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I found a link for this thread that's been running over on DS the last couple of days on yet another forum I go on (actually it was Bitchfest) and thought it was worth sharing..apparently the link is also doing the rounds on FB too....


The whole thread can be found at

Heres the Op....

A few weeks ago while on holiday in Wales I went into a house clearance/bric a brac shop.There was some nice things but also alot of yucky stuff but I had a look around and under a pile of 78 records I came across a bunch of envelopes with letters inside them,they were tied together with a purple ribbon.

Being the nosey bugger I untied the ribbon and opened the first letter on top(all the letters had been slit opened at the top and all had postmarks on them).

The first letter brought tears to my eyes,the date on the letter was 12th August 1944,it was from a young girl called Milly(Mildred) and it was a letter to her fiancee Harry(Harold)
This letter was a definate love letter and the words in it just made me fill up,she talked of her fears now that he is away and how she longs for his return and lots of other things to reasure him that everything is going to be ok.

I read a few more and felt that I was intruding in something very personal so I put them back under the records,however the more I thought about them the more I thought these letters shouldnt be in a tatty clearance shop so next day I went back and bought them all(there was 20 of them) and they ranged from 1941 to 1954,some of them are from Milly to Harry and others were from Harry to Milly(he was just as romantic)

Reading through the letters I can find the ladies date of birth but thats all,however in the later letters(1950,s)they mention a daughter who they name.

I asked the lady in the shop at the time how she got them and she said the letters were found under a huge wardbrobe when they cleared out the womans home.

Because these letters were so loving and explain how things were while the war was on,Id dearly love to find some member of their family to ask if they would like them,any advice on how I could go about it?

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Just read it all Croc,it's amazing,was waiting for 11 o'clock,what a shame everyone now has to wait til Monday,i have a feeling there may be news before then.Its a bit like reading a book or watching a film when you can't wait to get to the end.Had a little tear as well.Got to say a big thumbs up to the DS forum members,they have done abrilliant job
Will be checking back there for news

Maggie xx
Essex Angel offline 2437 Forum Posts Today at 15:25 (Edited: ) I read the conclusion last night. I won't spoil it, you have to read it all.
I haven't been on much over the weekend and just popped in to see how it was going along...i actually cried!

I have asked DS to change my username to the same as here, they said they are having technical difficulties
The Devil In Diamante
I have just finished reading it all and have left a post on there, what a lovely heartwarming story, I have tears in my eyes from reading it all. Thank you for the link as I never usually go in the advice forums there, nice to see DS can be a friendly forum when it wants to be.
I just replied to you! Isn't it a lovely thread, had me on the edge of my seat ever since croc posted the link
The Devil In Diamante
Reference: DD
Didn't they do a fantastic job!!!! I just loved that thread, it's in my all time favourites along with the 'C.R.A.P. ' thread and Queenies, lady garden thread
Oh yes, Queenies garden..that had us all doubled up!

They did a wonderful job over there. It was heartwarming to see them all pull together to help her DD.
Oh Wow! Thanks for this. I've only just read this today about 6pm and went over there to have a read.  Took me all this time, with just a break for my tea and EE, but well worth it.

What a fantastic read, and that whole forum pulling together. SA did a marvellous job, and if I was a member over there (I thought I was, but it won't let me log in) I would have commended her, and all those that helped.

Such a heart-warming thread.
Oh Wow! Thanks for this. I've only just read this today about 6pm and went over there to have a read. Took me all this time, with just a break for my tea and EE, but well worth it. What a fantastic read, and that whole forum pulling together. SA did a marvellous job, and if I was a member over there (I thought I was, but it won't let me log in) I would have commended her, and all those that helped. Such a heart-warming thread.
I think you have to pay a fiver on DS if you have a hotmail account and such....

Yes, the thread was lovely, thanks to Croc for posting this link in the first place
The Devil In Diamante

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