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I really did think you had left for some strange reason and is there lots of English football being shown in America now?.

I'm just keeping a low profile. I'm around, I don't post a lot.

They ARE playing more and more English football here!  The Seattle Sounders are doing so terrifically well in the MLS that it is really broadening the appeal. That and the World CUp have raised the interest level in our area so much!
They ARE playing more and more English football here! The Seattle Sounders are doing so terrifically well in the MLS that it is really broadening the appeal. That and the World CUp have raised the interest level in our area so much!
Cool, I read up a bit on the MLS. Think people over there will soon realise what we think is so special about the game and the banter that comes with it.

I would love to go to America one day to see the WWE.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I've seen nothing about him that would hint at him being straight either.  Although he's one of the my favourite housemates.  He's so childish and immature that it's almost as if he's still a pre-teen.  Perhaps he isn't interested in men or women - yet? 

On a seperate point, I don't see why the OP was being bashed for posing the question.  Come on, if we weren't interested in them as people why would we watch BB?  Surely it's only natural to speculate on their sexuality as it is a large part of what makes a housemate tick.

Sam does have that affectation in his voice that is stereotypically associated with gay men.  That's not to say all gay men speak like that or that it isn't something he's developed to wind people up and create a camp persona for himself.

I agree that Andrew may well be in the closet but probably isn't.  Crabeyes seems the strongest candidate judging by his non-interest in Rachael and latching on to a woman who he clearly has no sexual interest in but seems to see as a surrogate mother.
I agree that Andrew may well be in the closet but probably isn't.  Crabeyes seems the strongest candidate judging by his non-interest in Rachael and latching on to a woman who he clearly has no sexual interest in but seems to see as a surrogate mother.
I'd totally agree on both points Carnelian. In fact Andrew is so far in the closet he's in Narnia. Not that their sexuality matters but it does however go towards their make-up and character, so a valid question IMO.
I ask this seriously, because I know about 6 gay boys/men and a couple of them (who I do NOT like; ) display some very similar traits and mannerisms to Sam.  I would not be shocked if he 'came out...'

so this doesnt suggest to anyone that the annoying traits in Sam are due to him being (potentially) gay? If the OP finds Sam annoying, that is one thing, but to add the gay thing into the mix is crazy! and if it was just about being curious as to if Sam is Gay or not, why did the opening post not just say that, without the (who I do not like) blah blah blah blah blah

what utter rubbish, the only baiting in this thread was from this opening post.

I Dont see what was wrong in suggesting NOBODY on this forum would CARE about if he was gay or not...I dont understand how that is baiting or anything else TBH.

Monobrow (Sam is a legend)

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