Reference: Personally I don't understand why anyone is scared of the possibility that their loved ones are giving them signs they still exist even if in another realm, if they weren't scared of their loved ones while they were here why be scared of them when they pass on.
I doubt it's the loved one people are scared of in these situations but the situation its self... When something like this happens it's so out of the ordinary which we are used to. It's unexplained phenomenon and most people find it difficult to accept. Weird and wonderful can seem scary and frightening. I would love to get signs for certain loved ones who have passed but when and if it happens I'm sure initially I'd be a little freaked out... The whole occult thing makes me feel uneasy and deep down I know it's not always something to be scared of but some happenings aren't always good and that's what scares me.
I agree a sudden situation that's out of the norm could make people stop in their tracks for a while as they try to figure it all out. If they can find a reason to believe that a passed loved one is using a form of communication that lets them know they're still existing, albeit in another realm, I'd like to think there will come a point when it comforts them to know that their loved ones are still around them and are aware of what's happening in their life.
When the experiences aren't good that you mentioned it will be for another reason but our loved ones would never wish us harm or intentionally do anything to scare us, just try to reassure us they're fine.