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A few weeks ago, I started getting tingling and pins and needles in my left hand and arm, followed by numbness.

Over the course of a month or so, my hand has now become almost completely numb, all of the time, with some lack of sensation also going up my arm.

In the past week, I've also begun to notice tingling in my feet and shins, with occasional numbness. I feel clumsier than usual and have tripped once or twice too.

Saw my doctor today and gave blood for a battery of tests, plus I must go for an x-ray of my neck vertebrae and shoulder next week.

Could be anything from trapped nerves or viral infection to full neurological problem. I won't know until they've ruled all the simplest explanations out.

But I'm a bit scared. Eeker

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Originally posted by Demantoid:
A few weeks ago, I started getting tingling and pins and needles in my left hand and arm, followed by numbness.

Over the course of a month or so, my hand has now become almost completely numb, all of the time, with some lack of sensation also going up my arm.

In the past week, I've also begun to notice tingling in my feet and shins, with occasional numbness. I feel clumsier than usual and have tripped once or twice too.

Saw my doctor today and gave blood for a battery of tests, plus I must go for an x-ray of my neck vertebrae and shoulder next week.

Could be anything from trapped nerves or viral infection to full neurological problem. I won't know until they've ruled all the simplest explanations out.

But I'm a bit scared. Eeker

HugI suffered the same symptoms 4 years ago and I was worried old are you? do you drink a lot of caffeine?
Originally posted by Demantoid:
A few weeks ago, I started getting tingling and pins and needles in my left hand and arm, followed by numbness.

Over the course of a month or so, my hand has now become almost completely numb, all of the time, with some lack of sensation also going up my arm.

In the past week, I've also begun to notice tingling in my feet and shins, with occasional numbness. I feel clumsier than usual and have tripped once or twice too.

Saw my doctor today and gave blood for a battery of tests, plus I must go for an x-ray of my neck vertebrae and shoulder next week.

Could be anything from trapped nerves or viral infection to full neurological problem. I won't know until they've ruled all the simplest explanations out.

But I'm a bit scared. Eeker

The worst part is waiting for the results, good luck Hug
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
It could be something as simple as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In my feet? Confused

oh maybe not....

I get the same in my arm but i puit that down to sleeping on my side...whichever side I sleep on I get the aggravation in the relavant arm the next day.

Fingers crossed its nothing serious.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Gah... (pulls self together) I'm sure it's going to be something non-serious and treatable. Forget I started whinging about it!

I'll know more when I get some test results back and as people have said, there's no point worrying until I have something to worry about.

One thing I deffo WON'T do is tell my mother. Drama? Jeebus Eeker Laugh

Sounds cheesy BUT a problem shared and all does help. Even though this is serious - I laughed about your mum Laugh
Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
Sounds cheesy BUT a problem shared and all does help. Even though this is a serious - I laughed about your mum Laugh

The OH knows, and peeps at work obviously do, because I've had to tell them I'm seeing the doc. But I'm keeping it from my old girl. She would panic, get all upset and make me feel 10 times worse. The thought of HER worrying would make ME worry more.
Yes, when it comes to me and her, I am usually the grown-up Nod Laugh
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Gah... (pulls self together) I'm sure it's going to be something non-serious and treatable. Forget I started whinging about it!

I'll know more when I get some test results back and as people have said, there's no point worrying until I have something to worry about.

One thing I deffo WON'T do is tell my mother. Drama? Jeebus Eeker Laugh

Oh I don't know if you are having to sort out your mum you won't have time to worry about yourself. Try not to think about it and for god's sake don't google it you'll convince yourself you've got something that only a pygmy living on an island near Tahiti could have. Not that I've done that of course. Blush
(You're not a pygmy living on an island near Tahiti are you Eeker).

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