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All this whispering plus Ulrika's inordinately long night-time routine.
I wonder if this is pay-back time for Josie for keeping everyone awake at night.
A taste of her own medicine?
Ulrika has verbal diarrhoea.
She seems to be giving her "expert" opinion on BB, who should have been in the final, who should have been evicted, BB relationships....all sorts really.
But she is going to be very unpopular in that bedroom - because everyone else is trying to sleep.
She can't be stopped; she's high!
Last edited by brisket
Just copied the WHATM Thread
02:31 Josie and Ulrika are talking about John James.
02:27 Ulrika makes a brief visit to the toilet before returning to bed. She informs Josie that all of the other housemates are asleep.
02:22 Ulrika tells Josie: "You should get your beauty sleep."
02:21 "He will be happy to see his wife and kids tonight. I know that feeling," says Ulrika of BB11 housemate Dave.
02:17 Josie and Ulrika continue to chat in bed with most of the other housemates trying to sleep.
02:12 "Does the government know you're living in a shed?" asks Ulrika. "Shh!" responds Josie

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