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Originally Posted by Baz:
I hate it when they all gang up on one HM matter who it is .....

Me too Baz, I cannot stand bullies... physical or mental. I don't like all the talk about Callum, but he does it too whenever he gets the chance to put the boot into Dexter he jumps in head first. If we could just get Charlie out they might stop going at each other

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Sam didn't get a bad reception!

I didn't hear Sam getting chanted

And I'm  certain I heard the crowd chanting for the twins to get out

Right at the start of the live to the house bit.

There was lots of chanting to get the twins out at the beginning, before they announced the twist, then when they did there was chanting/booing for all three that were up

Originally Posted by Baz:
Dexter should have learnt from Gina .....instead he followed the likes of Jackie and Dan ....and I think he has thrown away his chance of winning !!

I think he HAD to follow Dan and Jackie to be accepted, Baz. Gina didn't because they already accepted her as being quirky and 'Cookie'. Dexter had such a rough ride from them all, including his mate at the start, Callum, that he either had to start sucking up or have a life of everyone shutting up when he entered the room. He's not perfect but he's better than the rest of the guys.

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Saint:

This is 'hello' 


Eventhough he looks far away and wishing fare the well - its 'hello'

We should sort this out at the beginning of LF every night  so there is no confusion  

I accept the current position  = hello
 = goodbye

Sensible chap. 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Sam didn't get a bad reception!

I didn't hear Sam getting chanted

And I'm  certain I heard the crowd chanting for the twins to get out

Right at the start of the live to the house bit.

I heard the anti-twin chants loud and clear too Bethni

So did I    It was music to my ears   and their faces were a picture.

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Baz:
He's getting above himself Super....he's not astute as he likes to make out....which is shame , cos I really liked him when he was in the SH ....

Back to how he started...gobby bullshitter, before he played the victim and the public felt sorry for him

He never played the victim, now no one could ever accuse him of that, he always rolled with the punches he got from the others.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Baz:
He's getting above himself Super....he's not astute as he likes to make out....which is shame , cos I really liked him when he was in the SH ....

Back to how he started...gobby bullshitter, before he played the victim and the public felt sorry for him

He never played the victim, now no one could ever accuse him of that, he always rolled with the punches he got from the others.

Oh but I can, he was forever saying that x and x was why he had no friends in rl  or in the house and how he had to change to be liked by people

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Baz:
The GBP like Gina cos she had just been herself !

Well, if you believe she ever lived in the Savoy.



But she's bloody funny nonetheless.

Yes she is, but people saying Gina is at least being herself when I've just pointed out one lie she's told about herself.

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Baz:
He's getting above himself Super....he's not astute as he likes to make out....which is shame , cos I really liked him when he was in the SH ....

Back to how he started...gobby bullshitter, before he played the victim and the public felt sorry for him

He never played the victim, now no one could ever accuse him of that, he always rolled with the punches he got from the others.

Oh but I can, he was forever saying that x and x was why he had no friends in rl  or in the house and how he had to change to be liked by people

I don't think he made a big deal of that, he was just thinking about how he lived his life.

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Saint:

This is 'hello' 


Eventhough he looks far away and wishing fare the well - its 'hello'

We should sort this out at the beginning of LF every night  so there is no confusion  

I accept the current position  = hello
 = goodbye

Sensible chap. 

I'm saying it through bloody gritted teeth !!!

Not really  - life's too short


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