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I agree this is a good forum,but just wondering where and how tonights % came about   Could be FB?or Bebo?
To be honest I aint got a clue. It's a shame there is no way of breaking down the votes to give us some stats (they probably don't want us to know). I don't use social networking sites and have no idea how they work. I suppose because JJ has a youthful current look he may appeal to the younger viewer, hence the greater support (speculation on my part).
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
I guess I have a son who looks a lot like JJ .........he can be very argumentative too but he's also an absoloute sweetheart (if I'm honest although not the fave of my three - I relate to him better than the other two) ..................I really think that's why. I don't see violence in JJ - he just enjoys a bit of a ding dong. Through no fault of his own Nathan struck me as more 'violent' ..................maybe because he looks sort of Neandrathal (and has a foul mouth).
Soozy Woo
I have a son who looks a lot like JJ

*becomes Soozy's bessie mate*  

oh... & not that anyone wants to know... but its not just teenagers that like JJ, & voted for Nathan (to save JJ).   And, whilst the fact that he is phwoar is a factor, its also that to some of us he is an interesting housemate.   I do find him unpredictable.... I like that. 

And... I'm not the only one who thinks it.
ooooh! *becomes Soozy's bessie mate*
My son is gay .................TBH - I wouldn't have been at all surprised if he had stepped out of the space ship tonight. He simply adores BB and is up for anything .....................I always thought he'd apply (in many ways I'm glad he never has) .........he's applied for that silly show where you jump on the red balls though.
Soozy Woo
I have heard expletives from JJ but ..................I would say in number and content ...........Nathan wins hands down.
Maybe his accent makes it more palatable for some,who knows....In between yeah's eff's come like bullets from a machine gun...Given he repeats every word he darn well says there's the echo as follow up.
Soozy that's a strange thing to say. I love my children equally and I mean completely eqally. There is no favourite.
Cologne believe me I adore all three of mine equally but I have a very different relationship with all of them as they are all different. I relate to my middle child best - we have a real laugh together - that's not to say that I don't love the other two. And ..........i really and trully do not love him more than the other two - as I say I have a different relationship with all of them could it be the same?
Soozy Woo

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