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Am I being a bit dim?  I don't quite see the point of having another forum to bring everyone from this forum together   Invitation only forums are a bit different, as they tend to be places where like minded people post together, but why have another forum where everyone can register?  Surely it will be just the same as here, except the few trolls who get banned from here will find their way to Shady Pines and cause havoc again?
I disagree.

Last summer while BB10 was on, one of the Friday eviction nights (think it was Beas') was lost on the old forum due to maintenance work being done and taking longer than it should.  If Shady Pines had been available then, then most FM's could have met up on there and chatted about the eviction instead of being scattered around various other fora.  I know some went over to Digi Spy (brave people!!), others just sat and hoped to be able to get onto the forum and discuss what had happened.

As to the troll's.  Well as I have always understood it, trolls only succeed if they are able to wind up people, I would imagine that most FM's on here know who the offenders are and when their style of posting is used on SP, then they could ignore them.

A lot are also having problems with not being able to log in, logging in and then being thrown out, sometimes for hours at a time, if they have an alternate forum to go to where friends are, then once they are able to, they will come back here, also it may encourage new posters to take a look on here and we may get some new FM's through it.  By the response to Real's thread, it certainly looks as if people are willing to try a new place where there are friendly faces, and also stay here as well.  Simples really.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Aw Babe...

see I disagree with you.  

Considering the amount of threads that get started about the decreasing number of fm's, & how quiet this place is, and how much peeps wish old posters would return, I am quite surprised at all this.

I have accounts in a number of other forums but I never go on them... there are limits to the number of places I can regularly go.. and for me, here, the ship bar, & facebook is fine.

I have only had technical probs on here for the last few days... and I assume they are doing some work on it somewhere... which is causing server glitches.   I don;t see it being a permanent problem.

The beauty of this place was that it was run by someone that wasn't one of us.  

Don't misunderstand me... I have no problem with Shady Pines... to me its just another place that some people will chose to go... as I'm not gonna register there, then from my perspective its no different to a private group on here.

I still really love it here... the forum and the wider livecloud...  and if, as I hope, some of the current tech probs are anything to do with Teds promise to get rid of the Twitter stuff clogging up the blogs.. then I will be even happier.
The probs on here have been going worse for the past week... As for Twitter-- the Blog page is cluttered with them and numerous folk have mentioned this... But Twitter still rules the blogs.. If those in charge here listened to the probs that are ocurring now--- and have been for the past week, and fix them---- and then listen to what the perfect forum for members would be--- then this place would be good.... Sorry for being so negative, but i started my own place coz me and others were fed up of the constant probs on here and not knowing where to go to be able to chat with mates....
I'm one of the lucky ones that aren't having many problems here.  I do have the Edit problem and I was locked out on Friday night but lots of people are frustrated at the moment because it has been going on since before Christmas.  

I love it here too Ditty. I love the freedom we have but I have stopped checking out the Blogs etc because I can't keep it all going as you said.   The last few times I went to The Bar there was no one around and it's been so long now that I'm embarrassed to go back there.  

I also have accounts in lots of places and I will keep coming back to the Gang of C4 whether they like it or not.  
The bemoaning of missing FMs drives me nuts and that is one thing that's driving me away from here.  We can't make them come back and maybe the realism and freedom here has shown a lot of them up and they weren't who we thought they were after all.  

Off Shoot Fora are great for a while and don't work in the long run but it does break up a 'Community' as we saw in the early days here but the main reason the people from C4 didn't come here were the problems they were having loggin in, stopping emails, avatars, sigs and quoting.  
People using Internet Explorer had and still have terrible problems.  Someone said the other day that should not be happening and I agree.
Some of us have not seen Ted's reply about the problems and are wondering where it is.
Last edited by Tayto.
Good luck with your new place Real but I`d be careful not to appear to be running this place down while you`re going about it. In fact, I`m of the opinion that it`s a bit rude to the mods to start a thread on here to entice fm`s to another forum. There may be techy problems but I and many others are very grateful that this place was set up especially for us, when we had nowhere to go.
If I remember rightly, you`ve been trying to start your own forum for sometime now, long before the techy problems over the past week.
I`ve registered and I`ll pop in and all that but this forum and LC are a "community" which I love. I wouldn`t like to see us dispersed any further than we`ve already been.
Despite the many recurring probs here, of which I've never experienced so many regular problems on other Forums over the years including MSN Forums which had regular problems. I also like this place and I appreciate the Moderation here. I've registered at Real's purely as a backup system when I can't get here, as I couldn't tonight
Yellow Rose
This is my main forum and always will be, where you motley lot are  I will always be grateful to Ted and Rosemary for their help when we were in it knee deep and I'm sure they are working hard to resolve the problems.. Saying that, it's nice to have a back up place where at least we are all still in contact if anything goes wrong, the interwhatsits fantastic, but when the technical stuff hits the fan it's a pain in the butt.
I have tried and tried.  Goes off in a huff (small 2 wheel vehicle). I know when I'm not wanted And I have been trying to reply for the last hour at least, this place is getting worse.

Still not working for me, not going to try anymore. Anyhoo, this is the only place I'm on and can manage so maybe its for the best, but thanks a million Real

Farifax and Squiggle

It wouldn't let me at first, saying my user name was taken (obviously by me with my earlier attempt), I just adapted my forum name and used a spare email addy and I was in  
Thanks for trying to help your Dameship but I will wait and see how many peeps use it regularly before I start jumping through hoops.

Dameship  I'll be using this one Squiggle, Real's forum is a backup or at least that's what I am understanding. As long as gaga's working, this is the one I'll use, at least we are all in one place
I would like to make it clear that I do love it here with you all, it's just that lately there have been problems with posting and during the past week or so it has been really bad, (I use Chrome which is usually excellent here), but in no way would I dereg from here, I like the place and you all too much, so sorry if I made it seem that way in my post earlier this morning.

Real's place is a good back up if there are maintenance problems here, and that is all I meant, I'm a member of Digi Spy and do post over there (mostly in the soaps forum) and it can get quite scary over there and a couple of invitation only fora to do with interests of mine.  I just think that, if something unforseen happens, then FM's have somewhere to go.  I agree it is quiet here an sometimes I look at the front page and see nothing I want to contribute with, look at the Ship and it's friendly there and i would love to join in, but I haven't been there in so long (apart from the other night), I would feel nervous doing so.  I really must make an effort!

I definitely don't want to fall out with anyone over this, as I say when it is working and there are interesting threads going on, it's a great place, it's just helpful to have a back up if it is needed.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Reference: Babe
look at the Ship and it's friendly there and i would love to join in, but I haven't been there in so long (apart from the other night), I would feel nervous doing so.
Nooooooooo!    no nervousness about the Ship... especially the bar!  

ello Babe!  

I know there are a few of us that are barflies in there... but there are more peeps that do just poke their head in now & then...  Babe, when you popped in the other night it didn't even cross my mind that it was unusual or anything...  so anyone that does wander up to the bar... do post... its open to all. xxx
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™Ĩ offline 5164 Forum Posts Today at 1:04 PM (Edited: ) I would like to make it clear that I do love it here with you all, it's just that lately there have been problems with posting and during the past week or so it has been really bad, (I use Chrome which is usually excellent here), but in no way would I dereg from here, I like the place and you all too much, so sorry if I made it seem that way in my post earlier this morning. Real's place is a good back up if there are maintenance problems here, and that is all I meant, I'm a member of Digi Spy and do post over there (mostly in the soaps forum) and it can get quite scary over there and a couple of invitation only fora to do with interests of mine. I just think that, if something unforseen happens, then FM's have somewhere to go. I agree it is quiet here an sometimes I look at the front page and see nothing I want to contribute with, look at the Ship and it's friendly there and i would love to join in, but I haven't been there in so long (apart from the other night), I would feel nervous doing so. I really must make an effort! I definitely don't want to fall out with anyone over this, as I say when it is working and there are interesting threads going on, it's a great place, it's just helpful to have a back up if it is needed.
No need to apologise.  Good post

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