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I saw a piece on the BBC Breakfast show about how more and more nurseries are having 'Graduation Ceremonies' for the children leaving.


I have to say that as soon as I saw it I was rolling my eyes at yet another Americanism making it's way into British life.


I'm sure that there will be many people already making money out of the parents and if it really does catch on I foresee it escalating into post graduation parties, graduation gowns etc etc.


I was firmly on the side of the psychologist who says that it would not be remembered by the kids and that it starts the negative reinforcement that what on the outside is more important than what's on the inside along with the extra hassle for parents having to take time off work to attend.


The teacher (is that what they are) as you would expect sees nothing wrong in it and it was just a nice way of seeing off the kids.


Why not just have a nice little party with a bit of food and games for the kids?



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Well my little one has a leaving assembly on Thurs afternoon... It's nothing formal or anything, I'm assuming it's where they are going to give a couple of awards out etc.


Son has his yr6 leavers assembly Friday... Same again... Give a few awards out... Mention a few running jokes etc.... get everyone to sign your shirt/jumpers say good bye to everyone and off home by lunch time


I've seen a few posts about yr6 proms on fb which i also find ridiculous! Have a party if you want but a prom? I can see it now 11yr old arriving at the school 'prom' in limos 

Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

Well my little one has a leaving assembly on Thurs afternoon... It's nothing formal or anything, I'm assuming it's where they are going to give a couple of awards out etc.


Son has his yr6 leavers assembly Friday... Same again... Give a few awards out... Mention a few running jokes etc.... get everyone to sign your shirt/jumpers say good bye to everyone and off home by lunch time


I've seen a few posts about yr6 proms on fb which i also find ridiculous! Have a party if you want but a prom? I can see it now 11yr old arriving at the school 'prom' in limos 

How old are your Jen? 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

Youngest is 4yrs (5 in sept) and Son is 11yrs

 I do feel for young families (I know a couple), it's the financial burden and so hard not to deny the children anything. I always think it would be nicer for the whole family to have a nice holiday and do things together. When I was at school there was none of this and I'm still in touch with old school friends and we had a pretty decent time - except for having to work down t'pit during the 6 week holidays 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

Youngest is 4yrs (5 in sept) and Son is 11yrs

 I do feel for young families (I know a couple), it's the financial burden and so hard not to deny the children anything. I always think it would be nicer for the whole family to have a nice holiday and do things together. When I was at school there was none of this and I'm still in touch with old school friends and we had a pretty decent time - except for having to work down t'pit during the 6 week holidays 

 You were lucky I was sent down chimneys and 'busy cleaning windahs' in me lunch break..


Radio 5 had their 'your call' feature on this this morning. It was interesting to hear the different people's views. Myself, I hate it and think there's nothing so ridiculous. Why not just have a party in the school hall like we did, everyone got dressed up without going overboard and a good time was had....mind you it was more than 30 years ago 

Originally Posted by Sprout:

Radio 5 had their 'your call' feature on this this morning. It was interesting to hear the different people's views. Myself, I hate it and think there's nothing so ridiculous. Why not just have a party in the school hall like we did, everyone got dressed up without going overboard and a good time was had....mind you it was more than 30 years ago 

It was the same for me and has been so far with my kids too. It's inevitable now some schools have started doing it others will follow suit though 


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