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Garage Joe posted:

Jeremy the ex public schoolboy from Chippenham.


Another point to make!

The Chilcott report is out next week and it if very important that Corbyn is Labour spokesman so that he can condemn the Blairites and Tories who voted for the destabilisation of Iraq, and the subsequent crisis of hegemony in the Middle East and consequences.

More exciting times!


I think this point is lost on some GJ, this is why it had to be done asap. 


Dame_Ann_Average posted:


some don't get JC, some of us do and obviously John Pilinger does and I totally agree with him. That's me done with politics today 


Well said John! 

Moonie posted:

Chaos just plain chaos and that's only the Labour part 


Time to go Jeremy. A majority of your fellow Labour MP's don't want you so how can you be a leader, in minority, of the Labour Party?


You have even had resignation/resignations in your new shadow cabinet...

pat cross resigned because she had death threats BBC forgot to mention that


you mark my words if angela eagle & tom 'fatboy' watson are ruling themselves out

it means tony or the david millar band are heading in-in other words its orchestrated (but not really working as the population are sticking with corbyn)

to get the blairites into power...but you gotta give jez his due-he knows this & is standing his ground

and a small mention about spoonface cam...telling jez to go-i mean WTF the man has no shame


pirate1111 posted:
Moonie posted:

Chaos just plain chaos and that's only the Labour part 


Time to go Jeremy. A majority of your fellow Labour MP's don't want you so how can you be a leader, in minority, of the Labour Party?


You have even had resignation/resignations in your new shadow cabinet...

pat cross resigned because she had death threats BBC forgot to mention that


you mark my words if angela eagle & tom 'fatboy' watson are ruling themselves out

it means tony or the david millar band are heading in-in other words its orchestrated (but not really working as the population are sticking with corbyn)

to get the blairites into power...but you gotta give jez his due-he knows this & is standing his ground

and a small mention about spoonface cam...telling jez to go-i mean WTF the man has no shame




As someone with no axe to grind over the Labour infighting ...I do have to say though,  that there  is an certain irony that on the one hand some of those shouting loudest for re-running the referendum ( not particularly on here)  are also shouting equally loudly that the Labour party in parliament should accept that JC was elected to the post by a democractic vote  




I am now able to reveal that the decision as to who is our leader resides with the members. It doesn't matter what MPs think.

I didn't see the main news but the Pat GLASS situation was dealt with on our BBC-she is local.

Garage Joe
Baz posted:

As someone with no axe to grind over the Labour infighting ...I do have to say though,  that there  is an certain irony that on the one hand some of those shouting loudest for re-running the referendum ( not particularly on here)  are also shouting equally loudly that the Labour party in parliament should accept that JC was elected to the post by a democractic vote  



We are suggesting that the referendum is non binding. It isn't!

Our parliament is sovereign and they have the capacity to stick to their principles (a vast majority were remainers) and carry on.

However judging by the FT I think we are beyond that now. One suspects that there is a lot of horse trading going on in the background.

Garage Joe
Garage Joe posted:
Baz posted:

As someone with no axe to grind over the Labour infighting ...I do have to say though,  that there  is an certain irony that on the one hand some of those shouting loudest for re-running the referendum ( not particularly on here)  are also shouting equally loudly that the Labour party in parliament should accept that JC was elected to the post by a democractic vote  



We are suggesting that the referendum is non binding. It isn't!

Our parliament is sovereign and they have the capacity to stick to their principles (a vast majority were remainers) and carry on.

However judging by the FT I think we are beyond that now. One suspects that there is a lot of horse trading going on in the background.

But it was still a democratic vote GJ ......and the majority .....for whatever their reasons ....voted out. 

Baz posted:
Garage Joe posted:
Baz posted:

As someone with no axe to grind over the Labour infighting ...I do have to say though,  that there  is an certain irony that on the one hand some of those shouting loudest for re-running the referendum ( not particularly on here)  are also shouting equally loudly that the Labour party in parliament should accept that JC was elected to the post by a democractic vote  



We are suggesting that the referendum is non binding. It isn't!

Our parliament is sovereign and they have the capacity to stick to their principles (a vast majority were remainers) and carry on.

However judging by the FT I think we are beyond that now. One suspects that there is a lot of horse trading going on in the background.

But it was still a democratic vote GJ ......and the majority .....for whatever their reasons ....voted out. 

I'm only trying to help. Surely there will be very few people left who still think it's a good idea. At times like this one has to settle down, calmly negotiate a settlement, and make sure no-one loses face.

Garage Joe
Garage Joe posted:
Baz posted:
Garage Joe posted:
Baz posted:

As someone with no axe to grind over the Labour infighting ...I do have to say though,  that there  is an certain irony that on the one hand some of those shouting loudest for re-running the referendum ( not particularly on here)  are also shouting equally loudly that the Labour party in parliament should accept that JC was elected to the post by a democractic vote  



We are suggesting that the referendum is non binding. It isn't!

Our parliament is sovereign and they have the capacity to stick to their principles (a vast majority were remainers) and carry on.

However judging by the FT I think we are beyond that now. One suspects that there is a lot of horse trading going on in the background.

But it was still a democratic vote GJ ......and the majority .....for whatever their reasons ....voted out. 

I'm only trying to help. Surely there will be very few people left who still think it's a good idea. At times like this one has to settle down, calmly negotiate a settlement, and make sure no-one loses face.

I agree that it's time to settle down , accept the result , and get the best settlement we can As for few still believing it's a good idea .....can't speak for anyone but myself  

Baz posted:

I agree that it's time to settle down , accept the result , and get the best settlement we can As for few still believing it's a good idea .....can't speak for anyone but myself  

I might have to work with it, but I'll never accept it 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


hang on it seems the Eagle may have changed direction, she must have forgotten she came fourth in the last vote 

I've just seen it on the news strap 


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