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If the Chancellor is so keen to make his children's generation healthier and provide for a better healthier future (as he said in his speech) then why not raise cigarettes to ÂĢ25 per packet and make car makers produce cleaner cars and make public transport better so we don't need as many cars on the road and encourage business and their employees to live closer to each other and restrict how many flights people can take...  the list is endless.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Same old same old....


Failed to meet just about every prediction he made this parliament and the last one too...

More austerity cuts...

Blames everything and everyone but himself...


Oh and a sarcastic remark about his last Lib Dem cohort in the coalition...


I rather enjoyed JC's attack on it though

Coming of age speech from what I heard of it 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Lifetime ISA.


I think the young lad who was interviewed has completely missed the point of it, he said it's for thing you might want to save for like a house or a car. Yes, you can save for a house, but anything else and you have to wait until you are 60 to get the money.


So no car for you matey lad.



Moonie posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Lifetime ISA.


I think the young lad who was interviewed has completely missed the point of it, he said it's for thing you might want to save for like a house or a car. Yes, you can save for a house, but anything else and you have to wait until you are 60 to get the money.


So no car for you matey lad.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Moonie posted:

Same old same old....


Failed to meet just about every prediction he made this parliament and the last one too...

More austerity cuts...

Blames everything and everyone but himself...


Oh and a sarcastic remark about his last Lib Dem cohort in the coalition...


I rather enjoyed JC's attack on it though

Coming of age speech from what I heard of it 

I posted so much in Pirate's fred 

Sprout posted:
Moonie posted:

Same old same old....


Failed to meet just about every prediction he made this parliament and the last one too...

More austerity cuts...

Blames everything and everyone but himself...


Oh and a sarcastic remark about his last Lib Dem cohort in the coalition...


I rather enjoyed JC's attack on it though

Coming of age speech from what I heard of it 

I posted so much in Pirate's fred 

I there a budget thread Sprout?


I don't have a search facility so don't always bother to look. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Sprout posted:
Moonie posted:

Same old same old.... 

Failed to meet just about every prediction he made this parliament and the last one too...

More austerity cuts...

Blames everything and everyone but himself... 

Oh and a sarcastic remark about his last Lib Dem cohort in the coalition...

I rather enjoyed JC's attack on it though

Coming of age speech from what I heard of it 

I posted so much in Pirate's fred 

I there a budget thread Sprout?

I don't have a search facility so don't always bother to look.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


If the Chancellor is so keen to make his children's generation healthier and provide for a better healthier future (as he said in his speech) then why not raise cigarettes to ÂĢ25 per packet and make car makers produce cleaner cars and make public transport better so we don't need as many cars on the road and encourage business and their employees to live closer to each other and restrict how many flights people can take...  the list is endless.


Cos it's all about the money, money, money 

Sprout posted:

The thing that annoys me is The Northern Powerhouse.......where the hell does he think the north begins and ends?    No mention, yet again for us up here...except for a mention of the schools, errrrm I'm sure we're not all thick up here as he appears to be alluding to 


The Northern Powerhouse is a load of guff. Everything will end up in London.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Sprout posted:

The thing that annoys me is The Northern Powerhouse.......where the hell does he think the north begins and ends?    No mention, yet again for us up here...except for a mention of the schools, errrrm I'm sure we're not all thick up here as he appears to be alluding to 


The Northern Powerhouse is a load of guff. Everything will end up in London.

JC actually said so in his reply to the budget....he said, it's been London 

Sprout posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Sprout posted:

The thing that annoys me is The Northern Powerhouse.......where the hell does he think the north begins and ends?    No mention, yet again for us up here...except for a mention of the schools, errrrm I'm sure we're not all thick up here as he appears to be alluding to 


The Northern Powerhouse is a load of guff. Everything will end up in London.

JC actually said so in his reply to the budget....he said, it's been London 

The reason I say it as I have a real world example. Sheffield has been earmarked as one of the Northern Powerhouses and on the HS2 line. Recently they announced a government department which had been set up in Sheffield was closing and moving to London. I believe it was raised in parliament. But really, if anyone thought we would get jobs etc they must be dreaming. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I hope now that Oliver is so keen to have a sugar tax, all his recipes have reduced sugar in them. Bet they won't.

Jamie has been self-imposing a 10p "sugar tax" on sugary drinks at all his restaurants since September. Along with other restaurants in the scheme, he's raised ÂĢ50,000 so far for the Sustain charity. IMO he's walking the walk.

Eugene's Lair
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Why is the sugar tax just on drinks and not confectionary?

As I understand it, it’s more about drawing attention to the huge amounts of “hidden” sugar that the big companies fill their products with unnecessarily, and to encourage people, especially children, to go for alternatives (such as plain old water) instead of defaulting to colas or whatever with every meal. It's not about stopping people from having a sweet treat now and then.


Everyone knows that a Mars Bar’s full of sugar without being told, but how many people knew that some Starbucks drinks had the equivalent of 25 teaspoons of sugar in them? I was certainly shocked at that. (Not that I’d give Starbucks my money in the first place, but that’s not the pointâ€Ķ)


Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

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