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I used to have an Old English Sheepdog, they're still my favourite but I also like Bearded Collies Labradors Westies Cairn Terriers
when we went for a walk today, cause it was my Fudgie's 4th birthday I took a bag of Schmacko's with me & within the first 5 mins of our walk a bearded collie came up & was asked politely for one too. Then later in our walk, we rounded a corner & there he was sitting in the middle of the path. Waiting for another treat. We could hear his owners were quite far away but he was insistant. He was a lovely, gentle & polite doggy. BTW I asked his parents before I gave him anything
On the other hand a good breeder will make sure they breed the bad traits out of a dog.So it's swings and roundabouts
Trouble is Breeders (not all) flood the market with the latest fad, a lot of them breed the Bitch and dog to death, keep them in appalling conditions, and then they end up in rescue centres across the country. I would rather give a home to a rescued creature rather than encourage breeders. If a person's dog/cat has babies, then lovely if good homes are found for them. I cannot support people who use dogs and cats as a business.
Heartache online 2696 Forum Posts Today at 13:21 (Edited: ) Reference: On the other hand a good breeder will make sure they breed the bad traits out of a dog.So it's swings and roundabouts Trouble is Breeders (not all) flood the market with the latest fad, a lot of them breed the Bitch and dog to death, keep them in appalling conditions, and then they end up in rescue centres across the country. I would rather give a home to a rescued creature rather than encourage breeders. If a person's dog/cat has babies, then lovely if good homes are found for them. I cannot support people who use dogs and cats as a business.
my old boss did that i was naive when first started working there (a boarding kennels) but i soon clocked on! him and his wife were money making selfish gits! to make matters worse they are JUDGES for many dog shows too!
most of their dogs lived in pens, had one meal a day..never came out or really socialised (except when being groomed or trained for show) and he pretty much had a litter on the go for sale ALL the time. looking back i'm ashamed i worked there still..he's closed down now LOL
i remember one dog he had...she was a LOVELY GSD. but...too thin, and had an ear infection that was never really dealt with. and he bred from her! (apparently he did every year) RSPCA didn't do shit either!!!
ANNOCA offline 217 Forum Posts Today at 14:24 (Edited: ) I think there is a slight misunderstanding regarding the term BREEDER. What people are talking about here are not breeders - they are what is called PUPPY FARMERS. There is a big difference between the two.
true. but some other breeders only do so for money or fads too. there are responsible breeders you are right...and people should ALWAYS check the breeder out...and all of their dogs before thinking about getting one of their puppies.

some breeds of dog shouldn't exist tbh (even though i like some of them lol). like british bulldogs, they cannot even give birth or mate on their own! they (mostly) need to be artificially inseminated..then have c section...cos they have been bred to have narrow hips and VERY large heads.

saying that the same applies for EVERY animal/pet.

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