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Didn't this start with Callum accusing Dexter of CONSTANTLY blowing him kisses and asking for cuddles..... then when Dexter joined them he changed it to a conversation that happened weeks ago. Gina isn't making this any better... why didn't they ask Dexter about the kisses in front of everyone? Instead this is disgusting.

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

DS saying he's lying about the "bend you over" part. I thought it didn't make sense, had he made such a comment, they would have called him up ages ago.

I think he did say it, but not in the context Callum is saying it.... it was a throw away comment when they were discussing how they mutually disliked each other. I'm bloody raging that he's using it now

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

DS saying he's lying about the "bend you over" part. I thought it didn't make sense, had he made such a comment, they would have called him up ages ago.

I knew he was lying.


He added it later for dramatic effect. 

And to belittle Dexter without thinking it would come back at him. 

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

DS saying he's lying about the "bend you over" part. I thought it didn't make sense, had he made such a comment, they would have called him up ages ago.

I think he did say it, but not in the context Callum is saying it.... it was a throw away comment when they were discussing how they mutually disliked each other. I'm bloody raging that he's using it now

I remeber it being said and there was no bend over ,it was not in a sexual way or any intent to 'rape' so BB better friggin sort this nutter out.Feckin mental case.

Originally Posted by BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN!:

yeah Dex DID say he would stick it in him (to Callum) in whatever context, but I dont remember him saying he would bend him over

Callum has seriously seriously let himself down this last few nights

and yes Dex DID say he would stick it in him 

there u go 

neutral opinion

I really like Dexter but I will admit I think he did say it, but it was in the middle of a conversation about how the each disliked the other. It wasn't sexual or even aggressive. Why Callum would use it now, after what we heard him say in the task today, I don't know.


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