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Even for those of us who are a bit closer to retiral age it's not looking that rosy. Our NHS pension scheme now has three tiers to it. The tier you're on is mainly dependent on when you joined the scheme.


And with state retiral age being pushed further and further into our latter years, we're being faced with a somewhat stark choice:A longer period of existing only on our works pension or putting off retiring from work for a few more years.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing


Don't even get me started...1) what they did to women born in the fifties was illegal.  2 ) they have put the years up in stamps to 35, so anyone taking a break to have children are up sh*ts creek without a paddle and they have stopped being able to claim on your husbands NI payments to cover those years.  3) they have no conscience, I advise everyone to watch I, Daniel's factual, researched to high heaven and based on true stories and this happens everyday to many thousands of people....this is the government we have.  

I have taken early retirement and have to pay full rent, 75% poll tax (one occupant) which leaves me very little and where I assumed I would be ok when I reached 62...I found out in the media I won't be. No notification, no letter...zilch.

Unless you belong to the one percent under Tories no one will ever be better off, in fact this government is worse than Thatcher and that takes some beating.  


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