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Ah Rawky... I hadn't seen any updates from you for a while and I was hoping your Mum was ok.   It's all been said, take each day as it comes, the human spirit has suprised many a doctor, you just never know.    Don't think it terms of how long, just of now and don't leave anything unsaid.   Love to you, your Mum and all involved. 
Oh Rawky... so very sorry about this.  Just remember that while you're having to deal with it for your Mum so she doesn't get upset about how you're dealing with it... that there are folk here who will give you a bit of TLC too, because you might not think it, but you will need it. Just come here and tell us whatever is chewing you up at any moment you need to.
Much love to your Mum and to you... a forum friend of all of us, I think.
Reference: elkie
Thanks Blizzie, you are a diamond ..X
Elkie, I've spent so long crying today, what with this thread and Sports Relief, and my son's swimming teacher, who is doing a parachute jump in memory of her husband, who always dreamed of doing one for charity, but died last year.

She told me to cherish my husband, which is hard to remember sometimes , but I've been so lucky in my life and I should always remember that.
I'm so sorry I've only just seen this thread, my heart goes out to you, but you will be able to make every moment special. My Mum threatened her consultant with knee capping if he told me how serious her condition was. I would have done so much and I never knew or got the chance. My mum pretended everything was going to be OK right up to the end. Rawky please don't leave this forum, there are so many lovely people here.

For you and your Mum.
I really feel your pain , i lost my mom to cancer last june she was 52 and i was 26, the only thing thats different is i didnt get the precious time thats been given to you. It may not feel like it and your mom must be scared, but you have the  chance to ask her things you always wanted and tell her just how much you love her.

Right now you must be devastated the only advice i can pass on (bestowed on me by someone on this very forum but i didnt get the chance to put it into practice) is to treasure every moment you still have her and try to stay strong, it must be so hard but you will look back and cherish these memories if you let them be good ones, for her sake as much as your own. really hope she makes the doctors out to liars
Last edited by Jen-Star
Rawky ........that is such sad news. I'm a similar age to your mum and have followed her progress on here over the past couple of years. Bearing that you hadn't bought it up for a while I assumed she was doing well.. I'm truly gutted for you and your mum but ......never say never - keep strong and make the most of every moment. So very sorry .....thinking of you
Soozy Woo
Dave, I really am so very sorry to read this sad news. The last update was so positive I so hope that her own Oncologist has a different prognosis.

I was a similar age to you when my Mum passed over from the evil cancer and she was just 53. I felt that she and I had both been 'cheated' by her early really is unfair

Make sure that you and your Mum love each other just as much as you can over the next few months. I will often think of you both and will come looking for news.

You can't leave the forum....we have all been 'with' you over the last few years with this and it seems like many of us wan't to give support to both you and your Mum

My love to you both xxx

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