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... is anyone else surprised by the world's reaction?


Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for America. Good for them, it's about time. But would there be the same reaction if a different country legalised same-sex marriage?


For example, South Korea. If they legalised it. Would facebook be inundated with everyone's profile pics being switched to rainbows? Would all social media be blowing up with the announcement? Would News sites have multiple different articles on the same thing?


I don't recall such a reaction when Ireland legalised it. So why would the world react like this to America?


I'm not trying to be controversial here, I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks it's a bit odd?

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yeah, i get ya

s'pose even though america is a big/leading nation theyre still quite a new one

and a little bit in the dark ages

some of them havent stopped having a fit of the vapours since they got a black president

imagine them rednecks! all related in a funny sort of way() but probably saying 'why i can not burleeve that 2 men can be unitayed in mayrage'


then in the next breath 'mama, do ya know where darleeene, ma wife, yow daughter is?'



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