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and this coming from a government that has...


Borrowed more money than any other, that has lied, that now has total control of the media. that makes terminal ill seek work with weeks to live, that sanctions people for wearing the wrong clothes, going to a relatives funeral, being ill. Puts a tax on having a spare room, preyed on peoples fears and prejudices..whilst the 1% have got richer.What happened to the trickle's trickled into the the back pockets of the biggest scrounges of any...the tax avoiders. 

It's bad enough that the poorest in society are having to bear the brunt of a global meltdown, but to gloat and laugh is unforgivable. More cuts to come for the disabled, I think this government would use a firing squad if they thought they could get away with it...good old UK makes me want to throw up. 


The reason the Lords stopped the tax credits for now was because Cameron lied, he lied in April before the election and refused to put it in the manifesto...they misled the electorate. I was delighted to see my old MP and friend Dale Campbell-Savours ( who owes me more cigarettes and pints than I care to remember) give a heartfelt speech and call Cameron a liar. He continually votes in the lords even in ill health, doesn't fly over from the USA to vote with the government for the first time in two years unlike Andrew Lloyd Webber  This is likely to change, the tories will now flood even more Tory peers into the Lords, even though they have the most peers...democracy, more North korea.


We have now handed over the building and running of three nuclear power stations to the Chinese which in turn will put the cost of fuel even higher. whilst cosy deals with the Saudi's is acceptable if you are a Conservative...I'm gobsmacked, totally gobsmacked. Oh and the topping on the cake, we'll not help the steel workers, we'll just buy it from China whilst we give 3 million to their football teams. While Michael Heseltine is ecstatic for those losing their jobs in Redcar because it's a good time to lose them  because the job situation in the UK is exciting  tell that to the many thousands that are on zero contract hours, or those that can't find a job that's having to use food banks...


I could go on and on...but I'll not bother, with the electoral changes and boundary changes...we probably will never have a chance to have another party in government. 



Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



and this coming from a government that has...


Borrowed more money than any other, that has lied, that now has total control of the media. that makes terminal ill seek work with weeks to live, that sanctions people for wearing the wrong clothes, going to a relatives funeral, being ill. Puts a tax on having a spare room, preyed on peoples fears and prejudices..whilst the 1% have got richer.What happened to the trickle's trickled into the the back pockets of the biggest scrounges of any...the tax avoiders. 

It's bad enough that the poorest in society are having to bear the brunt of a global meltdown, but to gloat and laugh is unforgivable. More cuts to come for the disabled, I think this government would use a firing squad if they thought they could get away with it...good old UK makes me want to throw up. 


The reason the Lords stopped the tax credits for now was because Cameron lied, he lied in April before the election and refused to put it in the manifesto...they misled the electorate. I was delighted to see my old MP and friend Dale Campbell-Savours ( who owes me more cigarettes and pints than I care to remember) give a heartfelt speech and call Cameron a liar. He continually votes in the lords even in ill health, doesn't fly over from the USA to vote with the government for the first time in two years unlike Andrew Lloyd Webber  This is likely to change, the tories will now flood even more Tory peers into the Lords, even though they have the most peers...democracy, more North korea.


We have now handed over the building and running of three nuclear power stations to the Chinese which in turn will put the cost of fuel even higher. whilst cosy deals with the Saudi's is acceptable if you are a Conservative...I'm gobsmacked, totally gobsmacked. Oh and the topping on the cake, we'll not help the steel workers, we'll just buy it from China whilst we give 3 million to their football teams. While Michael Heseltine is ecstatic for those losing their jobs in Redcar because it's a good time to lose them  because the job situation in the UK is exciting  tell that to the many thousands that are on zero contract hours, or those that can't find a job that's having to use food banks...


I could go on and on...but I'll not bother, with the electoral changes and boundary changes...we probably will never have a chance to have another party in government. 




Well said Dame,I personally was affected by the so called bedroom tax.I lost ÂĢ12.00 a week in housing benefits because I lived alone in a two bed housing association house.I  have a pension with the council which is a higher rate than the state pension,which i won't get get for another six years.I have paid for this house at least five times over it's value in rent.That's okay because I  believe in social housing.I hate that THatcher introduced the right to buy,thankfully the Scottish govt have blocked this now,they also introduced a discretionary housing benefit payment for the last two years so I get back the amount of the bedroom tax.

Well anyway I'm not on any benefits because my niece has moved back in with me and that puts me over the rate etc,she works full time. I hate these Tory bastarts with a passion with their let's just hammer the less well off etc whilst giving cash back to rich folk and bleedin' millionaires via tax band changes ,folk fell for their crap,hope they are happy now.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

That prick IDS is my most hated politico of all time Sprouty.


And I think food banks are open to abuse from chancers. Hope not    

Yes I do think that too.  I watched a programme the other night. Someone went and got three bags full of food...then came out to say on gives him more money for booze and cigs.


Then there was another man went to his bank to have a ÂĢ10 charge waivered for his Sky account for it either not being paid or not paid on time. What's he doing with that anyway? 


There was also someone else, lived in Glasgow and was going to Manchester to find work. To be fair he did say he did want to work but it was more beneficial for him to stay on benefits. He said he got ÂĢ1400 a month, that's more than I was getting when I was working and I wasn't really badly paid. I just question the reason as to why he was getting that much? as I couldn't see any different circs to the rest of us. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Sprout:

There's suggestions of 'them'   putting JCP advisors in food banks now. WTF for!  as if people aren't persecuted enough! 

Because I read somewhere that 'call me Dave' actually said that foodbanks were  part of the welfare system!


Apparently they're to be used as part of the mitigation of the effect of the cuts to the welfare budget!!!!!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

There's suggestions of 'them'   putting JCP advisors in food banks now. WTF for!  as if people aren't persecuted enough! 

Because I read somewhere that 'call me Dave' actually said that foodbanks were  part of the welfare system!


Apparently they're to be used as part of the mitigation of the effect of the cuts to the welfare budget!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

That prick IDS is my most hated politico of all time Sprouty.


And I think food banks are open to abuse from chancers. Hope not    

Yes I do think that too.  I watched a programme the other night. Someone went and got three bags full of food...then came out to say on gives him more money for booze and cigs.


Then there was another man went to his bank to have a ÂĢ10 charge waivered for his Sky account for it either not being paid or not paid on time. What's he doing with that anyway? 


There was also someone else, lived in Glasgow and was going to Manchester to find work. To be fair he did say he did want to work but it was more beneficial for him to stay on benefits. He said he got ÂĢ1400 a month, that's more than I was getting when I was working and I wasn't really badly paid. I just question the reason as to why he was getting that much? as I couldn't see any different circs to the rest of us. 



I don't entertain these programme's, they can drag any scrounger out...but it is not a representation of genuine cases. It's propaganda, when they start making programme's about non doms, companies that are not paying a living wage or the massive amount of tax avoidance that goes on in the is country I might consider it.


As for the guy that gets 1400 a month, did they explain his circumstance, most benefits are paid in one lump sum housing, JSA, poll tax would make up his monthly claim and he then must pay his landlord/council, did they explain if he was in social housing, private landlord, how much rent was for his area?.. no-one can claim that amount on JSA unless it was to cover other costs, housing, children etc, and if the guy was travelling to Manchester looking for a job, he certainly wasn't a scrounger. 


As far as programmes like these are concerned, job done. Fear and prejudice, bang the drum long enough and people tar everyone with the same brush. 


Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

Dame!! I'm sharing that video as far as i can!! And i loved you written post too, it baffles me how so many people dont see what's going on... But i have faith the masses are waking up to the underhanded, back slapping gits the tories are... They look after themselves... THAT'S NOT A GOVERNMENT! 



Jen,   if you want his update.....'s today's.





it's a start 

Tory MPs line up to voice tax credit cut fears - and George Osborne doesn't even fight back

In a humiliating blow for the Chancellor a motion voicing fears over the cuts' impact was passed 215-0 - meaning not a single Tory opposed it

Speaking out: Tories Will Quince, Kevin Foster, Neil Parish, Tania Mathias and Jason McCartney

George Osborne has suffered a humiliating blow after Tory MPs lined up to voice fears over tax credit cuts.

Tory whips did not even bother fighting back tonight as members from all parties called for a study on how his measures will hit the poor.

Astonishingly the motion passed 215-0 - meaning not a single Tory opposed it.

The Chancellor's embarrassment comes just days after he accused the House of Lords of 'breaking convention' for passing a similar motion .

Today's bid was signed by 11 Tory MPs, Labour work and pensions committee chairman Frank Field and members from the Lib Dems, Greens, Plaid Cymru, Ukip, DUP and SDLP.

Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

Dame!! I'm sharing that video as far as i can!! And i loved you written post too, it baffles me how so many people dont see what's going on... But i have faith the masses are waking up to the underhanded, back slapping gits the tories are... They look after themselves... THAT'S NOT A GOVERNMENT! 



Jen,   if you want his update.....'s today's.


I think we all know what kind of person him and his cronies are 


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