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Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Take it it doesn't help with insomnia Supes Mornin'! 

Ha ha, I'm a night owl slinki and, usually, an early riser too. Had an early night and a lay in yesterday 'though, so I'm stored up for the next month or so!

!  Like a camel of sleep  

Camels are okay, but I usually stick to the Marlboro Reds

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Take it it doesn't help with insomnia Supes Mornin'! 

Ha ha, I'm a night owl slinki and, usually, an early riser too. Had an early night and a lay in yesterday 'though, so I'm stored up for the next month or so!

!  Like a camel of sleep  

Camels are okay, but I usually stick to the Marlboro Reds

Hahah! I've gone a bit menthol myself  

Originally Posted by nuts:

Ok, serious now.....I've never been so 'achey' and 'bent double' as I have recently. Is it really age? Do the hormones kick in at age 50 for some reason? (I've just gone 51) but find myself not being able to move at times   Do I need to go see the doc? 

I'm the same age and have the same problems, Nuts.

If I sit down for longer than 10-15 minutes, I seem to seize up.


Ahar! Ditty I too was peri-menopausal,a few missed periods at age 43,blood tests showed  I  was in the early stages etc. I managed a couple of years before taking HRT,I took it for 6 years,bloody great. I'm 56 this year and still have the odd hot flush but they are not so bad.HRT does delay it, it doesn't "cure" it.It helps your bones etc ,yes the  side effects increase slightly when on it,however they recommend 6 years max now.I think years ago folk were talking it for 10 years plus.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

fricken' men all they get is droopy ball sacks!

Hahah! Never short of anything to play keepieuppie with then  

Aye eventually they can chuck each one  over their shoulders!

Bit like our boobies.

Hahah!  ! Something to keep yer neck warm  

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

Achey and bent will have nothing to do with yer hormones Pam. I'd ask if you're not sleeping well enough. If so, at your age that is likely to be menopausal. 


I saw my GP about this and realised I'd been pre-menopausal for more than a decade. When I finally stopped my periods 10 years later I talked to my GP again he flung out a prescription for HRT. When I read how you have to take it I realised it was so complicated and how hard it was to integrate into my existing medication regime I realised I needed to try and find out more about this menopause thing! 


And then I realised how HRT may only delay the menopause symptoms rather than eradicate them. Bummer!  


I opted for the 'sweat it out then' approach. I still regret it to this day but reckon I've got to stick with it now and think 3 years on I'm getting there! 

Just read back on this. You could have a point there Xochi. I know I'm not sleeping well but I put this down to my pillow. I need to change it again  I've got so many pillows tucked away in space saver bags it's unreal and I still can't find one to satisfy me 

Originally Posted by nuts:

Just read back on this. You could have a point there Xochi. I know I'm not sleeping well but I put this down to my pillow. I need to change it again  I've got so many pillows tucked away in space saver bags it's unreal and I still can't find one to satisfy me 

Have you tried the memory foam ones, or the 'egg-box' ergonomic type?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Just read back on this. You could have a point there Xochi. I know I'm not sleeping well but I put this down to my pillow. I need to change it again  I've got so many pillows tucked away in space saver bags it's unreal and I still can't find one to satisfy me 

Have you tried the memory foam ones, or the 'egg-box' ergonomic type?

Yes, I've got a memory foam one but TBH I don't think it helps much


Do you think the egg box one will help Fluffs? 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Just read back on this. You could have a point there Xochi. I know I'm not sleeping well but I put this down to my pillow. I need to change it again  I've got so many pillows tucked away in space saver bags it's unreal and I still can't find one to satisfy me 

Have you tried the memory foam ones, or the 'egg-box' ergonomic type?

Yes, I've got a memory foam one but TBH I don't think it helps much


Do you think the egg box one will help Fluffs? 

I haven't tried it myself. I've always intended to, but what I've read about it leaves me with a good impression and I have high expectations of it.


Soozy, have you tries sleeping with a magnetic underblanket and matching pad to go under your pillow?

It is supposed to help reduce the heat that disturbs your sleep.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I have a memory foam pillow not the really mega expensive one but not a cheapo .................I love it. I still have sleepless nights but that's hormonal - my pillow is lovely. i really notice the difference if I'm away from home.

Same here Sooz 

My sleep pattern is shot to sh**.  Not tried any of the 'specialist' pillows and have always liked a firm pillow up until now.  Recently bought two of the softest, fluffiest, springiest pillows and I practically pass out immediately on contact   Trouble is, I can't wake up in the mornings


How are those creams (mentioned above) meant to work?

Do you just rub 'em on anywhere and let them work their magic


Nuts   You should go and see the doc.  It may have nothing to do with meno stuff;  perhaps you need some kind of fish oil to supple up your joints?

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Just read back on this. You could have a point there Xochi. I know I'm not sleeping well but I put this down to my pillow. I need to change it again  I've got so many pillows tucked away in space saver bags it's unreal and I still can't find one to satisfy me 

Have you tried the memory foam ones, or the 'egg-box' ergonomic type?

Yes, I've got a memory foam one but TBH I don't think it helps much


Do you think the egg box one will help Fluffs? 

I haven't tried it myself. I've always intended to, but what I've read about it leaves me with a good impression and I have high expectations of it.


Soozy, have you tries sleeping with a magnetic underblanket and matching pad to go under your pillow?

It is supposed to help reduce the heat that disturbs your sleep.

No!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you have a link? I'm such an eau naturelle type person but ....................I'd give that a go although SURELY TO GOD it's gotta be over soon must be four years + now. How long does it go on?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

 How are those creams (mentioned above) meant to work?

Do you just rub 'em on anywhere and let them work their magic


Cosi, You rub a pea size amount into fatty tissue, (bum or boobs for most, just about anywhere for me LOL,) twice a day

Ooooooh I was doing inner arm - I'm off to smother my boobies before bed. I have a tiny drop left - will send off for another pot tomorrow - I shall try again - on reflection there was some improvemrnt - I guess I was wanting a miracle!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I have a memory foam pillow not the really mega expensive one but not a cheapo .................I love it. I still have sleepless nights but that's hormonal - my pillow is lovely. i really notice the difference if I'm away from home.

Same here Sooz 

My sleep pattern is shot to sh**.  Not tried any of the 'specialist' pillows and have always liked a firm pillow up until now.  Recently bought two of the softest, fluffiest, springiest pillows and I practically pass out immediately on contact   Trouble is, I can't wake up in the mornings


How are those creams (mentioned above) meant to work?

Do you just rub 'em on anywhere and let them work their magic


Nuts   You should go and see the doc.  It may have nothing to do with meno stuff;  perhaps you need some kind of fish oil to supple up your joints?

Any idea what they are Cosmo? Even if I just used them at weekends..... and used a different one through the week when I have to get up for work. 


I think I'm gonna have to pay a visit to the docs  I bought two from QVC last year, sposed to be super duper and I still can't get any respite 




I've tried every pillow, and every trick in the book to try and sleep  The only time I manage a good 6-7 hours is if I have a drink, and I try to only drink once a week or at most twice, like tonight because of a stressful day  I've never really had any trouble with the menopause, sailed through it and was done and dusted at 47...except for the sleep thing and it drives me bloody mad.   

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



I've tried every pillow, and every trick in the book to try and sleep  The only time I manage a good 6-7 hours is if I have a drink, and I try to only drink once a week or at most twice, like tonight because of a stressful day  I've never really had any trouble with the menopause, sailed through it and was done and dusted at 47...except for the sleep thing and it drives me bloody mad.   

Try Quiet Life Tablets.Its a natural sleep aid and I have read reviews that say it's the best.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Try Quiet Life Tablets.Its a natural sleep aid and I have read reviews that say it's the best.

Thank Erin next drastic step was buying a mallet 


*edited to say, just googled and they are really inexpensive and if they work ...wonderful* 

Leave it out of the way of L though  

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Try Quiet Life Tablets.Its a natural sleep aid and I have read reviews that say it's the best.



Thank Erin next drastic step was buying a mallet 


*edited to say, just googled and they are really inexpensive and if they work ...wonderful* 

I hope they do, nothing worse than broken /Lack of sleep.

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Try Quiet Life Tablets.Its a natural sleep aid and I have read reviews that say it's the best.

Thank Erin next drastic step was buying a mallet 


*edited to say, just googled and they are really inexpensive and if they work ...wonderful* 

Leave it out of the way of L though  


PMLS...she would love it, 'yea mam, I'll give you a hand........bang' 


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