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I can understand (sort off) the complete reversal off all of HER new proposals, but can she really ditch a long-standing TORY policy? i.e. The Tripple Lock?

Having made a mess off everything, do they think that gives them Carte Blanche to trash EVERYTHING?

I reckon they are using it as an excuse to junk things they couldn’t in all conscience ditch before …and are using the fiscal prudence thing to cover their tracks !


And she has 'confirmed' that they are keeping to the Pensions Tripple Lock.

Now someone on the news has said them increasing by 10% next April, but (and I may be wrong) the rate is set at a date in September, and I don't think inflation was 10% at that point.

The CPI for the year to September 2022 was 10.1% and that's supposed to be the rate to be used for the state pension increase.

El Loro

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