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Like I said last night in one of those threads..

Instead of people making random threads with random messages, why not to be precise about what you're trying to say rather than making sly hints and digs at people, that would save a lot of confusion and stop the paranoia.

I have no idea about whats gone on with Mr Carrot, or Lil or Cinds but from what I saw last night it was a blatant dig at someone, and it appeared they were making threads to cause trouble.
I've read all three threads.

I had no idea that the 1+1 one was even connected and knowing carotino, it might not be!

The first thread did get a bit snidey, for no apparent reason, and the other thread was positively nasty, IMO.

All that needed to be said was that Mr Cinds couldn't register because they had the same IP address. No big deal.
Lil was an alto ego just because Lil left does'nt mean the person doing her left and its not the first time she's done a crazy flounce....
You see, it's posts like this that cause major arguments on forums, you can't just throw out wild accusations like this , do you have actual proof?? It causes alsorts of paranoia. Not good.
Reference: TiGi
Instead of people making random threads with random messages, why not to be precise about what you're trying to say rather than making sly hints and digs at people, that would save a lot of confusion and stop the paranoia.
I like carotino's randomness - that's him.

I would rather people stopped assuming that everything is 'sly hints and digs', to be honest. They are so often wrong.
All that needed to be said was that Mr Cinds couldn't register because they had the same IP address. No big deal.
Except that Carotino wouldn't answer Cinds' question about whether he meant her husband.  Even though it was quite obvious from his crispy duck comment (that he made long before the original thread was bumped) that he was.  Why not respond and make that clarification?
Reference: Suzi
Except that Carotino wouldn't answer Cinds' question about whether he meant her husband. Even though it was quite obvious from his crispy duck comment (that he made long before the original thread was bumped) that he was. Why not respond and make that clarification?
I don't think I've ever seen carotino answer a straight question!

Why assume that he is suddenly being a stirrer?
I don't think I've ever seen carotino answer a straight question! Why assume that he is suddenly being a stirrer?
As I have said before, I thought it very strange that he would bring up Cinds' husband, from a thread made over a month ago.  However, his subsequent threads left no doubt that he was stirring.

Perhaps he has always been a stirrer, just not so blatently obvious as others, I don't know.  Or perhaps he has fallen in with a crowd.
I like carotino's randomness - that's him. I would rather people stopped assuming that everything is 'sly hints and digs', to be honest. They are so often wrong.

Just because YOU like his randomness, doesn't make it right.

Personally I don't know Carot fella, he's always flew under my radar, untill the mental random threads last night, from my point of view he looked like he was stirring trouble.
Reference: Leccy
I thought he was kidding at first, I was trying to joke with him, I did and still do like him, always have. But then the scoring and rolleyes wasn't his I got narked. Rolleyes will do that to me.
I think he felt ganged up on and reacted!

He's just never been nasty and I can't understand why there was this reaction.
Reference: Suzi
First he starts a thread about Cinds' husband, asking in his opening post if he flounced. Strangely enough, Cinds had another thread a few days ago about flouncing and/or leaving. Do you see the connection?
Or, maybe he remembered Cind's thread and wondered why Big D hadn't appeared?

As I said, I could understand if there had been a history of this between them, or if carotino was a stirrer.

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