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Originally posted by Mentalist:
Oh I don't know if you are having to sort out your mum you won't have time to worry about yourself. Try not to think about it and for god's sake don't google it you'll convince yourself you've got something that only a pygmy living on an island near Tahiti could have. Not that I've done that of course. Blush
(You're not a pygmy living on an island near Tahiti are you Eeker).

LMAO Mentalist! Laugh Laugh
If it means I can move to Tahiti, I'm having it Nod
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Oh I don't know if you are having to sort out your mum you won't have time to worry about yourself. Try not to think about it and for god's sake don't google it you'll convince yourself you've got something that only a pygmy living on an island near Tahiti could have. Not that I've done that of course. Blush
(You're not a pygmy living on an island near Tahiti are you Eeker).

LMAO Mentalist! Laugh Laugh
If it means I can move to Tahiti, I'm having it Nod

I'll carry your bags, with your bad arm and everything Glance
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
I'll carry your bags, with your bad arm and everything Glance

Nice! Thumbs Up
And the OH can carry the parasol..

Big enough for two. Wave

Better make it three... he burns terribly Red Face

I'll bring a fly swat useful on other things not just flies Glance
I was posting in another thread yesterday about people taking "sickies" off work and said I wanted to go part-time from my own hideous job.

I didn't say so at the time, but this health worry is another reason why I want to do it (apart from spending as little time with the ass-jabbers I work for as possible).

I have a meeting with the big honcho later this week, to talk about it. Here's hoping...
i had radial palsy in my right hand and lower arm a while back
it just happened for no reason-i got up one morning and my hand wouldnt move at all, i couldnt write, drive etc..and had to have 'lessons' to even hold a pen and learn to write again
it was bloody horrible,i had to have tests on my spine and electric shocks were shot up my back Eeker
but it was all fine
they eventually put it down to the way i sat when using the computer!
after about 3 months and my hand being in a plastic mould-i started to get the feeling back
and its fine most of the time now
so maybe its summat as daft as that?
if its all on the same side, it could be your posture
hope that helps Wink

and dont worry Hug
Oh Deman, sorry to hear that. No point in telling you not to worry 'cos you're going to anyway despite what anyone says.

The waiting game is the worst part.

I had to have an ultrasound last Monday as I've been experiencing these terrible pains around my abdomen for some while. The ultrasound revealed I have gallstones so at least now I know what the problem is.

My doctor still hasn't received the results from the hospital so, until I see him, don't know what possible forms of treatment there are.

I'm terrified of surgery so hoping there is an alternative method of getting rid of them!

Good luck to you Deman - try and stay positive eh?
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
and electric shocks were shot up my back
but it was all fine

Sounds fun Eeker

i just pretended i was andy Mcnab and id been captured by the enemy and tortured
i told that f*ckin doctor nothing Big Grin

I think I'd tell them plenty - chiefly where else they could stick their electrodes! Big Grin
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Thanks, Hyacinth Smiler
Gallstones - I don't envy you, I've heard they're agony. My aunt had them years ago and she was in a right state with them.
But they removed them and she's never had a problem since. So all the best to you, too Hug

Thanks Deman - much appreciated.

Had the symptoms since about last October but it was gradually getting worse till I could ignore it no longer.

Do hope you'll receive a positive outcome and that the waiting time isn't too drawn out.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Thanks, Hyacinth - if they remove them, you could keep them, you know. I would if it was me, but then I'm a right ghoul... Skull

A friend of ours had his removed some years ago and they were really pretty. Gorgeous colours.

I'm hoping there's an alternative to surgery though as I'm terrified of being cut open! Eeker
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Thanks, Hyacinth - if they remove them, you could keep them, you know. I would if it was me, but then I'm a right ghoul... Skull

A friend of ours had his removed some years ago and they were really pretty. Gorgeous colours.

I'm hoping there's an alternative to surgery though as I'm terrified of being cut open! Eeker

Sometimes they can dissolve them, I believe Nod
He's waiting his chance D, you know doctors.
I went through a stage where I got numbness down my left arm and even in my mouth Eeker

Convinced myself nearly two years ago I was about to have a heart attack or had MS or something terrible and was too scared to go to the doctors.
It was one of the things that made me pack up smoking tbh and about a couple of weeks later the symptons passed and never came back.
Deman - I'm sorry to hear of your worries - I know ones mind can start imagining all sorts of horrible things it might be, but most of the time, it will be something that can easily be sorted. Fingers crossed for you.

Hyacinth - I've had gallstones - believe me the surgery is not a problem. In hospital on Wed op on Thurs and home on Friday!! I had never had an operation with general anasthetic before, only local and I was terrified, but to be rid of the pain of the gall stones made it so worth it. I'm sure they will perform keyhole surgery as they did with me, and so you're not really "cut open"!!

Hug for both of you
Originally posted by Moomin:
Deman - I'm sorry to hear of your worries - I know ones mind can start imagining all sorts of horrible things it might be, but most of the time, it will be something that can easily be sorted. Fingers crossed for you.

Hyacinth - I've had gallstones - believe me the surgery is not a problem. In hospital on Wed op on Thurs and home on Friday!! I had never had an operation with general anasthetic before, only local and I was terrified, but to be rid of the pain of the gall stones made it so worth it. I'm sure they will perform keyhole surgery as they did with me, and so you're not really "cut open"!!

Hug for both of you

That is very reassuring - thanks Moomin.
Toid I suddenly started developing similar symptoms in my feet, and they are convinced it is due to nerve damage in my back, try not to worry Hug Valentine

Hyacinth, i'm sure you know about keyhole hun, it's very straightforward, if it comes to that, they can just flare up occasionally and then settle down. Hug Valentine

btw, I dropped a chopping board made from marble on my toe this morning, edge side down, if it hadn't hit the floor first, i'm sure I would toeless, feels like its broken Frowner sorry, but my family aren't interested Roll Eyes
Demantoid Hug just popped in to say, the usual thing about not worrying. Yeah, easier said than done, I know. But also, attempting to self-diagnose never works (well almost never), and looking things up on the internet will only make you worried.

Whatever it is, I hope you'll be fine. Hug

[Been in that kind of situation myself, very weird symptoms, but it all got sorted out]
Originally posted by pussycatj:
btw, I dropped a chopping board made from marble on my toe this morning, edge side down, if it hadn't hit the floor first, i'm sure I would toeless, feels like its broken Frowner sorry, but my family aren't interested Roll Eyes

aww hun Hug

they can be so painful. I've had about 4 broken and dislocated in the last couple of years.
They won't do anything but strap it to the other ones but you should get it checked out just in case it's dislocated too.
The worst break I had was low down where the toe meets the foot - it took about 12 weeks to heal because of the position of the break
Feel better soon hun Hug
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
btw, I dropped a chopping board made from marble on my toe this morning, edge side down, if it hadn't hit the floor first, i'm sure I would toeless, feels like its broken Frowner sorry, but my family aren't interested Roll Eyes

ouch Eeker thanks veggie, i'm deffinitely not making my daughter's lunch tomorrow Shake Head


aww hun Hug

they can be so painful. I've had about 4 broken and dislocated in the last couple of years.
They won't do anything but strap it to the other ones but you should get it checked out just in case it's dislocated too.
The worst break I had was low down where the toe meets the foot - it took about 12 weeks to heal because of the position of the break
Feel better soon hun Hug
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Toid I suddenly started developing similar symptoms in my feet, and they are convinced it is due to nerve damage in my back, try not to worry Hug Valentine

Hyacinth, i'm sure you know about keyhole hun, it's very straightforward, if it comes to that, they can just flare up occasionally and then settle down. Hug Valentine

btw, I dropped a chopping board made from marble on my toe this morning, edge side down, if it hadn't hit the floor first, i'm sure I would toeless, feels like its broken Frowner sorry, but my family aren't interested Roll Eyes

Oooh, that sounds really painful pussycat. Hope it isn't broken.

Make sure you have an x-ray if things don't feel any easier by the morning.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness btw. Smiler

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