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Madame Arcati posted:

The more I think about it the angrier I'm getting.

To say something like that about people who hold a different opinion to him makes the fellow an absolute bounder in my book

I was pretty disgusted about it too.

It's perhaps interesting to compare his comments with those of Jacob Rees-Mogg on HIGNFY last week. He made it very clear that he strongly disagreed with Corbyn over the policing of terrorism issue, but admired him for having the courage to voice opinions which may be unpopular but which he profoundly believes in.

Eugene's Lair

He's a cock wombling thin lipped war mongering idiot !

People are concerned over a futile war and the deaths of innocent people in a war torn country that is already being bombed by ten other countries. People that symapthise with children being bombed, people that are terrified about the rise of terrorism in this country due to us attacking Syria are labelled 'terrorist sympathsisers' 

I'm proud to have those feelings, but Mr Dick Head...I am not a 'terrorist sympathiser' and you make me ashamed to be British. Karma is a bitch, when we are sharing airspace with the Russian, I truly hope for this country it doesn't come back to bite you on your lying ass. 


its a long read, but  this guy sums up my feelings much better than I can.



I make no bones or any apologies that I have never ever liked the Tories. I despise them for what they stand for , and I despise what they represent , and that is mainly because they only represent the very few while casting aside the majority.

They have always been wealthy selfserving and self entitled narrow minded bigots who view the struggles of the many as just a drain on making the wealthy , wealthier ! They consider themselves elitest and they act in accordance.

I grew up under Thatcher but I was lucky enough to have been raised in a middle class home in a neat and tidy street HOWEVER I saw some of my school friends dressed in rags and stealing food from shops at lunchtimes. The council estate across the railway line became a vandalised ghetto of glue sniffing kids with no where to go and nothing to do. Like the rest of the country I saw the poorer communities around me and in other towns destroyed by unemployment and underfunding and it forever left it's mark on me and a desire never to see these injustices again in this country.

Unfortunately and so so sadly the cycle is happening again as the lower classes are singled out and punished for the totally unfair blame for the criminal activities of the Tory Bankers. I dreaded this country being lorded over by two ex Bullingdon club boys and it choked me to think that David Cameron would become the prime minister of the United Kingdom. I have listened to David Cameron's lies for six years now and I thought that this revolting little man could sink no lower than he already has ! But yesterday evening he proved me yet again wrong.

Today this parliament will make a monumental decision to open yet another conflict , this time in Syria. But because this country is a democracy and our parliament is supposedly democratic this allows each MP to vote with his or her belief and even rebel against their own party line.

We all know that Jeremy Corbyn is against military action in Syria as are other MPs on both side of the house and so is the majority of the public in the latest independent polls. So with such a monumental personal decision to make and remembering the fate of the Jordanian pilot who's plane malfunctioned over Isis held Syria. Which ended with that young man being burned alive while trapped in a cage and then his smouldering body being crushed by a bulldozer for good measure.

So the decision to send our own young pilots into a conflict that should they for whatever reason end up in the hands of these monsters , would most definitely see them suffering the most horrendous death imaginable, which would be played out in front of the world , including their own loved ones , that vote should weigh on the mind of every single MP, and that is not taking into account the civilians who will surly die in some of these bombing raids. The last two children of who's ages were six and eight killed by British bombing in Iraq were valued at just over six hundred pounds each in compensation by this government to their families.

So instead of David Cameron respecting parliaments democracy and a decision that some people feel that they cannot support because of their own personal beliefs he prefers to label them as " Jeremy Corbyn and a bunch of terrorist sympathisers " to his own party members. His exact comment was " You should not be walking through the lobbies with Jeremy Corbyn and a bunch of terrorist sympathisers " I do not think I have ever heard such a disgusting and crass comment on such an important subject from a back bench drunk in a pub let alone the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom !

Of course that would also make me and millions of other Brits terrorist sympathisers as well ! and I can assure David Cameron i am far from that. Just because this vulgar little man has not convinced me as well as many others that there is a need to join in the bombing of already the most heavily bombed place on earth, reflects more on his poor argument and lack of knowledge of what is really going on in Syria. We in my view are already tackling ISIS in northern Iraq with mixed results. Why an earth don't we finish one job before going gung ho on to yet another.

What an earth makes David Cameron think that yet another country bombing away in Syria is going to win the day when the two mightiest war machines in this planets history have not succeeded in overcoming an insurgency of little more than 30,000 extremists ! Why can't we concentrate on Northern Iraq and get those hundreds of thousands of women and children off those freezing mountain sides and back to their towns and villages and free of the death cult of ISIS.

David Cameron's labeling of people who serve and love this country as " terrorist sympathisers ' is straight from the gutter and the dormitories of the Bullingdon club. It is uneducated and thug like and very much beneath a so called statesman and the whole country should be mortally embarrassed by his comments. Just because he is so flippant about the consequences of any of our brave service men being butchered by these people or the guaranteed deaths of Syrian civilians and children by any mistakes with our missiles , does not mean that we all are. I would be devastated to see any of our service men in the hands of these monsters and appearing in one of those hideous videos. I would also be equally devastated to see Syrian children buried alive by Western bombs. But to be labelled a terrorist sympathiser by my own Prime Minister for feeling this way is beyond condemnation ! As I have said David Cameron is an utter embarrassment to this country.

And should the unthinkable happen to any of our servicemen or this country should suffer another terror attack because of our needless participation in an already over crowded conflict , I do not think that David Camerons premiership would survive the fallout and his legacy in this countries history would expose him as the ignorant and incompetent fool that he is ! But because of the tragic circumstance even that would give me no pleasure.

Much love to you all, and I believe that the next time I shall write for you the bombs will already be falling over what is left of Syria.

Kaffs posted:
Sprout posted:

I'm trying to understand on the news which way we are going  

to war, sprouty.

and still that tosspot stands by his comments.    I loathe that man.

No more than me dear 


In fact, I hate, loathe, and despise him!  and that's being conservative 

Last edited by Former Member

These are not terrorist... and i whole heartedly crumble at the thought of them!

WARNING: following video is REALLY hard to watch Hurt Syrien children

Ok what wories me here is im sure i shared this on fb a little while ago and i know a friend shared my post.... Both arent there anymore... Read into that what you will


It's awful Jen, but at the same time, I do want checks put in place to prove we all are who we say we are...there are good and bad in all walks of life, it's a case of weeding them out.

I got on the Metro the other night and sat facing a Muslim woman with the veil on and all the rest of could see her looking around and I thought....she's very's wrong! 


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