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Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
I always find myself defending my lifestyle.

I think you post your lifestyle to shock. I think people here like to be shocked, too. Symbiotic relationship. Thumbs Up

I wouldn't say shock tbh. I often find though that what i find normal is far from with a lot of peeps on here? Dont know if its a generation thing or location or what?
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
I have only ever been able to go out for a drink with my sister once before in my life. Sorry. Next time i shall make sure my decorum is up to scratch instead of throwing caution to the wind and trying to have a good time.
I was just putting my opinions on here. If you post on a public message forum, then you invite responses from anyone and everyone. And they aren't always going to be responses that you like. No need to get defensive. Frowner I just think that what you said is a ridiculous amount to drink (and a few others said so too, someone said tell me it wasn't just YOU that drank all this!,) and I thought you were younger than 23. That's all. Jeez!

I agree with you Storm.

It isn't anything to be proud of announcing the fact that you'd drunk so much. Not something to be worn like a badge of honour exactly IMO.

I've hardly drunk very much throughout my life other than the odd Bacardi & Coke but have now been told I have a damaged liver!!

God knows what the youngsters of today with their binge drinking are going to be like ten years down the line if they continue in that vein.

More than 14 units per week is far too much.

Sorry to rain on anyone's parade but, take it from me, it obviously doesn't take too much for liver damage to occur.
Hyacinth Hug
I know someone going through the same. I wasn't announcing it like i was proud. I was having one hell of a shitty night and all the while trying to get involved in the fun and games i just couldn't get in the mood. Thats all i was trying to put across ( i have never been good with words)
I dont mean this to come out the wrong way and i really hope you dont take offence but i am aware that there are many many many things that can cause liver damage. Too many pain killers for example.
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
I'm so old and decrepit that I don't even know what a couple of those are Big Grin Big Grin
LOL. Laugh I am familiar with most of them, but haven't drank that much all at once - ever. I think you can have a good time and let yourself go without drinking the entire contents of a London Hilton mini bar Frowner

JMHO of course. I think binge drinking is dangerous. And when you talk about your personal life and drinking habits on a public forum, you have to expect an array of different responses. I werent being nasty - just speaking my views thats all Frowner

As was I Storm.

If someone makes a thread, they are inviting responses - good or bad.

It's not until something actually happens to you that folk will sit up and smell the coffee but, by then, it's often far too late and the damage is done.

Why does it take so much alcohol for people to consider they've had a good night out anyway?
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Hyacinth Hug
I know someone going through the same. I wasn't announcing it like i was proud. I was having one hell of a shitty night and all the while trying to get involved in the fun and games i just couldn't get in the mood. Thats all i was trying to put across ( i have never been good with words)
I dont mean this to come out the wrong way and i really hope you dont take offence but i am aware that there are many many many things that can cause liver damage. Too many pain killers for example.

Well, considering I only take the odd painkiller for headaches/toothache or whatever, I would hardly consider that is what has caused my problem.

I just wish you'd be a bit more cautious when mixing so many different drinks - you did seem to be boasting about it.
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Same reason i guess you can have a dinner party without food. Going out to have a good time goes hand in hand with drinking.

Not necessarily. I have a friend who has never touched a drink in her life and she always used to end up as our chauffeur BUT she always had a brilliant evening when we all went out for the night.

She didn't need a drink to make her happy and merry. She was naturally so.
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Hyacinth Hug
I know someone going through the same. I wasn't announcing it like i was proud. I was having one hell of a shitty night and all the while trying to get involved in the fun and games i just couldn't get in the mood. Thats all i was trying to put across ( i have never been good with words)
I dont mean this to come out the wrong way and i really hope you dont take offence but i am aware that there are many many many things that can cause liver damage. Too many pain killers for example.

Well, considering I only take the odd painkiller for headaches/toothache or whatever, I would hardly consider that is what has caused my problem.
I just wish you'd be a bit more cautious when mixing so many different drinks - you did seem to be boasting about it.

Im really not trying to make out your a pill head honest. Just saying theres so many chemical in everything these days. Anything can damage your liver/body. I gave up smoking a while ago and was shocked to learn all the nasty chemicals in them like arsnic.
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I think you post your lifestyle to shock. I think people here like to be shocked, too. Symbiotic relationship. Thumbs Up

I wouldn't say shock tbh. I often find though that what i find normal is far from with a lot of peeps on here? Dont know if its a generation thing or location or what?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan. I love hearing wild stories. Laugh

When I was a bit younger, part of the fun after a night out was finding out what one did but had forgotten because of the drink. It's that "Oh god yeah!" moment. Big Grin
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Same reason i guess you can have a dinner party without food. Going out to have a good time goes hand in hand with drinking.

Not necessarily. I have a friend who has never touched a drink in her life and she always used to end up as our chauffeur BUT she always had a brilliant evening when we all went out for the night.
She didn't need a drink to make her happy and merry. She was naturally so.

I do have the best times when im working behind the bar of a weekend. Obviously im certainly not drunk then. But as i dont often get the chance to go out for a drink i do tend to make the most of it.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I think you post your lifestyle to shock. I think people here like to be shocked, too. Symbiotic relationship. Thumbs Up

I wouldn't say shock tbh. I often find though that what i find normal is far from with a lot of peeps on here? Dont know if its a generation thing or location or what?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan. I love hearing wild stories. Laugh
When I was a bit younger, part of the fun after a night out was finding out what you did but had forgotten because of the drink. It's that "Oh god yeah!" moment. Big Grin

Laugh Laugh Laugh
Very true Big Grin
oh Kel Laugh
my friend (who dosen't usually drink) drank a little too much on the weekend (a bottle of a of Baileys & half a bottle of something else). She'd had a really really rotten couple of weeks & was at home. Anyway I've been told & they have the incriminating photos of her trying to Dirty Dance with the fence & falling over. I forgot to look at the photos today but my point is


all this talk of binge drinking wasn't around 10 years ago & the only reason it exists today is because we live in a nanny country.
Koala Brother
I drink quite a lot when I go out for the night aswell Kelly. Maybe it is just an age thing, I dunno. I don't see the harm in drinking what you like when you're out, you are responsible for yourself and should you want to get pissed then thats up to you.

I'd say what you drank last night is a typical night out for me aswell but I'm usually a bit drunk by then not sober like you Big Grin
Originally posted by TiGi:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Same reason i guess you can have a dinner party without food. Going out to have a good time goes hand in hand with drinking.

What a load of bollox. If you need to be drunk to have a good night then that's bloody tragic.

Clapping Absolutely TiGs. Thumbs Up

I don't know how they manage to afford it.
Originally posted by Koala Brother:
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
I don't know how they manage to afford it.
because she works 2 jobs & alcohol is cheaper than a bottle of bloody water these days

So what - big deal. I worked two jobs too.

Don't know where you're buying your water but the water I buy is a damn sight cheaper than a bottle of alcohol where I live!!
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by Koala Brother:
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
I don't know how they manage to afford it.
because she works 2 jobs & alcohol is cheaper than a bottle of bloody water these days

So what - big deal. I worked two jobs too.

Don't know where you're buying your water but the water I buy is a damn sight cheaper than a bottle of alcohol where I live!!

My water is free, straight from the tap Thumbs Up
Originally posted by TiGi:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:

I do if I'm with other people in a pub.


They're usually drunk/tipsy and it's horrible being sober around drunk or tipsy people. Also, I like wearing beer goggles. Ninja

Oh, and I got to quite noisy pubs and the music sounds better when you're a bit blurry around the edges. I sort of go into a pleasant haze.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by TiGi:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:

I do if I'm with other people in a pub.


They're usually drunk/tipsy and it's horrible being sober around drunk or tipsy people. Also, I like wearing beer goggles. Ninja

Oh, and I got to quite noisy pubs and the music sounds better when you're a bit blurry around the edges. I sort of go into a pleasant haze.

Not good the next day though eh Laugh
Originally posted by TiGi:
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by Koala Brother:
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
I don't know how they manage to afford it.
because she works 2 jobs & alcohol is cheaper than a bottle of bloody water these days

So what - big deal. I worked two jobs too.

Don't know where you're buying your water but the water I buy is a damn sight cheaper than a bottle of alcohol where I live!!

My water is free, straight from the tap Thumbs Up
wouldn't drink tap water if you paid me. Too many chemicals Sick
Koala Brother

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