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Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I can't hear what was said?

The BBC have had to bleep it out, CS.

Reading through Sarah Teale's twitter account, a few have suggested the idiot was copying an internet "craze" or "meme"- not certain which they mean, but if it's the one I'm thinking of it's totally obscene and I cannot possibly repeat it here.


What bothers me almost as much as a journalist having to put up with that carp in the street is the number of people who try to excuse it by claiming it's staged, or else saying that because it's an "internet craze", that makes it OK! It might explain it, but as Teale says herself; "If it is a craze it doesn't make it any less offensive."


Way too much of this sort of misogynistic nonsense on the interweb is still considered acceptable, IMO...

Eugene's Lair

ok found it..  so some stoopid kid says what he wishes he could do to an attractive and confident woman, something he'd never get a chance in a million yrs to do to any woman with a mentality like that 


as to the 'has this ever happened to any females on here' question.. well the reporter was talking about being groped in public too. .yep happened to me while waiting for a train a long time ago, wasn't just a pinched bum type thing, was a full on grope ..reported it to the station police, it went to court. .guy never showed.. skipped the country.. another occasion had another guy sat next to me on the train trying to run his hand up my leg. . I stood up and got my briefcase from the overhead storage and dropped it on his head..  had my arse groped in many a  pub. .usual reaction was to turn around and slap the groper around the face with a good telling off... as for obscene comments .. sadly it is part and parcel of being a women around stoopid boy/men. so yeah that happens too.. 


Must admit am a lot older now and never go out so not had it happen for a long time. .but then old hag women don't get anything but nasty abuse about how fugly they are so the abuse changes over the years but you still get it. . must be a boy/man thing to abuse women. .probably small d1ck syndrome 

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Not pleasant is it Jen?


The one I actually reported to the cops was more than a bum group. .the guy actually put his hand up my mid calf length skirt, was a swingy style so didn't feel his hand going up the skirt until he had then grabbed my groin in a very sexual manner. .


I was getting a coffee at the station [about 30 yrs ago now] and he'd been leaning against the booth ..I was shocked and walked away at first then thought nah he's not getting away with that, it is beyond a bum grope so I went back, he was still there, and I told the people behind the counter who called the station police. . the guy just stayed there and was arrested on the spot.. but as I said he then left the country and didn't turn up for the court case. . was pretty peeved cos in my statement I had to be very graphic about what he had actually done and twas a bloke cop who was taking the statement too  


As an aside I did end up dating one of the station cops for a few months after... he rang me a few weeks later and asked me out. . when we stopped dating twas a bit awkward as he worked at my regular station so had to try to avoid him every day.. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*

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