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ncluding those with the mindset that it's normal behaviour?
Who the hell would think it was normal??!
I am wondering if it is my comment that has been misunderstood.
What I meant was is with emotional abuse, and controlling behaviour, often the victim thinks it is the norm and that she is just being sensitive.
I am speaking from a personal perspective - you know you are unhappy but you think you should be grateful for what you have,
Reference: Isadora
I am wondering if it is my comment that has been misunderstood. What I meant was is with emotional abuse, and controlling behaviour, often the victim thinks it is the norm and that she is just being sensitive. I am speaking from a personal perspective - you know you are unhappy but you think you should be grateful for what you have,

I wasn't meaning you, Isadora.

Some people grow up seeing this, and this this is their lot in life.
Mum and Dad had a 'turbulent' relationship, therefore it's normal.
Not all think that, obviously, but it's sad that many do.
What I meant was is with emotional abuse, and controlling behaviour, often the victim thinks it is the norm and that she is just being sensitive. I am speaking from a personal perspective - you know you are unhappy but you think you should be grateful for what you have
I understand what you mean. If you've grown up in an abusive household or have been with a succession of abusive men who manipulate you into thinking you should be grateful, then it's no surprise that until they get the help they need, some people would think it's acceptable. (And again, this is just stuff that I've experienced, researched and discussed with people who have been affected, am in no way trying to put a psychologist or counselling hat on cos I'm neither )
Some people grow up seeing this, and this this is their lot in life. Mum and Dad had a 'turbulent' relationship, therefore it's normal. Not all think that, obviously, but it's sad that many do.
Indeed! My Dad was never physically abusive but he kept my mum in her place. My sister married a carbon copy took her 22 years to get out of it. Thankfully she's now very happily married to a lovely guy.

I think i saw my friends, parents relationships and somehow realised that there was another way ............thank goodness.

Josie is still a young woman say that she's doing women a disservice in there is quite ridiculous - she simply was saying what she knows. I hope through this experience she finds the right way for her. Madness to be condemning her for saying that IMO.
Soozy Woo

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