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Have been avoiding the C4 site since they shafted us over... well everything really but just had a quick look and saw a little news bit which mentioned that Marcus and Halfwit had a chat about the others tactically voting!

Marcus said he was surprised that Freddie was up again but said he didn't think he'd go. They also discussed that Freddie had been a victim of tactical voting but that Feddie knew there was a gameplan being spun out from the others.

This is GREAT news. If Marcus and Freddie (and Siavash) can really get their heads together and work against the tide of dumbness and their block voting, they might turn the tide against them.

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I'm getting to like Marcus more and more. He takes no crap but is can listen to others without forcing his opinions on them. His conversation with Angel last night was interesting. He listened to her but told her nicely that she can't just expect people to do what she wants.

Then marcus went and discussed it with the other housemates.

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