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Ohhh! Now I geddit!! And I was watching that thing a while ago with the hockey sticks and that was called curling? WTF is all THAT about? At least with polevaulting, long jump etc, it's pretty self explanatory, but all these farty names for these things that no-one really gives a toss about - it's dead confusing and I might just complain to the Chief of Olympics or summat. (I do love a good complaint letter or three)

Sorry, I've taken the thread off on a tangent. Erm ok, a way to leave your lover? It depends on why you're dumping them I suppose. But if they've cheated with someone or your mum or your cat or whatever then go hell for leather and let 'em have it. Expensive garments with arms and legs missing is usually a good start.
hhh! Now I geddit!! And I was watching that thing a while ago with the hockey sticks and that was called curling? WTF is all THAT about? At least with polevaulting, long jump etc, it's pretty self explanatory, but all these farty names for these things that no-one really gives a toss about - it's dead confusing and I might just complain to the Chief of Olympics or summat. (I do love a good complaint letter or three)


Using a drunk person's own clothing, to clean up the piss that they just left on the floor.
After observing Jim pissing in the corner of the room, Marisa waited for Jim to remove his clothes, and pass out. She then took his clothes and went Curling.


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