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Hi, suricat: 

It seems as if you are waiting for a response from someone, but I'm not sure who that would be? These forums are for anyone interested in the listed shows. There is no one here from the show itself to generate or even participate in discussions about the show. If you aren't getting a response, it might be that no one else is interested in discussing the subject, and you might find more conversation on another site.

Hope that helps to explain the silence!


No thanks for the 'kick off' from the site here 'Lori'!

"It seems as if you are waiting for a response from someone, but I'm not sure who that would be?"

It would seem that this statement should end with an 'exclamation mark' (!). Thus, why did this site ask posters on the C4 'eve' website to post here??? It would seem that this site has a 'bias' against the 'science' of global 'warming/cooling' whilst attracting participating members to this, now 'discontinued', website.

Are you 'for' the original 'migration' of the C4 'eve' website, or 'against it'?

It would seem that your original readership was against this, thus, you should have advised that the C4 'eve' website participants should have chosen 'elsewhere' to post their posts!!!

Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat).


You are definitely NOT unwelcome.

I'm not sure what you need in the way of an explanation, but several years ago, Channel 4 opted to cancel the service it had with us, and we opened up a new site for members who wanted to continue with the community. Over the years the number of active members has dwindled, but we still have a few members that enjoy each other's company!

I'm not sure why you feel you were "coerced", but I assure you that is not the case.


"Channel 4 opted to cancel the service it had with us, and we opened up a new site for members who wanted to continue with the community."

Untrue from the perspective of Channel 4 posters. 'C4' (Channel 4) posters to their 'C4' 'Eve website' understood that 'C4' was closing their 'Eve website' without any online reference to postings that were made there. Posters on the 'Eve website' were offered a migration to your website! Where are the 'postings' from the 'original' 'Eve website'? They're gone into the ether! Your site has intimated the continuation of posts that you're site has effectively 'deleted' from data passed to your, or a site that you've purported to support, to within your site.

"Over the years the number of active members has dwindled, but we still have a few members that enjoy each other's company!"

No surprise there Lori.

We all have something 'in common', but many others have questions outside of the 'common' questions. Would this be because this site is 'averse' to the 'common understanding of science'? Bearing in mind the 'apathy' that this site offers to any 'science' fact/theory proposed! Thus, the 'C4' 'website' 'Eve' is unrepresentative of/for any 'migration' to this 'site'!

"I'm not sure why you feel you were "coerced", but I assure you that is not the case."

Prove it! I've no contact here with posters that I had dialog with when I had a dialogue with within the 'C4' 'Eve website'.



Let's get away from my complaints about the 'science' on this site and get back to the subject of 'recent weather anomalies'.

We've all noticed the changes in weather trends here in the UK and it's exactly as I predicted on the 'C4' 'Eve' site. There is an acceleration in the 'hydrological sphere' (if you've noticed) that causes higher than average 'wind speeds' and greater 'rainfall' than the UK has experienced in the recent past (also higher average annual temperatures). Now this may be due to altered 'albedo' due to increases in 'tarmac and concrete' from/by increases in town-city areas, or it 'may' be due to increases in CO2 (IR radiative blocking), particulates reducing 'cloud cover', or even forbid, the reduced ability for Earth to 'evaporatively cool Earth's surface' by means of 'evaporative cooling' by some mechanism or other (mostly the lighter density of 'water vapor' (WV) that causes/initiates cloud at higher altitudes.

The 'latter' would be most probable IMHO.

Which could it be?

Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat).


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