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Got my Severn Trent bill for 2024/25 this week. Noticed that it has increased by just over 14%. My water bills are not metered.
The fixed charge element of the bill has the largest increase. There's the Fresh water category which has increased from £33.38 to £48.89 and the Waste water, surface water and highway drainage section which has increased from £31.80 to £46.65. Both increases are just over 46%. Those fixed charges are the same for everyone in my county whose bills aren't metered.
For others whose water bills are not metered, what sort of increases have you had?

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@El Loro posted:
Got my Severn Trent bill for 2024/25 this week. Noticed that it has increased by just over 14%. My water bills are not metered.
The fixed charge element of the bill has the largest increase. There's the Fresh water category which has increased from £33.38 to £48.89 and the Waste water, surface water and highway drainage section which has increased from £31.80 to £46.65. Both increases are just over 46%. Those fixed charges are the same for everyone in my county whose bills aren't metered.
For others whose water bills are not metered, what sort of increases have you had?

Omg …that’s awful El Thankfully I’m metered , but I’m expecting an increase in the standing charge …not sure how much yet . Talk about swings and roundabouts though ….energy prices have just gone down , and now water is going up!


Blimey! that's a bit of a hike isn't it El
We haven't had our bills yet and based on those increases I'm not looking forward to seeing them.
At home we're on a meter, but here at Dad's we're not....will be interesting  to see the difference.


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