What I don't understand is ..how can Hazel say Charlie was aggressive if she was the one shoving the cucumber in charlie's mouth to start with
If she thought she got aggressive with drink why would she start it?
Think the cucumber incident was before the lf started Bethni, (at least I didn't see it,) wish I had!
Yeah I think it was just before LF came on but I heard Gina say something about Hazel running off to bed after it happened. Then BB called her to the DR... but from what they are saying, Hazel started it with the cucumber. I'm all confused now about the word 'aggressive' lol
Hazel said that Charlie was aggressive...I saw just after she came back from the DR, Gina thought that Hazel was making out that she had been hurt and made a comment about how she wasn't. Hazel said she wasn't and walked off, Charlie then was upset about being called aggressive, Hazel denied she said that, then when others pointed out she did she changed her story
See, that's the problem - Hazel wasn't complaining about Charlie in the way that Charlie's saying she was.
Hazel did deny the "aggressive" comment though.
But no one seems to care that Daley was mentioned and that that DID upset Hazel.