as he never regrets anything – and  calls himself “the full package”.

Callum currently works as a children’s football coach. He really enjoys it  because of all the attention and praise he receives from the parents. Callum  started his professional life as a lifeguard and did the job for four years  whilst at school and university. During this job he claims to have saved  nineteen people’s lives – but that’s not it – Callum has saved other people’s  lives outside of the job – making it a total of 28 lives saved. He admits that  part of the reason he does it is for the praise and attention. He likes to be a  hero.

He is very opinionated and says there is nothing better than having a good  argument. He believes his ‘trump card’ is his intelligence and says he can often  belittle people with his words.

Whilst coaching in America, he ended up sleeping with a mother and daughter  and thinks this gives him serious “man points”. Callum isn’t looking for love in  the house but says he is definitely looking to ‘crack on’ with  someone.

Read more:

Just one final question the cold light of day ....if it had been the other way around , and Callum had said that to Dexter ( and Dexter himself admits he said it , whatever the intentions/ connotations behind the remark ) ....what would the reaction have been I wonder? I think I can probably guess Nobody is saying Callum is perfect ....but neither is he the devil incarnate
Originally Posted by erinp:

7 weeks of BB but nothing ever shown of Dexter blowing kisses to Callum.

Callum has used  the words  that he knows will put BB on alert.So I hope they act on it.

I was  just skimming thru the thread to see if tis worth watching the LF later and saw this. . [it's also interesting to read this threads take on what was happening then seeing it for myself]  I have seen on HL's  Dexter walk into rooms in the background and blow sarcastic smarmy kisses at Callum and wave hello again in a sarcastic way.. Usually after they've had one of their rows and 'make up chats' and usually in the background of whatever is being shown on HL show so not really noticeable as the main story ..  tho the reason I noticed that time was cos Callum was moaning on about Dexter to someone and in he walks and does the hello and blow kisses thing and Callum goes ok, alrgight Dex, also sarcastically..  it's been in the background a lot.. am fairly sure of it and don't think I dreamt it...  been  part of build up of the story for me as a viewer about how they hate each other so much and can't stop winding each other up ,, 


I don't favour either of these guys they are both very weird and Dexter is playing on Callums insecurity to wind him up and has done for a good few weeks ever since he decided he was going to 'nick Charlie off him' when he was changing his game play from the earlier weeks..  he seems to have gone far further than he could have hoped for and completely unhinged him. 


anyways gonna go off and watch last nights LF and no doubt will have more waffle later..  if anyone is remotely interested..  


I do agree BB have purposely done things to wind the HM's up even more by pitting 'enemies' against each other  which  is not good when you have a few unstable ones in there. .



Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Surely if what Callum is saying Dexter said was untrue then BB are going to be in big trouble for A showing it in the first place and B not setting the record straight 

Seems he did say it, but not in the context that Callum is repeating it, so you takes your choice really I guess.


But people have been regularly leaving context out when some thing kicks off, so I'll not weep for Dexter.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by erinp:

7 weeks of BB but nothing ever shown of Dexter blowing kisses to Callum.

Callum has used  the words  that he knows will put BB on alert.So I hope they act on it.

I was  just skimming thru the thread to see if tis worth watching the LF later and saw this. . [it's also interesting to read this threads take on what was happening then seeing it for myself]  I have seen on HL's  Dexter walk into rooms in the background and blow sarcastic smarmy kisses at Callum and wave hello again in a sarcastic way.. Usually after they've had one of their rows and 'make up chats' and usually in the background of whatever is being shown on HL show so not really noticeable as the main story ..  tho the reason I noticed that time was cos Callum was moaning on about Dexter to someone and in he walks and does the hello and blow kisses thing and Callum goes ok, alrgight Dex, also sarcastically..  it's been in the background a lot.. am fairly sure of it and don't think I dreamt it...  been  part of build up of the story for me as a viewer about how they hate each other so much and can't stop winding each other up ,, 


I don't favour either of these guys they are both very weird and Dexter is playing on Callums insecurity to wind him up and has done for a good few weeks ever since he decided he was going to 'nick Charlie off him' when he was changing his game play from the earlier weeks..  he seems to have gone far further than he could have hoped for and completely unhinged him. 


anyways gonna go off and watch last nights LF and no doubt will have more waffle later..  if anyone is remotely interested..  


I do agree BB have purposely done things to wind the HM's up even more by pitting 'enemies' against each other  which  is not good when you have a few unstable ones in there. .



I have seen the waving too Olly, so I don't think you are going bonkers.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Just one final question the cold light of day ....if it had been the other way around , and Callum had said that to Dexter ( and Dexter himself admits he said it , whatever the intentions/ connotations behind the remark ) ....what would the reaction have been I wonder? I think I can probably guess Nobody is saying Callum is perfect ....but neither is he the devil incarnate

Tsk! Bazzers, around the other way it would serve Callum right for being a creepy psycho...


I just can't believe that amidst all of that last night I actually gave someone techie advice that worked. Not only that it was Erin (a computer whiz). WOW I'm gonna be feeling smug all day. I'm just about the tnickest techie on this forum.


As for all last nights shenanigans I really can't believe that my server went into meltdown in the middle of it all. Thanks for the links - I will try and catch up when I get a minute.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Baz:
Just one final question the cold light of day ....if it had been the other way around , and Callum had said that to Dexter ( and Dexter himself admits he said it , whatever the intentions/ connotations behind the remark ) ....what would the reaction have been I wonder? I think I can probably guess Nobody is saying Callum is perfect ....but neither is he the devil incarnate

No matter who said the remark and whatever the context, it isn't a pleasant phrase. Dexter said he didn't remember using that exact phrase but it sounded like something he could have said. He also asked Callum, "Was I drunk?".


Callum was well aware that Dexter was telling him, 'You may be academically smarter than me, but I am more street wise and if you mess with me, I will wipe the floor with you'. There was no sexual inference at all, but Callum, when describing what the phrase meant to Gina, said (if I remember correctly) 'at best Dexter was saying he was mentally superior and at worst homosexual rape' (paraphrasing).

However, the reason I am so annoyed about it, was that Callum repeated the phrase (at least 8-10 times, and with an inflection and emphasis that simply wasn't there when Dexter said the phrase/something like the phrase), solely to discredit Dexter with the HMs and viewers. 

Callum knew he had gone OTT in the Trash Task and was trying to justify it. He started off telling HMs that Dex blows him kisses and winks at him. When this didn't get the desired reaction, he decided to crank things up and brought up the previous conversation. I know Callum hates Dex but last night he sank to new depths, imo.


I still lubs you though, Baz.



Last edited by Yogi19

OK just watched a bit of it (is the actual incident available cos I'd like to see that before drawing a final conclusion) but ........i know what I'm gonna say won't be popular but here goes. Callum has been very isolated in the house and if no one can see that time after time Dexter has sought him out and instigated conversations in order to belittle Callum and get the better of him they must be blind.


Callum has blown ....he's had enough of 'sneaky' Dexter picking away at him over and over ...............see I knew you wouldn't like it but that's how I see it.


Now everyone is OMG - how could Callum say that to Dexter. Well ............he used those words (or very similar) to belittle him. What goes around comes around. As Dexter has more support I've no doubt he will come out of this better than Callum but from where I'm standing if Dexter can't take it he shouldn't give it out. This has been his plan - to very slowly wind Callum up until he pops. He's done it - I hope it backfires.




There ........shoot me now.

Soozy Woo

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