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i'm watching  and i think its a shame they cant accept the children they have , some people cant concieve at all , my auntie had 4 boys and always wanted a girl but she gave up . maybe i'm predujuiced because i had a boy then a girl then got sterilised ( i had split from their father by then )   but i think if you are so desperate for a child  the gender should not matter , long as the baby is healthy
That's what my husband said ... he didn't think he'd ever be able to cope with the whole boyfriend thing.

I just don't want a girl. I want a boy so that I can kick a footy round with him, take him to watch the footie. I know it's possible that a girl would wanna play footie but it's less likely. I just wouldn't want a girl full stop Out of interest, once you've found out the sex of your baby, is it then too late to get a termination?
Crunchy  Nuts
what happens if she cant love him the same as his brothers though and holds it against him that he was'nt a girl ?  i think she held her hopes too high
I was wondering that too

I think also, people seem to have really set ideas of what a girl will be like... she was going round the shop looking at all pink fluffy things and dolls. I hated all that stuff as a kid, I was a complete tomboy and had scalextrix, remote control cars and a train set She would have been right disappointed with me Oh, and I'm the eldest, so I wasn't getting any influence from my brother or anything

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