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Good luck with your new place Real but I`d be careful not to appear to be running this place down while you`re going about it. In fact, I`m of the opinion that it`s a bit rude to the mods to start a thread on here to entice fm`s to another forum. There may be techy problems but I and many others are very grateful that this place was set up especially for us, when we had nowhere to go. If I remember rightly, you`ve been trying to start your own forum for sometime now, long before the techy problems over the past week
I agree... Personally I was very wary when we first moved here.... but I think this has turned into a lovely community. True there are not as many FM's as there were, but I think even that has positives, cos I have got to post with lovely FM's that I hadn't before.  But  I am slightly biased, cos I haven't really had any serious posting probs.... says she pressing the submit  button and hoping
won't bother re regging.. no point registering somewhere if the Admin is a regular flouncer who throws a strop and closes everything down on a whim.. you need to have a bit of a hard head to play Admin or it will all end in tears.. over and over again..
I was going to say something similar as I was wondering what would happen to the site in the event of flounce

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