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I don't normally venture into political threads but just wanted to place on record that I hope people don't get "sucked" into the LD promise that the future will be brighter if they have some control over the make up of the next government.  That is rubbish (in my humble opinion anyway).  Sorry of you don't agree with me but I just felt the nedd to say it. 
Labour has managed to bring this Country and all it stands for to it's knees.

We're on our knees? How exactly? in a worldwide recession we are holding our own. Personally I can't say the credit crunch has hurt my family pensioner mum has never been so well off son with his young family gets tax credits to top up his income .......when we needed an ambulance for my niece who had a convulsion last week it was here in eight minutes .......the schools my grand children attend are well organised and my kids are safe. How exactly is this country on it's knees. Gordon gets my vote ...........if it aint broke don't try and fix it .....IMO this country is far from broke.
Soozy Woo
Our forum poll results are that
Conservatives have 81 seats, Labour 481 seats, Liberal Democrats 62 seats and Others 26 seats.

The latest BBC Poll of Polls show that Gordon Brown will be the next prime minister with the support of the Liberal Democrats. The poll shows
Conservatives 270 seats, Labour 272 seats, Liberal Democrats 79 seats and Other 29 seats.
El Loro
Sorry of you don't agree with me but I just felt the nedd to say it.
Aww...don't apologise Joyron. That's what's nice about this place...we can all give our opinions freely and disuss our politics calmly.

Well it seems calm on the screen....I don't know how much bashing of keyboards is going on behind those screens
I don't normally venture into political threads but just wanted to place on record that I hope people don't get "sucked" into the LD promise that the future will be brighter if they have some control over the make up of the next government.  That is rubbish (in my humble opinion anyway).  Sorry of you don't agree with me but I just felt the nedd to say it.
We forgive you
We're voting Labour  Brown has had a tough term and it's not all been of his making. The greed by those in the US affected us big time as well as them and Europe, the greed of the Bankers has affected us. Brown doesn't belong to the floss and gloss of looks and personality of other potential leaders but I don't care about that, I've learnt enough to know he's seriously dedicated to do the best he can whatever comes his way or ours.
Yellow Rose
Voted....I'm shocked at how many people on here are not intending to vote at all
Surprising isn't it when it's the one time the public get an apportunity to voice their opinion, and I'm honestly not just aiming my comment to those on here but the public in general who won't vote. Either they're happy with their lot, or they've no interest in politics, or don't feel their vote will make a difference whatever they think.
Yellow Rose
don't feel their vote will make a difference whatever they think.

Mine won't make a jot of difference YR - I live in the safest Tory seat in the country, but I'll still be voting
Good for you Super  even if locally, or nationally, you don't get the result you'd prefer all the voting figures are made aware to all the Politicians locally and in Parliament so no vote or choice goes unoticed of how the nation feels
Yellow Rose
I can understand why some aren't voting...    when you just think they are all as bad as each other.... 

I'm not far from it myself...   as it is I am going to be voting for a candidate I am not particularly keen on... in the hope that the candidate in the next ward (where I used to live... and who is likely to retain his seat).. will show the one in this ward the ropes a bit should he get in (which he prob won't)

I am loving the enthusiasm of the first time voters though....  its fab listening to them (well, the ones that are actually thinking for themselves & not just regurgitating mummy & daddys talk)

like the girl at Ickles school that was in tears saying how much money capital gains tax would lose her daddy....  (daddy btw.. is on a years tax exile somewhere hot!)
Mine won't make a jot of difference: I live in the safest Tory seat in the country, but I'll still be voting
Good for you Super. For a great deal of my life I lived in true blue Tory  country.... and always voted Labour.....  This time however, things where I live now are much more fluid...... and I am voting Tory for the first time ever...... just call me contrary
One thing for sure is come Friday some will be celebrating and some will feel depressed,

Yes.....bit like BB ... but like you say, whoever gets in, very tough times ahead. ... which almost makes me hope that GB is left to sort out the mess.... but not quite
 You made me laugh   yes a bit like BB, except this is more important lol  Personal opinion but I think the other 2 might think they can sort it all out but GB has more experience to do so
Yellow Rose

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