Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
As i said in the original post tupps, I have no problem whatsoever with a woman having IVF if she is of child bearing age, because nature has been cruel and has made her unable to conceive or whatever..
But a woman having a baby at 66 is wrong on so many levels. The needs and desires this woman has to have a baby, may be strong, but she is 66 years old, and should NOT be allowed to have IVF in my opinion.
No matter how many different ways people say it; her child is MORE than likely 100 times more likely to be an orphan or a carer in their teens than a child would be whose mother had had them at 30/35 years old or less..
Without any knowledge of her back story it would be difficult to know why she has made this decision wouldn't it. IVF has been around for 27 years.. not that long really and continually advancing all the time. Maybe she could never conceive naturally. Maybe the opportunity for IVF was not available to her when it first hit the fertility scene. Maybe maybe maybe..
I'm not sure how you get the 100 times more likely statistic. And without her medical records and a crystal ball how are we to know that she will not live to a ripe old age and be there until her child reaches maturity? How do we know she won't be an active older person? How do we know that her child will end up being a carer for her? There are many variables.
And where do you draw the line? 40? 50? 60?
I'm not saying it is the wisest decision but it is her decision. If she has gone through the whole IVF proceedure and pregnancy I'm sure she hasn't done it lightly. As I said.. my only feeling about this is that I hope the child is happy, loved etc... for however long she is in the child's life.