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That would have been the cattle herding instinct in them coming out in play, Bojangles.

Almost all of the herding breeds will instinctively chase a moving object.

That is why, when a dog runs away from the owner - the owner should turn around and run in the opposite direction.  In the vast majority of cases, the errant dog will turn and run to chase the owner.
In the vast majority of cases, the errant dog will turn and run to chase the owner.
*chunters under breath*...  my dog is a git!   he has had puppy school recall training.. advanced recall training... one to one recall training.

We've tried everything.. and he does get it.  He totally understands recall.

Its just that he finds it funny not to do it!

Consequently the only off lead activity my dog gets is up at my parents.. where they have a huge garden ... which is lucky.  tis the only time he gets to do the flat out Rhubarb & Custard run!
Reference: Bojangles
Some dogs take ages to cock their leg I had one that took over 2 years and when he eventually did it was only half cocked,So he was neither up nor down really.Or half cocked.
He was 2 in October and has never shown an inkling for cocking his leg to do a wee. I even tried to show him in the garden a few times but he weren't having none of it (and the neighbours thought I'd lost my marbles). So now I've accepted I have a transgender dog
Ditty,  I would suggest you always keep some titbits in your pocket and do a recall with him - even in the house.  On some occasions, when he comes to you, give him a titbit and lots of praise and on other occasions, just lots of praise.

That way, you make him think about it and he will come back to you in the hope that this is going to be one of the times he is going to get a titbit.
honest Annoca... we've tried that!

we've tried clicker training... we've tried the titbit thing (tbh he isn;t that motivated by treats.. there is one treat that we call Doggy Crack.. cos he loves them so much.. Meaty Treats... but even they won't lure him back).

we've tried to get him to bring his beloved sprocket out and be responsible for it when out

we've tried getting him to come back, not putting the lead on, repeating this.. (so he doesn't know if that time it'll be lead time)... 

we don't shout at him when we finally get him

the first lot of training he had in puppy school.... the recall test we all had to one by one call our dogs to us from the other side of the field... my dog came like a bullet... and when almost in reach swerved with a doggy smile & tongue lolling out ... 

the last training he had was with a police dog handler..  I know him & his GSD from our walks... he said he'd have another go with me.

His end verdict was "he gets it... its just to him its funnier to wind you up"  He said out best hope was to try again when he is older.. and more mature (he is 5).

I cannot risk off lead on walks anymore... last time I did he ran off.... through the woods... up the country lane which had a dustbin man lorry reversing down it.... he ran under it and out between the front & back wheels as it was moving... and straight out onto a busy A road.  

I got lucky.. the blessed bin men stopped the traffic on the A road and cornered him!   

But I thought he was a gonner!
oh lol the leg cocking thing...

apparently when my mum was in hospital having me, my dad & uncle were left in charge of our childhood cairn who was still a pup.

Having had a few whiskeys to celebrate the arrival of me...  they got onto the subject of the dog... my uncle apparently told my dad it wasn't on to have a dog that wazzed like a girl....  so out the pair of them went... with poor old Angus, on the lead.   with a bit of string tied around one leg... they stopped at every lamp post and my uncle would pull the string to get the dog to cock his leg.

How true this is no-one knows... but my mum says when she got out of hospital Angus was "wazzing like a man"

Another problem with my dog is if we meet another dog while out walking he goes nuts and starts barking and trying to get to them and I have to pull him back and walk a different way. When I got him he was dead sociable and was with a load of other dogs, so cant understand why he's like this now?

I haven't had him done yet, people say that helps to calm them down, does anyone know if this is true?
He was 2 in October and has never shown an inkling for cocking his leg to do a wee. I even tried to show him in the garden a few times but he weren't having none of it (and the neighbours thought I'd lost my marbles). So now I've accepted I have a transgender dog
hey Karma, my dog's mum (JRT) cocks her leg. I still laugh to this day when I see her do it
the "having them done" thing doesn't always work.

especially in an adult male... the testosterone has already kicked in.   Besides I know dogs that are like that that are neutered.

AJ is the same with certain dogs.... and he has a hit list of 5 dogs he absolutely hates.... there is no reason to why he hates them... but he hates them!

is another reason I cannot let him off lead.. it would be irresponsible of me.

Bizarre thing is though....  there are dogs he likes... some of these dogs look identical to ones he hates.   BUT...  the owners of the dogs he likes say that their dogs hate the same dogs that mine does.

My dog hates 2 black labs, 1 big mountain dog type... a springer spaniel (who is lovely) and a border collie..   he loves a border terrier, a different border collie, an english setter, a different black lab.

gender or whether they are neutered makes no difference... its mixed with them all.

he is only scared of one dog... the only dog I have ever known him cower from... and its a Yorkshire terrier!


I think some dogs must walk along chuntering stuff in dog language that we can;t hear...   cos its weird!
I've often thought that too! That they must have certain ones they like and ones they don't and when I've been out walking with mine I've wondered if he's eyed a dog over the road and the other dog's given it 'Oi geeza, what you looking at - wanna bleedin photograph?' and my dogs thought ' I aint 'avin none of that, I'm gonna show him I'm proper tooled up' and then starts barking and showing his teeth.

But then strange things do occupy my mind a lot of time
Yes Karma.  Neutering will came him down a good bit.

With meeting other dogs on your walks - I would suggest you use a Halti lead.  This is a seperate lead that goes over his head and controls the direction of where he can look.  They are in all pet shops and are easy to use and when you find yourself in that type of situation, just tighten up the Halti part of the lead and give the command "LEAVE" and keep on walking.
I've often thought that too! That they must have certain ones they like and ones they don't and when I've been out walking with mine I've wondered if he's eyed a dog over the road and the other dog's given it 'Oi geeza, what you looking at - wanna bleedin photograph?' and my dogs thought ' I aint 'avin none of that, I'm gonna show him I'm proper tooled up' and then starts barking and showing his teeth.
with me still not fully understanding the lingo here yet I still got what you were saying
takes my dog up to half an hour to find the perfect place for a poo too!  half an hour of circling... squatting...  changing mind...  & repeat.

so why after all that, the perfect place ends up being ontop of a load of brambles with thorns attacking his man bits, and on three legs (so doing it down the other leg) is beyond me!

I would love to see what my dog would make of Cesar...
I am not doing a very good job at selling people on my fave breed...

for the record - my dog is a born alpha.  in the wild he would be alpha or die!

it was why we picked him out of the 30 odd puppies at the breeders (he was the one that was systematically picking up the toys and taking them to a pile he was making in the corner!  whilst the others all ran around in circles)
I have always trained all of my dogs to the command "BE QUICK" when training them to potty.  That way, you can train them to do both evacuations quickly.

|I did have one nightmare evening years ago when we were all ready to go out to a posh dinner.  My eldest son was still preening himself at the mirror in the hall and without thinking, I said for Heavens sake BE QUICK.  All five Rottweilers, two German Shepherds and two Gordon Setters duly obliged  -  on the kitchen floor!!!
I use "hurry up" when I let him in the garden for a wee.

but as for pooing on demand... my dog is a shy pooer... I have to pretend to look away... and he won't do it if there is anyone else around.

this may be because when he was about 8 mths old... my son decided that when the poor dog was hunched and doing his business it was the ideal time for a cuddle... I can still see the whites of the dogs eyes now!  
My favourite dogs

1.  Greyhounds or prozac on legs as I have heard them called.  Gentle, lazy giants and so loveable.
2.  Staffordshire Bull Terriers - my local breed and one sadly getting a bad name.
3.  Border collies - complete nutters  but lovely and loyal companions.
4.  Westies - lovely little characters.
5.  Flat coated retrievers - beautiful looking dogs with a lovely nature. 

 We had a cross breed that was the double of this picture, she was called Roly and I was once offered 500.00 for her by a man whilst out walking her, even though I insisted she was a cross breed he wouldn't believe me and so I left pretty quickly!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
I've never had a dog, but if I was going to get one it would be a border collie, GSD or greyhound I like Dobermans too, but never having had a dog, they're probably not the best place to start

Karma, I caught a bit of Its me or the Dog last night... similar problem to what you're having. She said as soon as the dog barked at another dog, turn around and walk in the opposite direction... then it would learn that barking at the dog meant it wouldn't get to go up to it and play - that was all it wanted, it just got over excited Dunno if that would help
I like Dobermans too Saz!  I have only known one..  called Ziggy... and she was lovely (to everyone except hedgehogs! )

& Manchester terriers are mini Dobermans.   Toy Manchester Terriers are pocket Dobermans!

Re: its me of the dog!  &... even if my dog broke into a bit of body popping & moonwalked past the dog in question.. I still wouldn't be letting him go & play with it!  

The bird that does that show... she was an actress that whilst not getting any acting jobs did a bit of dog walking in the US.   & that is (or was) the extent of her dog expertise!   I'm not keen on her... the strumped up hussy
my dog does cock his leg... but there is a little hill bit at the side of our garden (is where I had dumped a load of soil I had dug up... left it and it grassed over!)... when the dog is feeling lazy he goes over and stands so that one leg is on the hill and wee's.   

I don't believe he can be that tired that lifting a leg is too much effort!
Karma, I caught a bit of Its me or the Dog last night... similar problem to what you're having. She said as soon as the dog barked at another dog, turn around and walk in the opposite direction... then it would learn that barking at the dog meant it wouldn't get to go up to it and play - that was all it wanted, it just got over excited Dunno if that would help
Well I tested him once, we met a poodle (of all things) and I let him have a sniff, the next thing he was trying to hump the poodle The poodles owners (grumpy old couple) cacked themselves and started shouting at me and the dog and I just flapped a bit, gave them a bit of verbal back and stomped off

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