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As it's now Wednesday I'd like to wish all FMs awaiting their results or FMs with kids awaiting their results the very best and hope it all works out for them tomorrow.

I was out shopping today and bumped into one of my students who was very panicky even though he's a straight A kid. So I'm spreading my best 'don't worry, you'll be fine' vibe here too!

P.S. An extra special good luck to all my year 13s who worked really hard this year and were such a great bunch, that old clichΓ© - a real joy to teach.

Big Grin

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
*runs to get the group hug smilie*

We need a 'fingers crossed' one too! Big Grin

We bliddy do!! Daughter sitting next to me... reads your OP... Bearing in mind she is only waiting on 1 AS result (as has just left Year 11... so is really waiting on GSCE results)... she mumbles....

OMG if I get a B I'll kill myself!!!

Now I know she didn't mean it literally but, my god!

I gave her "the look"
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
*runs to get the group hug smilie*

We need a 'fingers crossed' one too! Big Grin

We bliddy do!! Daughter sitting next to me... reads your OP... Bearing in mind she is only waiting on 1 AS result (as has just left Year 11... so is really waiting on GSCE results)... she mumbles....

OMG if I get a B I'll kill myself!!!

Now I know she didn't mean it literally but, my god!

I gave her "the look"

Bless her, it's an awful wait for kids. She must be bright as a button tho if she's just done an AS in year 11. Nod Sounds to me like she'll be just fine.

And that old adage, so long as you did your best is sooooo true!

Hug for bitty's daughter.
Originally posted by skive:

Bless her, it's an awful wait for kids. She must be bright as a button tho if she's just done an AS in year 11. Nod Sounds to me like she'll be just fine.

And that old adage, so long as you did your best is sooooo true!

Hug for bitty's daughter.

Bitty Ninja Laugh

Ta Skive... she did AS Engineering. Opened alot of doors for her... led to her getting her (provisional on GCSE grades) full boarding scholarship at a private boys school to do A level physics & maths.

She don't half set herself high targets though.
Originally posted by Barolo:
Good luck to your students, too, skive.

People often forget, or don't realise, that we teachers feel our students' anxiety, or that we feel rewarded when they do well and feel their pain if they don't do so well.

Absolutely Baz, one year I went to Australia to visit my brother in August and had to ring the school to make sure everyone had got what they needed otherwise I wouldn't have slept!

Even the kids who've been a right pain in the aris we wouldn't wish on them disappointment contrary to what they might think!
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by skive:

Bless her, it's an awful wait for kids. She must be bright as a button tho if she's just done an AS in year 11. Nod Sounds to me like she'll be just fine.

And that old adage, so long as you did your best is sooooo true!

Hug for bitty's daughter.

Bitty Ninja Laugh

Ta Skive... she did AS Engineering. Opened alot of doors for her... led to her getting her (provisional on GCSE grades) full boarding scholarship at a private boys school to do A level physics & maths.

She don't half set herself high targets though.

Laugh Oh the difference between a b and a d is so embarrassing! Blush Soz!

Wow sounds like you got a clever one there ditty........make sure she signs the contract that says she will keep you in the style to which you'd like to become accustomed when she's earning a fortune. Ninja
Originally posted by skive:

Laugh Oh the difference between a b and a d is so embarrassing! Blush Soz!

Wow sounds like you got a clever one there ditty........make sure she signs the contract that says she will keep you in the style to which you'd like to become accustomed when she's earning a fortune. Ninja

ALready done that!!! I have backed the daughter for my retirement package... told her I want to be in a nice retirement village in Florida.

Hubby has backed the boy.... so I reckon its gonna be meals on wheels for him! Laugh

(not cos the boy won't acheive...but he'll be way too tight to spend it on hubbys old age)
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
eldest spongette doesn't get her gcse results til the 27th....

tis nerve racking cos she needs the grades to go to 6th form.

Blimey! Going into 6th form, I feel old now. When the hell did she go and grow up eh?

She'll be just fine sponge, she's got your brains for sure - and before you say it that is NOT a bad thing!!!! Shake Head
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
eldest spongette doesn't get her gcse results til the 27th....

tis nerve racking cos she needs the grades to go to 6th form.

Blimey! Going into 6th form, I feel old now. When the hell did she go and grow up eh?

She'll be just fine sponge, she's got your brains for sure - and before you say it that is NOT a bad thing!!!! Shake Head

they've both grown up and look sooo different now...i keep saying it but i will get round to putting some piccy's of them up on if you're really unlucky some of moi taken at the weekend!!

fortunately she has her dads brains not mine!!!...or she wouldn't be going to 6th form!!...she wants to do english lit....history and psycology(sp)....
Originally posted by mrMiller:
Know someone who is taking A level maths and Physics, he does well in lessons but freezes in exams Really hope he does well and good luck to everyone else.

You know my son Eeker Ninja Big Grin

My lad gets his results tomorrow, and I am so 'churned up' for him. He works so hard and is so bloody clever, but same as your friend he freezes in exams.

Good luck to everyone waiting on their results. Hug
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
My daughters GCSE results will be crap cos she didn't take them seriously at all (she said she fell asleep in geography)but she will be able to progress to 6th form cos she already has the equivalent of 4A's in the bag through her Coursework based subject having gained a distinction.

It's all good in the hood then!Big Grin

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