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The news tonight has a feature on the problems caused to hospitals by people excessively drinking, especially during the Xmas period.

Although they stated that drinking has overall reduced a small minority are drinking more heavily.

As ever the solution being thrown around is to tax alcohol more. Minimum unit pricing. Is this the solution?

I tend to feel sorry for all those who drink sensibly who will be affected by this because of a so called small minority.

What say you my friends?


P.S. I do know what I would like to do to those who binge drink and unnecessarily clog up hospitals with an issue that could have been avoided. 


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Cosmopolitan posted:

Charge them a fee for their A&E services.  It's self inflicted, messes up the queue of legitimate ' accidental emergencies' in the waiting room and 9 times out of 10 has resulted in ugly anti social behaviour too.  Can't be doing with 'em.

I'd expect to pay for self inflicted stoooopidity.


Cosmopolitan posted:

Charge them a fee for their A&E services.  It's self inflicted, messes up the queue of legitimate ' accidental emergencies' in the waiting room and 9 times out of 10 has resulted in ugly anti social behaviour too.  Can't be doing with 'em.

I'd expect to pay for self inflicted stoooopidity.

Thing is.  What's self inflicted?

You might say that respiratory problems are self inflected in people who smoke

Heart problems in people who are obese, muscle, arthritis and bone fractures in people who do (especially extreme) sports, liver problems in people who bulk up with steroids and protein mixes, people who visit tanning salons, the sexually promiscuous, sex workers, people who abuse illegal, legal and prescription drugs, suicide attempts, people in occupations where they are likely to be conflicts, people who have accidents when speeding, people who drive with bald tyres and other motor defects, people who ignore medical advice or shun treatment due to religious or other convictions, people who go to unsafe destinations on holiday or have dodgy private surgery, liver problems with people with excessive sugar intake.

The list is endless

Last edited by Carnelian

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