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Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

So ..............we are to accept that Charlie can say things when drunk and they are to be excused but ones allowed to say anything to Charlie?

I don't particularly like Charlie, but she has a point with this row.

And Hazel was talking about her behind her back afterwards, to one of the twins in the bedroom


They're as bad as each other - both running for support from the other HM's.

Originally Posted by Bethni:

What I don't understand is can Hazel say Charlie was aggressive if she was the one shoving the cucumber in charlie's mouth to start with

If she thought she got aggressive with drink why would she start it?

Think the cucumber incident was before the lf started Bethni, (at least I didn't see it,) wish I had!

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

What I don't understand is can Hazel say Charlie was aggressive if she was the one shoving the cucumber in charlie's mouth to start with

If she thought she got aggressive with drink why would she start it?

Think the cucumber incident was before the lf started Bethni, (at least I didn't see it,) wish I had!

I wish I'd seen it TBH .....cos I hate to say it .............I'm with Hazel on this. Bugger the aggressive stuff etc. - it really was a bit below the belt to bring Daley into it. After all she didn't see what happened.


Six of one half a dozen of the other IMO.


Can't stand either of them.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

What I don't understand is can Hazel say Charlie was aggressive if she was the one shoving the cucumber in charlie's mouth to start with

If she thought she got aggressive with drink why would she start it?

Think the cucumber incident was before the lf started Bethni, (at least I didn't see it,) wish I had!

Yeah I think it was just before LF came on but I heard Gina say something about Hazel running off to bed after it happened. Then BB called her to the DR... but from what they are saying, Hazel started it with the cucumber. I'm all confused now about the word 'aggressive' lol 

Originally Posted by BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN!:

does anyone KNOW or SEE what happened in cucumber-gate???  I personally didnt sign into live feed until about half hour ago - all I saw was Charlie mention its a bit like the Daley situ and then Hazels eyes swing round in her head  and then it kicked off a bit, now i see Sams white arse in bed 

Think it was before lf started Barmy, but there doesn't seem to be any doubt about what happened: Hazel was shoving the cucumber into her mouth 'play fighting' and Charlie shoved it back, accidentally hitting her in the eye, BB called Hazel to the dr to see if she was okay


I saw the chilli eating which I think was prior to the cucumber incident.

Charlie and Hazel - and most of the house - seemed in high spirits (a bit like the choccy smearing incident).


Hazel got called into the DR because BB wanted to know if she was ok.

So it seems that Charlie's physical response was concerning BB.

Hazel said she was fine but that Charlie was slightly aggressive because she'd had a drink.  Hazel didn't seemed fazed by it though.


It's all a bit of a load of bollox really.

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

What I don't understand is can Hazel say Charlie was aggressive if she was the one shoving the cucumber in charlie's mouth to start with

If she thought she got aggressive with drink why would she start it?

Think the cucumber incident was before the lf started Bethni, (at least I didn't see it,) wish I had!

Yeah I think it was just before LF came on but I heard Gina say something about Hazel running off to bed after it happened. Then BB called her to the DR... but from what they are saying, Hazel started it with the cucumber. I'm all confused now about the word 'aggressive' lol 

Hazel said that Charlie was aggressive...I saw just after she came back from the DR, Gina thought that Hazel was making out that she had been hurt and made a comment  about how she wasn't. Hazel said she wasn't and walked off, Charlie then was upset about being called aggressive, Hazel denied she said that, then when others pointed out she did she changed her story

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

no one really realises what Charlie actually said to Hazel do they? Charlie is getting off lightly in all of this - she really shouldn't have said that imo.

She shouldn't have said it but I understand where she's coming from here, ( and I don't like Charlie). She heard the word 'aggressive' and remembered what happened to Daley and alarm bells went off in her head. She must have been thinking, 'Oh No! Will BB call me to the DR tonight or will it be in the morning' ?


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