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Aha! What does that say about the Tories then? Seems to be a dirty little secret for many....based on the sample on the forum blah blah blah (before I get in to ducky style trouble) Hats off to you and squiggle though
I didn't post at all about the election for the first two weeks when people on here were going on and on about 'The Tories' and how they were waiting for Margaret Thatcher to die (preferably a horrible painful death).  I then started to put the other side of the argument.  Far from being a 'dirty little secret' I am more than happy to be casting my vote to try to end the rule of the lying, truth twisting, spinning smearing regime that we have had to endure for the last 13 years.  If I get really lucky it might even be the last that is seen of Peter Mandelson but no doubt that is just too much to hope for .
I wont even defend Mandy...he's has as many delusions of grandeur as Thatcher
Yayy.. I knew we would agree on something Suzy Actually, that is really the basis of my arguments.. that people seem to think that Labour are so much a *peoples* party, but IMO they are simply wolves in sheeps clothing.. and pretty mucky sheep at that
I find it quite interesting that David Cameron has said all along that if you want change then you vote for the Conservatives.  In other words vote Clegg get Brown. Well today's action by Ed Balls and Peter Hain and The Mirror seem to be underlining that now.  Anything at all, vote Liberal or Labour anything to stop the Conservatives.
I am voting Conservative. Labour has managed to bring this Country and all it stands for to it's knees. If David Cameron is the next Prime Minister, he will have an almighty job to do and his policies will be criticised by Labour supporters, who will refuse to see the logic behind whatever he does. I was a single parent with two small children in the 80's, I was not on a high wage, but managed to buy a flat and had a reasonable standard of living. The opportunities were there for those who grasped them. Today, prospects are bleak - jobs are few and far between, immigration is out of control, the health service is a disgrace, serious crime is on the up and the cost of living is higher than ever. So, sorry to go against the majority on the forum, but David Cameron is getting my vote!
And based on the good old BBC swingometer, the latest prediction from our poll is:
Labour 480 seats, Conservative 73 seats, Liberal Democrats 71 seats, and Other 26 seats.
The BBC Poll of Polls currently shows:
Labour 261 seats, Conservative 278 seats, Liberal Democrats 82 seats, and Other 29 seats.
So our forum is pretty accurate for Liberal Democrats and Other, but somewhat different for Labour and Conservative.
El Loro
Reference: Locke
I would vote for aliens from mars if it kept the conservatives out
  ..  that made me laugh... it shouldn't, cos I feel exactly the same...  

had this been the conservative romp to victory I expected it to be then I had planned on spoiling my ballot paper with "no suitable candidate" because that is actually how I feel.  

I had pretty much decided to vote lib dem...  they kinda sum up what i believe in (I have to generalise... there are bits from all three parties that I agree with, and don't agree with)..  I am having to go for the overall philosophy of the parties.   Was a little disheartened to then see the lib dem candidate for my ward...  

I don't like him

I do like him better the Tory one..    

and I couldn't find a labour one!

we seem to have a few independants!  

I won't labour either, not this time, because in my opinion the labour party is broken somewhere.. inside...  something isn't working the way it should.

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