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Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by mathom:
The lack of VTs especially considering the fact that there was CCTV in a nearby petrol station interests me. Somebody from "the authorities" came and took it away really quickly after impact, and only a few stills have been seen since. So where were the marks on the Pentagon lawn then? Has anything been provided yet?

its estimated that there are in the region of 25 cctv tapes of the pentagon attack that were confiscated within an hour of the attack so far 2 have been released....WHY? Confused

It's all in the wording though isn't it? Confiscated or taken to be used to get a bigger picture/gain evidence?

I guess it's how you choose to look at it.

what almost 9 years later and they aint been released yet?
I want to be clear here I AM NOT having a pop at the American people here, there seems to be this idea on some forums that to question the events of 11/9 is to have a "go" at America, thats NOT what this is about at all, nor is it in anyway meant to be disrespectfull to those who died that day,
but there ARE questions that need answering, it wasnt ONLY Americans who lost their lives that day, Nod

It most certainly isn't having a pop at the American people since many Americans have similar questions including relatives of the poor souls who lost their lives that day... including rescue workers many of whom are now dying from breathing asbestos having been told the air was safe to breath (but that's another issue).
I think we owe it to those who perished to ask these questions.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by china:
hiya commrade *salutes*

dan j knows too many big words for my liking Big Grin

hiya dan - if youre up and about Wink

Hello China, Smiler

Do you have an opinion on 911 ?

Apologies if you've posted already on the subject and I've missed it.

cant stop long-but i'll just say-and i have no proof/links of this-ive always thought it was a load of crock,and that the USA instigated it for their convienience (sp)

same as iraq war-WMD? yeah right Roll Eyes
i dont trust 'em-never have and never will

correct me if im wrong-but didnt our government let coventry get bombed during WWII-so they didnt let on to the germans that they were 'code cracking'
summat like that anyway

what im saying is that governments will do ANYTHING to further themselves inc killing a few of their own

did any of that make sense Laugh

anyway-who trusts governments?

ina bit-gotta go shopping

nice talking to ya commrade Wink
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by china:
hiya commrade *salutes*

dan j knows too many big words for my liking Big Grin

hiya dan - if youre up and about Wink

Hello China, Smiler

Do you have an opinion on 911 ?

Apologies if you've posted already on the subject and I've missed it.

cant stop long-but i'll just say-and i have no proof/links of this-ive always thought it was a load of crock,and that the USA instigated it for their convienience (sp)

same as iraq war-WMD? yeah right Roll Eyes
i dont trust 'em-never have and never will

correct me if im wrong-but didnt our government let coventry get bombed during WWII-so they didnt let on to the germans that they were 'code cracking'
summat like that anyway

what im saying is that governments will do ANYTHING to further themselves inc killing a few of their own

did any of that make sense Laugh

anyway-who trusts governments?

ina bit-gotta go shopping

nice talking to ya commrade Wink

It makes perfect sense to me.

History is full of examples of the unsavoury deeds of men of power and dogs of war.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
it wasnt ONLY Americans who lost their lives that day, Nod

I think that's quite significant.

With something of the scale of this, I don't think there's a way of piecing together a narrative or an overall explanation or even assessing much of the evidence yourself. There's stuff that's been doctored, stuff that's probably propaganda, and lots of technical evidence that most people do not understand.

I'm a natural sceptic anyway but I tend to take a step back and look at the big picture. Lots of foreign nationals died that day and, if we believe the alternative hypotheses here, their deaths were caused by the states of either America or Israel or perhaps both.

So, if a state was involved in perpetuating mass murder on this scale, the risks or costs would be absolutely enormous. If substantial proof got out then America would be a pariah state around the world. The political damage would be catastrophic.

The scale of planning and execution inherent in some of these hypotheses (tactical nuclear explosions, structural cutting, guided military planes masquerading as commerical airlines, and so on) would involve lots of people and lots of potential errors. For something like this to be undertaken, there would need to be 'plausible deniability' at every level, including if stuff went wrong on the day.

So, the costs would be enormous. But what about the benefits? They would have to be enormous too and far outweighing the costs. What has America as a state achieved by this? What might it think it would achieve at the point before the event? Was a monstrous and highly risky action like that the only way to achieve it?

Even after the event, there needs to be 'plausible deniability' and for years. Everyone allegedly involved would have to stay on message throughout their lives. What about deathbed confessions? Or, even better, terminal illness confessions? Evidence stashed away in safe places by individuals involved against state threats? Blackmail?

Also, I think people generally over-estimate the competence of the state when subjects like this come up. It seems to me that in America there is strong suspicion in the collective mind against federal government almost to the point of paranoia. In the UK, I think we tend to think the government is mostly incompetent and the secret state small and inadequate, at least at the moment. Does anyone here think the UK state, for example, is capable of a 11/9 scale atrocity?
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
it wasnt ONLY Americans who lost their lives that day, Nod

I think that's quite significant.

With something of the scale of this, I don't think there's a way of piecing together a narrative or an overall explanation or even assessing much of the evidence yourself. There's stuff that's been doctored, stuff that's probably propaganda, and lots of technical evidence that most people do not understand.

I'm a natural sceptic anyway but I tend to take a step back and look at the big picture. Lots of foreign nationals died that day and, if we believe the alternative hypotheses here, their deaths were caused by the states of either America or Israel or perhaps both.

So, if a state was involved in perpetuating mass murder on this scale, the risks or costs would be absolutely enormous. If substantial proof got out then America would be a pariah state around the world. The political damage would be catastrophic.

The scale of planning and execution inherent in some of these hypotheses (tactical nuclear explosions, structural cutting, guided military planes masquerading as commerical airlines, and so on) would involve lots of people and lots of potential errors. For something like this to be undertaken, there would need to be 'plausible deniability' at every level, including if stuff went wrong on the day.

So, the costs would be enormous. But what about the benefits? They would have to be enormous too and far outweighing the costs. What has America as a state achieved by this? What might it think it would achieve at the point before the event? Was a monstrous and highly risky action like that the only way to achieve it?

Even after the event, there needs to be 'plausible deniability' and for years. Everyone allegedly involved would have to stay on message throughout their lives. What about deathbed confessions? Or, even better, terminal illness confessions? Evidence stashed away in safe places by individuals involved against state threats? Blackmail?

Also, I think people generally over-estimate the competence of the state when subjects like this come up. It seems to me that in America there is strong suspicion in the collective mind against federal government almost to the point of paranoia. In the UK, I think we tend to think the government is mostly incompetent and the secret state small and inadequate, at least at the moment. Does anyone here think the UK state, for example, is capable of a 11/9 scale atrocity?

deathbed confessions-pushed aside as nutters

terminal illness confessions-medication talking

USA-already a pariah state around the world

blackmail-have 'em done in-USA has done it before

benefits for such a high risk operation-overall control of everything and everyone

whats a couple of buildings-just bricks and mortar!
whats losing a few thousand lives? when you can blame someone else and start invading the world on a crusade of fighting terrorism!
just think, being in control of a major fuel supply=a heck of a lot of power

i dont trust 'em
but then again-i dont trust a lot of people Ninja

and mr dan

im off to bed cos im knackered
dont reply with big words as im not very well educated and i have to keep looking them up Laugh (its true!)

i like your debates-very interesting Thumbs Up
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
it wasnt ONLY Americans who lost their lives that day, Nod

I think that's quite significant.

With something of the scale of this, I don't think there's a way of piecing together a narrative or an overall explanation or even assessing much of the evidence yourself. There's stuff that's been doctored, stuff that's probably propaganda, and lots of technical evidence that most people do not understand.

I'm a natural sceptic anyway but I tend to take a step back and look at the big picture. Lots of foreign nationals died that day and, if we believe the alternative hypotheses here, their deaths were caused by the states of either America or Israel or perhaps both.

So, if a state was involved in perpetuating mass murder on this scale, the risks or costs would be absolutely enormous. If substantial proof got out then America would be a pariah state around the world. The political damage would be catastrophic.

The scale of planning and execution inherent in some of these hypotheses (tactical nuclear explosions, structural cutting, guided military planes masquerading as commerical airlines, and so on) would involve lots of people and lots of potential errors. For something like this to be undertaken, there would need to be 'plausible deniability' at every level, including if stuff went wrong on the day.

So, the costs would be enormous. But what about the benefits? They would have to be enormous too and far outweighing the costs. What has America as a state achieved by this? What might it think it would achieve at the point before the event? Was a monstrous and highly risky action like that the only way to achieve it?

Even after the event, there needs to be 'plausible deniability' and for years. Everyone allegedly involved would have to stay on message throughout their lives. What about deathbed confessions? Or, even better, terminal illness confessions? Evidence stashed away in safe places by individuals involved against state threats? Blackmail?

Also, I think people generally over-estimate the competence of the state when subjects like this come up. It seems to me that in America there is strong suspicion in the collective mind against federal government almost to the point of paranoia. In the UK, I think we tend to think the government is mostly incompetent and the secret state small and inadequate, at least at the moment. Does anyone here think the UK state, for example, is capable of a 11/9 scale atrocity?

deathbed confessions-pushed aside as nutters

terminal illness confessions-medication talking

USA-already a pariah state around the world

blackmail-have 'em done in-USA has done it before

benefits for such a high risk operation-overall control of everything and everyone

whats a couple of buildings-just bricks and mortar!
whats losing a few thousand lives? when you can blame someone else and start invading the world on a crusade of fighting terrorism!
just think, being in control of a major fuel supply=a heck of a lot of power

i dont trust 'em
but then again-i dont trust a lot of people Ninja

and mr dan

im off to bed cos im knackered
dont reply with big words as im not very well educated and i have to keep looking them up Laugh (its true!)

i like your debates-very interesting Thumbs Up

there is also a very strong "propaganda" war going on over this subject,
anyone who DOESNT take the "official" story as the truth is derided in the US media as a crank, anti American, a traitor, someone who is disrespecting the dead or their relatives (despite many relatives being involved in the "truth" movment,)
they are starved of publicity in the US media,
the subject is hardly every mentioned in the mainstream press anymore,
the WORST terror attack in HISTORY and one would think it never happened, it is most certainly being brushed under the carpet in the US,

My personaly view is,
its pretty much accepted that the "official" inquiry was a joke, a white wash,
IF there is nothing to hide, why not RE OPEN the investigation?,
only this time make it an INTERNATIONAL inqury,
after all, as I have said not ONLY Americans died that day,
IF the new inqury was held in say....Holland or somewhere neutral, and it was public and far reaching and supported by an international court,
then this would once and for all silence the doubters,
what have they got to hide? Confused
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
"The bigger the lie the more people will believe it"

I don't see why people can't believe that a bunch of misguided blokes, with much previous form, and a lot of money, were capable of this.

What's more, hanging your hopes on a dubious case like this one, means that people forget obvious issues, such as whether the Libyans caused Lockerbie. There is much official information to prove otherwise as anyone party to the International Institute Strategic Studies papers will testify.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
"The bigger the lie the more people will believe it"

I don't see why people can't believe that a bunch of misguided blokes, with much previous form, and a lot of money, were capable of this.

What's more, hanging your hopes on a dubious case like this one, means that people forget obvious issues, such as whether the Libyans caused Lockerbie. There is much official information to prove otherwise as anyone party to the International Institute Strategic Studies papers will testify.

so if what you are saying is, they LIED to us over Lockerbie, it cant be THAT much of a jump to concider the possibility that they MIGHT be lying over 11/9?
I have seen video of the guy who was supposed to be training some of these guys to fly, he said(in so many words) these guys couldnt fly for shit, n that was a single engined light aircraft,
yet we are expected to believe that they not ONLY flew high tech passenger airliners but also put them through manouvers that highly trained and experienced figher AND passenger jet pilots have gone on record saying that THEY could not fly in this manner,
I even saw a programe, where an ex military(combat veteran) and passneger jet trainer, tried to replicate the Pentagon attack in a simulator, took HIM 4 or 5 attempts to do it, (the terrorists did it in one)

and then could NOT hit the Pentagon in the way the terrorists are supposed to have, (he went in at a far steepr angle than the ground hugging "actual" attack,)
I have an IDEA of what actualy happened that day, (not my own) but its far more believeable than the "official" story,
its just that it would take up an entire page of this forum to write it all, Big Grin
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Smoke:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Does anyone here think the UK state, for example, is capable of a 11/9 scale atrocity?

In principle, it is perfectly 'capable'. It merely has to create a rationale, assemble the resources, plan - and then execute the operation(s).

So, I imagine you are really asking a different question.

erm there IS a 7/7 conspiracy "theory,"
AND it ties in with 11/9
but do we want to open THAT can of worms here?
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
IF the new inqury was held in say....Holland or somewhere neutral, and it was public and far reaching and supported by an international court, then this would once and for all silence the doubters, what have they got to hide? Confused

Under what jurisdiction? This matters because of the release of official documents and how any culpability would be settled. By observation, America as a state is rather shy of relinquishing control. They won't for example, give jurisdiction to the International Criminal Court.

Also, rather than asking what have they got to hide, why not ask what they have got to gain instead? If it is as you say then the propaganda war is already won. America as a state has victim status for a world terrorist event now and that gives it some sort of mandate for maintaining a 'war on terror' around the world. Why risk undermining that given what it cost?

When the loons in the 1960s and onwards were convinced we were being visited by aliens, America was going through an industrial/militaristic counter-culture. I'm not saying the state started the alien thing but I expect the state found it very convenient. There might be something similarly useful to the state in leaving different sections of society speculating about 11/9 and being worried about terrorism.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
IF the new inqury was held in say....Holland or somewhere neutral, and it was public and far reaching and supported by an international court, then this would once and for all silence the doubters, what have they got to hide? Confused

Under what jurisdiction? This matters because of the release of official documents and how would any culpability be settled? By observation, America as a state is rather shy of relinquishing control. They won't for example, give jurisdiction to the International Criminal Court.

Also, rather than asking what have they got to hide, why not ask what they have got to gain instead? If it is as you say then the propaganda war is already won. America as a state has victim status for a world terrorist event now and that gives it some sort of mandate for maintaining a 'war on terror' around the world. Why risk undermining that given what it cost?

When the loons in the 1960s and onwards were convinced we were being visited by aliens, America was going through a industrial/militaristic counter-culture. I'm not saying the state started the alien thing but I expect the state found it very convenient. There might be something similarly useful to the state in leaving different sections of society speculating about 11/9 and being worried about terrorism.

what have they got to gain? well firstly I think it all went "tits up" for them as in, didnt quite go to plan,
but world domination would be a nice prize,
the worlds oil is running out, wars are coming, fighting over dwindling resources is already happening, do you think Afghanistan is realy about squashing the Taliban?
countries (unlike US we etc), dont just plan for the next 10 years ya know?, they plan for the next 200 years or more, ....the world and its dependance on oil, is up shit creek, TROUBLE is coming, its all about vieing for possition, being sure to be the biggest kid on the block and in the right place/s at the right time when the shit hits the fan,
the USA is the richest and strongest country in the world and they aint about to give that up easily, and I believe that the BUSH dynasty were very aware of this, Nod
old hippy guy
What's more, hanging your hopes on a dubious case like this one, means that people forget obvious issues, such as whether the Libyans caused Lockerbie. There is much official information to prove otherwise as anyone party to the International Institute Strategic Studies papers will testify.

Quoted by Garage Joe

Having studied the Lockerbie Bombing as part of a paper on international terrorism, it is unclear whether Libya bankrolled the event, but it is clear that the men imprisoned for it, could not have perpetrated it.
Originally posted by Smoke:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Does anyone here think the UK state, for example, is capable of a 11/9 scale atrocity?

In principle, it is perfectly 'capable'. It merely has to create a rationale, assemble the resources, plan - and then execute the operation(s).

So, I imagine you are really asking a different question.

Ah yes. In principle, the UK state is 'capable' of bringing in an large-scale IT project on time and to budget, like the NHS records one. Has the UK state ever actually been 'capable' of bringing in a large-scale IT project on time and to budget? No. It's hopeless.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
what have they got to gain? well firstly I think it all went "tits up" for them as in, didnt quite go to plan,
but world domination would be a nice prize,
the worlds oil is running out, wars are coming, fighting over dwindling resources is already happening, do you think Afghanistan is realy about squashing the Taliban?
countries (unlike US we etc), dont just plan for the next 10 years ya know?, they plan for the next 200 years or more, ....the world and its dependance on oil, is up shit creek, TROUBLE is coming, its all about vieing for possition, being sure to be the biggest kid on the block and in the right place/s at the right time when the shit hits the fan,
the USA is the richest and strongest country in the world and they aint about to give that up easily, and I believe that the BUSH dynasty were very aware of this, Nod

You need to re-read what I wrote in its context. You're answering a completely different question.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
"The bigger the lie the more people will believe it"

I don't see why people can't believe that a bunch of misguided blokes, with much previous form, and a lot of money, were capable of this.

There are too many reasons for me personally.

For example...

It has to be remembered that since the dawn of the cold war American skies have been very closely watched by NORAD. they know if a plane goes off course, in which case they would typically send fighters within minutes to investigate, that is standard operating procedure. Yet on 9/11 2 planes simultaneously wandered off course, and yet, no fighters. the first plane was off course (COMPLETELY) for 40 minutes, the next one was off course for 70 minutes, then the pentagon plane was off course for about 40 mins as well. no fighters sent for these 3 planes.

I just don't see how those that the official story hold accountable could anticipate such a response (or lack thereof) on that day.
Comrade Ogilvy
I have seen video of the guy who was supposed to be training some of these guys to fly, he said(in so many words) these guys couldnt fly for shit, n that was a single engined light aircraft,
yet we are expected to believe that they not ONLY flew high tech passenger airliners but also put them through manouvers that highly trained and experienced figher AND passenger jet pilots have gone on record saying that THEY could not fly in this manner,
If that's the case then it's just as feasible that they crashed into the towers because they COULDN'T fly and their intention may have been something else, though just as nasty. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
You need to re-read what I wrote in its context. You're answering a completely different question.

oops sorry DJ bit distracted, R/L stuff to deal with, got to go for a while will re read, be back later, Thumbs Up

The context is: what has the American state got to gain by holding an international inquiry into 11/9?

It would also be very costly to stage.

Truth in situations like this is not an absolute thing worth pursing for its own sake, I suggest. At least not to a nation state anyway.
Originally posted by Kaytee:
What's more, hanging your hopes on a dubious case like this one, means that people forget obvious issues, such as whether the Libyans caused Lockerbie. There is much official information to prove otherwise as anyone party to the International Institute Strategic Studies papers will testify.

Quoted by Garage Joe

Having studied the Lockerbie Bombing as part of a paper on international terrorism, it is unclear whether Libya bankrolled the event, but it is clear that the men imprisoned for it, could not have perpetrated it.

Indeed! Nod
Consider the Secretary sacked.
You are much better KT. Thumbs Up
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
You need to re-read what I wrote in its context. You're answering a completely different question.

oops sorry DJ bit distracted, R/L stuff to deal with, got to go for a while will re read, be back later, Thumbs Up

The context is: what has the American state got to gain by holding an international inquiry into 11/9?

It would also be very costly to stage.

Truth in situations like this is not an absolute thing worth pursing for its own sake, I suggest. At least not to a nation state anyway.

oh I am back for a moment anyway,
I agree the American state has nothing to gain by holding an international iquiry,
thats why I said it should/could be held in a neutral country Holland or switzerland or some such,
there ARE, I rmember reading/or seeing, several countries who do NOT buy the "official" story, and are on record as saying I aint 100% sure on this, but I think SOME are Canada, Australia, and Japan, as well as some of the more "obvious" ones
BUT if people are interested in the subject all one has to do is go to youtube there are THOUDSANDS of videos on this topic there
some are very good and profesional, others not so good, there are both "truthers" and the truther "debunkers" I have seen so many my head spins hehe, all I say is to make your mind, I see one...and its nasty USA, then I watch another and its, pha! truthers are nuts, round and round it goes,
BUT my GUT feeling is...all is NOT as we were told, Nod
old hippy guy
Concerning the Lokerby Bombings....

I lived in Germany many years ago when Bill Cinton was president. One night CNN suddenly announced that the gov had stated that Libia did not Carry out the Locherby bombing and that another counrty was resposable.... Like Sadam for instance.. I will ask Mr tree when he comes home. this was covered extesivly for the rest of the night on CNN interviews with gov officals etc.. all through it the reporters seemed a little stunned by it all.... Then they stopped mentioning it and it was NEVER mentioned again. It was totally sureal. Confused
The Singing Ringing Tree
The thing I'm willing to believe is what I thought of for myself at the time. I don't believe the US govt CARRIED OUT the attacks, I think that's massive paranoia, however I agree it was convenient for Western Governments and I don't think it's a massive step of imagination to imagine they had wind of such plans and possibly allowed it to happen, knowing it would give them a bit of clout /public support when it came to declaring wars.
I think however the internet and all this 'I saw it on telly' stuff is a bit of a laugh really, come on do you think if the US managed to pull off something like this they would let the bubble burst by allowing TV programmes to be made and distributed?

I also think we LIKE to have a conspiracy, we like to discuss moon landings and dead princesses/presidents and living Elvises etc however I believe it also comforts people to think that 'they' are against us and there is nothing 'we' can do.
Originally posted by jonono:
The thing I'm willing to believe is what I thought of for myself at the time. I don't believe the US govt CARRIED OUT the attacks, I think that's massive paranoia, however I agree it was convenient for Western Governments and I don't think it's a massive step of imagination to imagine they had wind of such plans and possibly allowed it to happen, knowing it would give them a bit of clout /public support when it came to declaring wars.
I think however the internet and all this 'I saw it on telly' stuff is a bit of a laugh really, come on do you think if the US managed to pull off something like this they would let the bubble burst by allowing TV programmes to be made and distributed?

I also think we LIKE to have a conspiracy, we like to discuss moon landings and dead princesses/presidents and living Elvises etc however I believe it also comforts people to think that 'they' are against us and there is nothing 'we' can do.

ALL good points.....but, watch the video Thumbs Up
old hippy guy
good post jononono Thumbs Up

many years ago the girl who lived next door to me who was a uni graduate told me she had seen the most terifying documentary .... these kids where missing in America and all the police had found was the footage they had filmed on there camping trip (I kid you not) I asked her one question.... was it a bootleg copy of "the blair witch progect" she "oh yes have your heard about? Its very trajic isn't it" Eeker
The Singing Ringing Tree
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I have seen video of the guy who was supposed to be training some of these guys to fly, he said(in so many words) these guys couldnt fly for shit, n that was a single engined light aircraft,
yet we are expected to believe that they not ONLY flew high tech passenger airliners but also put them through manouvers that highly trained and experienced figher AND passenger jet pilots have gone on record saying that THEY could not fly in this manner,
If that's the case then it's just as feasible that they crashed into the towers because they COULDN'T fly and their intention may have been something else, though just as nasty. Smiler

OHG, I am assuming that we may have watched the same TV documentary as I have not gone out of my way to find anything and everything on the subject to watch.

My recollection of that program is, according to the flight trainer “they, the handful of terrorists who went to his training school were only ever interested in learning how to take off a commercial airplane”.
I remember at the time I was thinking the son of a gun was only interested in making money instead of asking questions why they are insisting on learning specific aspects of flying.

I don’t know where the “single engine light aircraft” came from but then again there was more than a handful who were being trained to fly. Or, is it possible that they may have started with a light aircraft before moving on to a commercial airplane somewhere else?
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)

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