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you know ive lost the mint?


i still got the wilf

hes the most touchy scared dog ive ever had

if he heard a balloon pop, he would go into shock (so would i)

he NEVER goes upstairs cos he wants me to go up first


anyway this is the 2nd time this has happenened since the mintchop went


1st time it was sunny evening, he stared at the living room door for ages

just stared

then he stood in one place for 10/15mins in the garden staring at one place-comes in

and goes upstairs


tonight he stares at the doorway-he goes outside,its p!ssing down with rain-he stood in same spot for a full 10mins getting soaked through

his one ear is stood up

what he does when he's listening

he wouldnt come in

he came in on his own, i dried him, then he promptly goes upstairs lying by mintys spot and staring at it with one ear up


now i know you probably think im wishing/hoping/bonkers

but theres been odd little things aswell


barking at where mint used to lie down

he waits a while then jumps in her spot



plus a few more odd moments


they always used to swap food

now he eats a bit

lies down

gets up and eats some more


lots of oddness


so are me and the wilf going a bit bonkers?



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