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Based on extremely early results, I have predicted, using the BBC swingometer machine, that Labour will win every single seat across the UK, giving the biggest political surprse ever seen in this country. (I'm not about to go down to the bookies and put money on this though - I wonder what odds I'd get!) (This was posted before I saw Scotty's vote which would give SNP precisely 1 seat)
El Loro
Females vote Labour males vote Conservative. I think I'd better go back and read your post again
I think you had because I didn't say that.

"I don't think we are representative of the country do you? I have my ideas of why that is..."

I said the population here is not representative of the country as a whole...and it isn't, we have a high percentage of females. There are other factors too, that make us is too simplistic a view to say females vote Labour, males conservative.
I said the population here is not representative of the country as a whole...and it isn't, we have a high percentage of females.

Toffs don't use forums?
So putting these together could mean that toffettes vote Labour and toffs vote Conservative, but I think not.

So far we've had far too few votes cast to form anything like a representative result. I think it is a statistical fact that you need at least 100 votes to get a 98.5% degree of confidence of reliability in a sample of people. Also a higher proportion of younger people use the internet than older people - that could suggest that younger people feel more drawn to Labour than to Conservative, but we have far too few results to be able to rely on that.
El Loro
I can't help but look at surveys/polls from a mathematical view point, in other words whether the sample is representative. I am tempted to list the other factors that make this one not so...... but the oven needs cleaning!
Oh yes ducky we are now in total accord, and please do not let me keep you from your oven on this nice bank holiday.
Reference: Bazille
If I continually press the Re-vote button..... can I change the odds?
I've just tried this to see what happens. All that happens is that your exisitng vote is removed to be replaced with your new vote. The total number of votes cast remains unchanged. Of course someone who was prepared to register under a variety of IDs could vote under each ID, but I would think that if that person was found out they would be banned from this site for misuse.
El Loro
So far we've had far too few votes cast to form anything like a representative result. I think it is a statistical fact that you need at least 100 votes to get a 98.5% degree of confidence of reliability in a sample of people. Also a higher proportion of younger people use the internet than older people - that could suggest that younger people feel more drawn to Labour than to Conservative, but we have far too few results to be able to rely on that.
Regional differences will additionally make quite a difference in where you draw your sample from, so you would have to spread your net quite wide and would I think need much more than a sample of 100.  I wonder what sample the poll companies use?
lol... not by choice!!!

but both when studying and at work there was need to embrace the stats stuff  ... and once you get into it its just sooo cool!

only.. most people don't think so... and I did learn not to expect much enthusiasm from other people on the subject... in fact I learned its probably best not to share my excitement at it all!  

But I am allowed to shout & mock the cosmetic adverts.. the small print at the bottom of the screen...  'based on 7 out of 11 women tested'

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