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Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Baz:
The GBP like Gina cos she had just been herself !

Well, if you believe she ever lived in the Savoy.



But she's bloody funny nonetheless.

Yes she is, but people saying Gina is at least being herself when I've just pointed out one lie she's told about herself.


BUT.... she's dropped the act now - or has dropped it for the most part.

It's obvious that she's a chancer, hasn't got a pot or a window to throw it out of, and aspires to live a better life than she actually does.



All that said, she's a laugh, is savvy enough for this motley bunch and makes a good HM.

So she's changed as a HM?   so she's allowed to change or evolve but Dexter isn't?


I think you'll find they've all reverted to what they're really (or more) like in RL.  Whoever they were on their VT's was always to be taken with a pinch of salt.  None of them walked in there straight as a die.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Yes, Xochi ....I use bully in the loosest way, but I don't know how else to describe the way he has joined in , and just led, the * let's pick on Callum* brigade !

OMG, bully...Dexter?   nope, you are just saying any old nonsense now to trash Dexter.


If anyone led any "bullying" of Callum it was Dan.


But you overlook Callum trying his level best to turn everyone against Dexter.


I think the 'bully' was Ma Travers when it comes to Callum.

And yes, I do think Callum has tried to sway people in regards to Dexter.

Has it worked - no, not really, not now that the HM's realise that Dexter was popular with the GP.

Agreed, all Dexter has done is fight fire with fire, stand his ground in regards to Callum.



It looks to me as if Callum was really stifled by Dan .............I know he was rocked the way that Dan reacted to being nominated by him. It's like a huge weight has been lifted .............I'm not saying that it was either right or wrong (Callums stance) but ......very intersting to see - he was obviously intimidated/in awe of Dan.


He's a changed person.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

It looks to me as if Callum was really stifled by Dan .............I know he was rocked the way that Dan reacted to being nominated by him. It's like a huge weight has been lifted .............I'm not saying that it was either right or wrong (Callums stance) but ......very intersting to see - he was obviously intimidated/in awe of Dan.


He's a changed person.

And a bossy boots atm...and here he goes again knocking Dexter

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

It looks to me as if Callum was really stifled by Dan .............I know he was rocked the way that Dan reacted to being nominated by him. It's like a huge weight has been lifted .............I'm not saying that it was either right or wrong (Callums stance) but ......very intersting to see - he was obviously intimidated/in awe of Dan.


He's a changed person.

And a bossy boots atm...and here he goes again knocking Dexter

And a know-it-all and telling Sam what to think too. 

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Sam upping his game (i'm representing)... but is it as fake as his tan?

I really don't like this representing bollox.

Who asked them to represent?  What makes them think everyone in the same situation views them as a good representation?


Am I expected to think that all 19 year old twin boys are like the lardies!?


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