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You can't impose western democracy (sic) on tribesmen.
Well, quite.

We didn't just arrive at that ourselves, it took hundreds of years and it's embedded in our heads and our social fabric.  Even with a democratic government, it still doesn't mean anything else like equality, human rights, and the rule of law necessarily follows.
huh? They are trying to train?
They're training the police force over there, as well as helping the army.  The murderer was a police recruit, I think.Like Iraq, once internal security breaks down, it's very hard to get it back.  Bizarrely, I think Afghanistan was most stable and most liberal under their brief period of communist rule.
We are still working on the men here, but at least we have some voice.
Women had a voice over there at one point.  They held senior positions in places like universities and took an active role in public life.  I don't suppose Soviet rule was popular even amongst the general population but I'm sure it was better than the internecine warfare among the tribes afterwards and the subsequent Taliban leadership.  That's one thing state communism has in its favour, it tends to treat men and women in the same way.
Reference: Daniel
Women had a voice over there at one point. They held senior positions in places like universities and took an active role in public life. I don't suppose Soviet rule was popular even amongst the general population but I'm sure it was better than the internecine warfare among the tribes afterwards and the subsequent Taliban leadership. That's one thing state communism has in its favour, it tends to treat men and women in the same way.

Communism with a vote is fine by me!

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